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PublicationAuthorsStudy countriesPriority areasPublication yearType
The application of terrain evaluation to road engineering. Conference on Road Engineering in Asia and Australasia, Kuala Lumpur, 11-16 June 19731973
Natural slope problems related to roads in Java, Indonesia. Second International Conference on Geomechanics in Tropical Soils, Singapore, 12-14 December 19881988
Photographic recording and measurement techniques for monitoring slope failures. First South American Symposium on Landslides, Piapa, Colombia1989
Application of remote sensing to material resource location in developing countries. 15th Annual Conference of the Remote sensing Society, University of Bristol, 13-15 September 19891989
Trials of an acoustic method of measuring piezometric levels in standpipes. Hydrological Process, 4, 35-43.1990
Cylinder retaining walls. Highways and Transportation, 38(6), 30-341991
The design and use of a quarry materials inventory. 6th Conference of REAAA. Kuala Lumpur 4-10 March 19901990
A simple field suction measurement probe. 10th Regional Conference for Africa on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering and 3rd International Conference on Tropical and Residual Soils, Maseru, 23-27 September 19911991
Highway earthwork and slope assessment in Malaysia. Seventh REAAA Conference, Singapore, 22-26 June 19921992
Indonesian slope inventory studies. Seventh REAAA Conference, Singapore, 22-26 June 19921992
The status and use of the Indonesian a national roadmaking materials inventory. Fifth Annual Conference on Road Engineering, Bandung, Indonesia, 9-11 May 19941994
Low cost engineering and vegetative measures for stabilising roadside slopes in Nepal. Institution of Civil Engineers Conference on Vegetation and Slopes, Oxford. 29-30 September 19941994
Earthwork monitoring: a project management system. Institution of Civil Engineers Conference on Vegetation and Slopes, Oxford. 29-30 September 19941994
Terrain evaluation and the use of remote sensing in civil engineering. 4th Symposium on Terrain Evaluation and Data Storage, Pretoria, 3-5 August 19941994
Comparison between aerial and ground-based assessments of road earthworks failures in Nepal. Eighth REAAA Conference, Taipei, 17-21 April, 19951995
The analysis of earthworks and slope deterioration from aerial photographs. Second Caribbean Conference on Natural Hazards and Disasters, Jamaica, 9 – 12 October 19961996
Highway earthwork management; A need for strategies to control slope problems. Highways into the Next Century Conference, Kowloon, Shangri-La, Hong Kong, 24 – 26 November 19961996
The methodology and results of slope stability studies in Indonesia. XXI st World Road Congress, PIARC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 3 – 9 October 19991999
A strategy for slope hazard assessment in road planning and maintenance. World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee C12 Seminar in Nepal, March 20032003