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PublicationAuthorsStudy countriesPriority areasPublication yearType
A view of road maintenance economics, policy and management in developing countries1988
ORN14 Hydrological design manual for slope stability in the tropics
ORN16 Principles of low cost road engineering in mountainous regions
ORN7 Volume 2. Bridge inspector’s handbook
Pedestrian accidents and road safety education in selected developing countries.
Sustainable livelihoods mobility and access needs in urban and peri urban areas. 20th Annual South African Transport Conference, Pretoria, 16 – 20 July 2001.
Sustainable livelihoods, mobility and access needs
Sustainable livelihoods, mobility and activity patterns in Zimbabwe and Uganda.CODATU X Conference, Lome, Togo, 12 – 15 November, 2002.
Transport versus service provision: A sustainable livelihoods profile of Cameroon. 74th EAAE Seminar on Livelihoods and Rural Poverty, Wye, UK, 12 – 15 September 2001.
The Kenya maintenance study on unpaved roads: research on deterioration1984
Use of soft limestone for road-base construction in Belize. Seventh International Conference on Low-Volume Roads, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA. 23 – 26 May 1999
A guide for drivers of heavy goods vehicles, right hand side1990
Engineering standards of the Kenyan rural access roads. PTRC. Summer Annual Meeting, University of Warwick, 9-12 July, 19791979
Calibration and standardisation of road roughness measurements using the TRL profile beam. Seventh REAAA Conference, Singapore, 22-26 June 19921992
Accessibility and agricultural development in the Ashanti region of Ghana1983
Manual for the labour-based construction of bituminous surfacings on low-volume roads2002
ORN22 A guide to pro-poor transport appraisal – the inclusion of social benefits in road investment appraisal2004
Urban tranport services in Sub-Saharan Africa; Recommendations for reform in Uganda2002
Bituminous surfacing for heavily trafficked roads in tropical climates. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Transport, 1998, Feb., 28 – 332000
Top-down cracking: myth or reality? The World Bank Regional Seminar on Innovative Road Rehabilitation and Recycling Technologies, Amman, Jordan, 24 – 26 October 20002000
A guideline for low-volume sealed roads in the SADC region. First Road Transportation Technology Transfer Conference in Africa (Africa T2 2001) Arusha, Tanzania. 23 – 25 May 20012001
The Highway Development and Management Tool – HDM-4. IKRAM’s Seminar on Asphalt Pavement Technology (ISAPT 2001), Kuala Lumpur, October 20012001
A manual of road lighting in developing countries1991
ORN31 A guide to the structural design of bitumen – surfaced roads in tropical and sub-tropical countries1993
ORN15 Guidelines for the design and operation of road management systems1998
ORN13 The use of traffic signals in developing countries1996
ORN12 Design guidelines for busway transit1993
ORN11 Urban road traffic surveys1993
ORN10 Costing road accidents in developing countries1995
ORN9 A guide to small bridge design for highway engineers1992