To support communication and training activities, covering how the Inclusive Interchanges Design Brief template can be used, a presentation has been produced for use by educational institutions and public authorities. The slidedeck comprises two parts, providing the basis for a half-day workshop:
Part A. Training presentation – this provides an introduction to the HVT T-TRIID (Transport Technology Research Innovation for International Development (T-TRIID) Inclusive Interchanges project, covering:
- Aims and methodology of the Inclusive Interchanges project
- The Inclusive Interchanges Design Brief (IIDB) template and how it can be used
- Lagos case studies and key findings
- The Inclusive Interchanges passenger survey
- Reflections and discussions points arising from the project
- Publically available resources from the project
Part B. Groupwork exercises – slide are provided introducing four suggested groupwork exercises, covering selected topics from the Inclusive Interchanges Design Brief template.