With the overall goal of promoting and informing the design of inclusive interchanges, Lagos Metropolitan Area Transport Authority (LAMATA) and SLR consulting have developed and piloted an Inclusive Interchanges Design Brief (IIDB). This tool aids public transport and urban planning authorities in identifying and evaluating key design and management aspects of interchanges, supporting: appraisal of existing and planned facilities; access to technical guidance; and communication of recommendations to design teams.
Potential Impact
Public transport interchanges are vibrant focal points in city life, where transport, commerce and social interaction weave together. Getting interchange design right is central to promoting low carbon, efficient, inclusive and affordable mobility.
Conversely, poor design can lock in disincentives and problems for many years. Lagos, like many African cities, faces the challenge of integrating formal public transport, such as metropolitan rail and Bus Rapid Transit, with the existing Danfo paratransit services that remain integral to the city’s mobility network.
Additionally, transport hubs are popular locations for informal market traders, that may be seen to compete with formal retail businesses. In this context, the design of inclusive interchanges provides the opportunity to create urban hubs that are both socially inclusive, making transport accessible to all, but also sectorally inclusive, supporting coexistence of formal and informal operators.
The team from SLR worked closely with LAMATA to develop a draft Inclusive Interchanges Design Brief (IIDB) template, which was then used to appraise the designs of two case study interchanges in Lagos. Research activities involved review of existing interchange and topic specific design guidelines, stakeholder interviews and workshops, and a pilot passenger survey.
Application of the IIDB appraisal process helped inform the design of the two case study interchanges in Lagos, raising matters for further consideration by the design team. This included the retention and creation of operating space for informal public transport sector operators, as well as informal market traders. Published outputs of the project are:
- IIDB template and summary guidelines for its use;
- Inclusive Interchanges Deployment Strategy, which includes reporting on the two Lagos case study interchanges, and the Inclusive Interchanges passenger questionnaire; and
- Inclusive Interchanges training and group work slide deck