High Volume Transport

Vital transport research to ensure accessible, affordable and climate friendly transport for all.

Low volume roads (LVR) are a crucial part of the road network in rural parts of most low-income countries (LICs), with approximately 50% of the world’s population directly dependent on them for access to basic facilities as well as markets and employment opportunities.

The UK Aid-funded research programme, Research for Community Access Partnership, ReCAP, aims to improve accessibility for poor and disadvantaged rural communities in Africa (AfCAP) and Asia (AsCAP) to economic opportunities and social facilities through improvements to rural infrastructure and transport. Its focus is on strengthening the evidence base on more cost effective and reliable low volume road and transport services, with a view to influencing policy and practice.

The ReCAP rural access library contains reports and case studies detailing rural road projects and a user-friendly software tool, the  Low Volume Roads DCP Software can be downloaded from the ReCAP website.