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A tale of two cultures: ethnicity and cycling behaviour in urban Ghana. 3rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C., January 19941994
The effect of institutional changes on stage bus performance in Harare, Zimbabwe. Transport Reviews, 14(2), 151-1651994
Bearing the weight: The Kayayoo, Ghana’s working girl child. UNICEF Conference on the Girl Child, Delhi, February 19941994
The effect of regular fare increases on stage bus patronage in Harare, Zimbabwe. Indian Journal of Transport Management Vol 19 (3)1994
The need for investment in urban public transport. Conference on Investment in Malaysia’s Land Transport Systems, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 19941994
Which transit? PTRC European Transport Forum, Warwick University, UK, 19941994
International experiences of deregulated urban public transport systems. Indian Journal of Transport Management, Vol 8 (7), July 19941994
Improving opportunities to promote transport research. First Road Transportation Technology Transfer Conference in Africa (Africa T2 2001) Arusha, Tanzania. 23 – 25 May 2001.2001
A study of high capacity bus ways in developing cities. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers. Transport. August 19941994
Urban bus productivity and maintenance costs in Zimbabwe. Indian Journal of Transport Management, Vol. 18 (11) November 1994.1994
Women and Transport in Developing Countries. Transport Reviews, 1995, Vol. 15, No. 1, 77-961995
Technology options for medium sized cities. Conference ’20×20′ Vision, University of Ulster, April 19951995
“Sudden Impact”: Assessment of the initial effects of introducing commuter omnibus services in Harare, Zimbabwe. The Chartered Institute of Transport in the UK. Autumn 1995.1995
Informal public transport and the woman trader in Accra, Ghana. The seventh World Conference on Transport Research, Sydney, 16-21 July 19951995
Subverting sustainability? – infrastructural and cultural barriers to cycle use in Accra. The seventh World Conference on Transport Research, Sydney, 16-21 July 19951995
The use of geographical information systems for traffic monitoring and planning. UN Conference on Geographical Information Systems, Egypt, December 19951995
Environmental criteria for the selection of mass transit options for developing cities. CODATU VII Conference, New Delhi, February 19961996
The initial effects of introducing commuter omnibus services in Harare, Zimbabwe. CODATU VII Conference on Urban Transport and Integrated Development, New Delhi, India, February 19961996
Liberalisation of Urban Public Transport Services: What are the implications? Indian Journal of Transport Management Vol. 20 No. 2 February 19961996
The effects of Government participation on stage-bus performance in Harare, Zimbabwe. Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, Vol. 34 No. 2, pp 59-791995
Decision making and large transport infrastructure projects. CODATU VII Conference, New Delhi, India, February 19961996
The commercial use of non-motorised transport: evidence from Accra, Ghana. Transportation Research Board, 75th Annual Meeting, January 7-11, 1996, Washington, D.C1996
Public transport in Ghanaian cities: a case of union power. Transport reviews, 1994, Vol.14, No 1, 45 – 611996
The travel behaviour of households in Pune. International Symposium on Infrastructure of the Future, Bangalore, India, 25 – 29 November 19961996
Attitudes and travel behaviour of residents in Pune, India. Transportation Research Board, 76th Annual Meeting,, Washington D.C., January 12 – 17, 19971997
Public transport and car use in developing cities: energy and environmental issues. Indian Journal of Transport Management, Vol. 21 No.2, February 19971997
Travel characteristics of urban households in Harare, Zimbabwe. 8th IFAC Symposium on Transportation Systems 1997, Chania, Crete, 16 – 18 June 19971997
Developing strategies to meet the transport needs of the urban poor in Ghana. World Transport Policy and Practice, Vol 3, No 1.1998
Shifting the main mode of urban transport from road to rail in a developing nation. Seminar on Development of Transport Infrastructure in a Sustainable Environment, Kuala Lumpur, 20 October 19981998