High Volume Transport

Vital transport research to ensure accessible, affordable and climate friendly transport for all.

Developing climate-resilient transport: informing policy and planning for greener and safer transport networks

Please join us for our next Research Knowledge Exchange to be held on Tuesday 29th March 2022 at 13.00 GMT.

Transport infrastructures build economies and communities — they get people and goods to where they need to be including accessing schools, markets and health services. We need to increase our connectivity and continue to grow infrastructures, particularly in low-income countries (LICs), but how can this be delivered given the multifaceted challenges from climate change?

Transport enables development but it also causes pollution, traffic congestion, road accidents and is a huge contributor to CO2 emissions. Climate change is also leading to extreme weather events, which can result in major damage to infrastructures, putting huge strain on the already stretched transport systems in LICs.

Our latest Research Knowledge Exchange will showcase new research exploring how we can build transport systems that are greener, more efficient, safer, and resilient to climate change.


Dr Andrew Quinn,
Reader in Atmospheric Science and Engineering at the University of Birmingham. Presenting highlights from the Climate-Resilient Transport: A policy guide, which provides systematic guidance on how to scope, develop and implement climate change adaptation plans for transport infrastructure in LICs in Africa and South Asia.

Tim Durant, Associate Director at Vectos
Presenting findings from the TRANSitions project that aims to help transition the policy debate, stakeholder relations and informal transport services for a low carbon future.

The webinar is open and free to everyone and will be held online on Tuesday 29 March at 13.00 GMT.

Please note daylight saving clock changes in March in some regions mean the RKE takes place at 13.00 GMT; 14.00 BST; 09.00 EST

Register here.

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