High Volume Transport

Vital transport research to ensure accessible, affordable and climate friendly transport for all.

OECD DAC indicators and amendments

The Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) includes grants, soft loans, and technical assistance, and excludes loans and credits for military purposes. The information is governed by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC). The database is periodically updated and currently contains over 150 countries (per capita incomes below USD 12,276).

The list is revised every three years, considering factors like income thresholds and graduation criteria. The transport indicators have not been updated for several years and lack development such as electrification, shared mobility, active modes. HVT could support a study to:

Where possible, HVT will draw on its work under the TDI project with SLOCAT. Regular updates will be shared with WRI, who will manage the SUM4ALL work to inform the finance tracking development.