This research project seeks to strengthen the technical capacity to support the formulation and implementation of inclusive climate resilient low carbon mobility in low-income countries in Africa.
This project will look at the following research questions;
- How can the voice of disadvantaged groups be incorporated within transport planning and decision-making?
- What institutional arrangements are needed to ensure better coordination among various stakeholders to implement climate resilient infrastructure?
Potential impact
Increased understanding and capacity to meet the mobility needs of disadvantaged groups and develop climate resilient transport.
To complete this research a Needs assessment, state of knowledge assessment, case-study analysis, guidance framework will be completed. Capacity building will also be incorporated throughout. Tools and guidance based on state-of-art that meet the identified needs of main stakeholders will be created.
Transport planners, decision-makers and representatives of disadvantaged groups will be provided an evidence-based guidance framework and tools to achieve climate resilient transport in practice.
COVID-19 Response
The research will promote low emission mobility (i.e. walking and cycling) ensuring a variety of transport options are available to cater for the mobility needs of diverse groups.