High Volume Transport

Vital transport research to ensure accessible, affordable and climate friendly transport for all.

Launch of Second Series of Reimagining Motion Podcast: In search of a just transition to sustainable, greener transport in lower income countries

The second series of HVT’s podcast series, Reimagining Motion, launches today featuring transport and climate experts from the HVT research programmes, and explores the opportunities and challenges low-income countries (LICs) face in mitigating emissions, adapting to the impact of climate change and developing a way to find a just transition to a resilient and low carbon future.

It has become overwhelmingly clear that we are off-track to stave off the catastrophic impact of climate change. And with transport contributing to nearly a quarter of all energy related energy related carbon emissions globally, it’s clear that the transport sector is critical to achieving the ambitious Paris Agreement. But the drive to greener transport is a complicated balance with very different challenges for LICs compared to wealthy ones. Those countries with the least emissions have often to suffer most from the impact of climate change as many extreme weather events in the last years showed us — like recently the devasting flood in Pakistan.

Each episode in this series draws on the latest HVT research, case studies and newly developed frameworks offering insights and practical ideas for addressing climate change in the land transport sector.

The Reimagining Motion podcast is available on any podcast outlet, including SpotifyiTunes, and Google Podcasts.

Hosted by Holger Dalkmann, CEO and Founder at Sustain 2030, the series series features the following episodes:

Episode 1: E-mobility, energy and equity with Yacob Mulugetta, Professor of Energy and Development Policy At the University College London (UCL)

Talking with Yacob Mulugetta, from UCL and also Partnership Lead of the Climate Compatible Growth Program (CCG) about the role of e-mobility in a just transition to greener transport systems and the link between future development of LICs and future energy systems. The episode also asks who should financially support LICs in the bid to adapt and mitigate against climate change when their contribution to transport emissions has been historically low compared to the rest of the world.

Episode 2: Walking as a key solution to inclusive, low-carbon transport with Bronwen Thornton from Walk 21

Speaking with Bronwen Thornton, the CEO of Walk21 and former Board Chair of the Partnership for Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLOCAT), about the crucial and yet undervalued role that walking plays to create inclusive, greener transport. We ask will the drive towards green transport overshadow the needs of the most vulnerable in society who will face unfair conditions and access to mobility?

Episode 3: Inclusive climate-resilient transport in Africa with Romanus Opiyo, from the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)

In this episode we speak with Romanus Opiyo from SEI, who has been working on the HVT project Inclusive Climate-Resilient Transport In Africa: Assessment of the needs of transport stakeholders including disadvantaged groups. The episode explores the challenges that groups such as women, older people, young people and persons with disabilities are facing as they try to move around African cities, and asks how transport planners and policy makers develop climate-resilient transport that includes the voices and needs of disadvantaged groups.

Episode 4: Government commitments, equity and greener transport with Maruxa Cardama, from the Partnership of Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLOCAT)

This episode asks are the commitments from governments, private sector and civil society, including those made at COP27, going to be effective and also fair in the urgent need for sustainable, resilient transport? What else needs to be done to scale up action on mitigating and adapting to climate change?

The areas above are just some of the topics discussed in this latest series of Reimagining Motion putting a spotlight on finding a transition to greener transport in low-income countries that is just for all.

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