Our latest Research Knowledge Exchange webinar will explore how data is supporting decisions to transform transport in low-income countries to be greener, affordable and resilient.
The online webinar takes place on Thursday 20th October at 13.00 BST and is free to access and registration is now open.
Governments are making enormous investments to build and maintain infrastructure, which means choices are often locked in for decades. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), these complex and huge investments are made amidst rapidly changing economies, demands for greater access to resources and opportunities, and increasing pressures on transport infrastructure and services from climate change. It is therefore critical that decisions about infrastructure are supported with the most robust evidence of what works and what doesn’t.
In this webinar, we explore the power of decision systems and data to support the development of transport in LMICs that meets the challenges of rapid urbanisation and the impact of climate change. We will showcase an innovative approach for collection and dissemination of data, as well as highlighting the latest data and decision support tools emerging from our HVT research programmes.
Tom Russell, Decision Support Systems for Resilient Strategic Transport Networks in Low Income Countries, from University of Southampton and Oxford University, is working to provide transport decision-makers in LMICs with tools enabling them to prioritise interventions that deliver sustainable and climate change resilient long-distance transport networks. He will share the latest insights from the project’s data collection and visualisation, as well as highlighting innovative approaches that have been used to collect data.
Philip Krause, Africa Urban Mobility Observatory (AUMO), GoMetro, recognises that many sub-Saharan African cities have limited access to data about people’s movements and modes of transport because they lack adequate funding and capacity to obtain the data. AUMO is looking to promote inclusive, low-carbon mobility in African LIC cities by piloting BIG Data applications to generate data, benchmark performance, and draw policy insights. Philip will discuss the important role of data, and its dissemination to influence policy decisions.