HVT and FCDO representatives contributed to two days of discussion at the Asia and the Pacific Transport Forum (14 — 15th May), focusing on transport as an enabler of development in the region and ways to address the threats from climate change.
Transport plays a huge role in development for the region, reflected by transporting taking up 25% of ADB spend in the region. There is still a large infrastructure gap for transport across the region, with significant investment still needed, and growing pressures from climate change. The region is particularly susceptible to extreme weather events and over the past two decades transport development has had to move quickly on from a predominantly road focused approach to a broader framing of modes of transport, funding, and future proofing.
Elizabeth Jones, Senior Transport Advisor at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) spoke in the plenary session as part of a high-level panel opening the Forum exploring how leading organisations in the transport sector are setting their future direction for clean and sustainable transport in the region. She outlined FCDO’s priorities, and highlighted the work of HVT, CCG and ReCAP in the region.
At a donor roundtable, attended by FCDO and HVT team leader Neil Ebenezer, the complexity of successful investment was highlighted. Discussion with a wide range of stakeholders spotlighted the need for collaboration and innovation — with initiatives from HVT being shared.
The Forum was also an important opportunity for stakeholders to learn more about the ongoing update to Highway Development and Management analysis framework and tools (HDM-4.) Over 30 yeas, HDM-4 has provided the basis for justifying road investment in well over 100 countries but during that time much has changed in terms of vehicle technology, pavement construction and the pressures on roads from climate change. This workshop, attended by HVT, explored the changed for HDM-5 and included reference to the HVT research that is informing the updates and ensuring its longevity.
The biennial event, which took place in Manila, Philippines, was attended by key decision makers of governmental transport agencies and organisations, as well as ADB representatives, transport sector specialities and system operators.