Road traffic crashes are a global health epidemic. Despite some positive achievements over the last decade, and a general stabilisation in the numbers of road deaths when considered against the increasing global population and rapid motorisation trends over the same period, there is still a very long way to go and much to be done to reach the global targets.
This policy guide provides some background and context on the problem and who is at risk. It sets the scene for establishing strong foundations for road safety action and examples of practical solutions and actions that can be taken now if we are to save lives and prevent injury.
Everyone should find the guidance useful – but it specifically targets policy-makers and key decision-takers in lower income countries where the risk of a road traffic death is more than three times higher than in high-income countries. Here too, it is the vulnerable road users – pedestrians, particularly children and young people, cyclists and motorcyclists who are exposed to the highest risk from road travel.
Safer roads are possible. It starts with raising awareness of the issues, increasing demand for solutions and securing the commitment of action from the political leadership. The development of a national road safety strategy provides a good foundation and framework against which commitment and progress can be made. Budgeted action plans, based on good data and evidence and outlining targets to be achieved, can provide the basic roadmap for investment in safer roads.
A wealth of resources exist that provide guidance on good practice and many sources are referred to in this policy guide.
There is no shortage of possible solutions as this guide demonstrates, but there needs to be a collective will and committment from those responsible for the system such as politicians, vehicle manufacturers, road authorities, educationalists and hospitals, along with a sense of shared responsibility from road users and civil society.
Every life matters!
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SAFE ROADS MATTER First published 2020 © 2020 Front and back cover pictures courtesy of FIA Foundation. ISBN: 978-1-913317-02-7 Email: hvtinfo@imcworldwide.com Web: www.hvt.preview.consideredcreative.com STATEMENT This policy guide was produced by Evidence on Demand contracted through the CEIL PEAKS programme, jointly managed by DAI Europe (which incorporates HTSPE Limited) and IMC Worldwide Limited and the Applied Research Programme in High Volume Transport. Both Programmes are funded by the UK Department for International Development (DFID). This policy guide is published in partnership with the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI), the World Road Association (PIARC) and the FIA Foundation. The views expressed are not necessarily those of DFID, TUMI, PIARC or FIA Foundation. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This policy guide was authored by Dr Suzy Charman of the Road Safety Foundation. Detailed review was undertaken by Rob McInerney of the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP). Sincere thanks are expressed to the Global Road Safety Facility and all those who have commented on all drafts. FOREWORD i INTRODUCTION ii THE MESSAGE IS CLEAR 3 THE SIZE OF THE PROBLEM 7 CREATING SOLID FOUNDATIONS 15 HOW TO IMPROVE ROAD SAFETY 27 BUILDING CAPACITY TO DELIVER 53 BENEFITS OF INTERNATIONAL CO-OPERATION 57 QUESTIONS 59 REFERENCES 64 TABLE OF CONTENTS With 1.35 million people killed in road traffic crashes every year and as many as 50 million injured, we pay an unacceptable price for our mobility. Apart from the enormous suffering and grief they cause, the social and economic costs of road traffic injuries are profound and far-reaching. This global crisis is made even more unforgiving when we recognise the disproportionate impact on the young and the vulnerable. Road traffic injury is the leading cause of death for people aged 5 to 29 years. The loss of a breadwinner or the need to care for an injured family member can impact an entire family and place them in poverty for several generations. This impact on individuals, families, communities and countries is unsustainable. World leaders have committed to halving road traffic deaths and injuries as part of the Sustainable Development Goals. While progress is being made, the scale and pace of change must accelerate. Road traffic crashes are preventable, and we must build on the successes countries achieved during the Decade of Action for Road Safety, 2011-2020, to provide political and technical leadership and build a greater capacity for rapid change. Member States have agreed on 12 Global Road Safety Performance Targets that provide the framework for measurement, scale and success. Establishing national action plans; ensuring all new roads are built to a 3-star or better standard for all road users; guaranteeing all new and used vehicles meet the recommended priority UN Regulations; addressing risks such as speeding and failing to use helmets and child restraints; and providing professional emergency care are just some examples of priorities for action. There are countless interventions across all disciplines in road safety that are costeffective and life-saving. The potential to make a difference is enormous. This guide brings together key information about some of those priorities – and points the reader to other sources for more information. It provides a step-by-step approach for strategic action, action that is desperately needed. Dr Etienne Krug Director of the Department of Social Determinants of Health, World Health Organization Road traffic crashes are a global health epidemic. Despite some positive achievements over the last decade, and a general stabilisation in the numbers of road deaths when considered against the increasing global population and rapid motorisation trends over the same period, there is still a very long way to go and much to be done to reach the global targets. This policy guide provides some background and context on the problem and who is at risk. It sets the scene for establishing strong foundations for road safety action and examples of practical solutions and actions that can be taken now if we are to save lives and prevent injury. Everyone should find the guidance useful – but it specifically targets policy-makers and key decision-takers in lower income countries where the risk of a road traffic death is more than three times higher than in high-income countries. Here too, it is the vulnerable road users – pedestrians, particularly children and young people, cyclists and motorcyclists who are exposed to the highest risk from road travel. Safer roads are possible. It starts with raising awareness of the issues, increasing demand for solutions and securing the commitment of action from the political leadership. The development of a national road safety strategy provides a good foundation and framework against which commitment and progress can be made. Budgeted action plans, based on good data and evidence and outlining targets to be achieved, can provide the basic roadmap for investment in safer roads. A wealth of resources exist that provide guidance on good practice and many sources are referred to in this policy guide. There is no shortage of possible solutions as this guide demonstrates, but there needs to be a collective will and committment from those responsible for the system such as politicians, vehicle manufacturers, road authorities, educationalists and hospitals, along with a sense of shared responsibility from road users and civil society. Every life matters! FOREWORD INTRODUCTION i ii 1 2 What they are saying... - Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General, World Health Organisation (WHO) - Michael R. Bloomberg, Founder, Bloomberg L.P. & Bloomberg Philanthropies; WHO Global Ambassador for Non-communicable Diseases and Injuries. - Zoleka Mandela, Mother of Zenani who was killed two days after her 13th birthday. - Professor Rune Elvik, Institute of Transport Economics (TOI). - Claude Van Rooten and Patrick Malléjacq, President and Secretary General, PIARC "In the Sustainable Development Goals, world leaders have committed to halve the number of deaths from road crashes by 2020. … far too little progress has been made towards this goal. There is an urgent need to scale up evidence-based interventions and investment1 ." Image courtesy of FIA Foundation "Road safety is an issue that does not receive anywhere near the attention it deserves – and it really is one of our great opportunities to save lives around the world1 ." "On the same day that I lost Zenani, a thousand other families also lost a child on the world's roads. My grandfather, Nelson Mandela, knew a bit about difficult challenges. As he famously said, 'it always seems impossible, until it is done'. What lies in front of us may be difficult, but it is far from impossible. This is a man-made epidemic and we have in our hands the tools to defeat it.2" "In my work I've reviewed many road safety studies that show that, through simple interventions, lives can be saved. The economic returns from road safety programmes can be extremely high so investing in road safety is commendable in terms of reducing pain, grief and suffering and it is logical." "We cannot stress enough that road safety is a top-level priority for road authorities and operators across the globe. PIARC has recognized road safety as a cross-cutting issue and we have a mandate, as well as a moral obligation, to continue identifying all possible solutions and sharing best practice." 1.35m 50m deaths pear year due to road crashes Leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5-29 years injured per year Road crashes cost most countries approximately 3% of their gross domestic product 3 4 The message is CLEAR Good roads are essential for trade, health and economic progress - they are critical to achieving many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, as mobility increases in a country, and improved prosperity is in sight, road traffic fatalities and injuries almost always rise. Worldwide around 1.35 million people are killed every year, and a further 50 million are injured – that is the equivalent to nearly 3,700 people losing their lives every day. Behind these statistics are countless stories of grief and suffering, of lost parents, children and loved ones. Apart from this human suffering, road deaths on average cost a country up to 3% of their Gross Domestic Product (GDP)3. This is an enormous loss when combined with budget deficits and poor economic growth. Economically active and young people are at the greatest risk of being killed or injured in road crashes; their loss or injury often results in poverty for their families, sometimes for generations. The United Nations (UN) Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 was launched in recognition of the scale of the worldwide road safety problem. The accompanying 'Global Plan' outlined action across five key pillars for road safety: Road Safety Management, Safer Roads and Mobility, Safer Road Users, Safer Vehicles and Post-Crash Response. Along with the Decade of Action, international focus has continued to increase on road safety. There are specific road safety targets within two of the SDGs: • SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages: Target 3.6: By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents. (this echoes the Decade of Action for Road Safety Target)4; and • SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable: Target 11.2: By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons5. 5 6 GLOBAL ROAD SAFETY PERFORMANCE TARGETS 2020 1 Target 1: By 2020, all countries establish a comprehensive multisectoral national road safety action plan with time-bound targets. Target 2: By 2030, all countries accede to one or more of the core road safety-related UN legal instruments. 2030 2 Target 3: By 2030, all new roads achieve technical standards for all road users that take into account road safety, or meet a three star rating or better. 2030 3 Target 4: By 2030, more than 75% of travel on existing roads is on roads that meet technical standards for all road users that take into account road safety. 2030 4 Target 5: By 2030, 100% of new (defined as produced, sold or imported) and used vehicles meet high quality safety standards, such as the recommended priority UN Regulations, Global Technical Regulations, or equivalent recognized national performance requirements. 2030 5 Target 6: By 2030, halve the proportion of vehicles travelling over the posted speed limit and achieve a reduction in speedrelated injuries and fatalities. 2030 6 Target 7: By 2030, increase the proportion of motorcycle riders correctly using standard helmets to close to 100%. 2030 7 Target 8: By 2030, increase the proportion of motor vehicle occupants using safety belts or standard child restraint systems to close to 100%. 2030 8 Target 9: By 2030, halve the number of road traffic injuries and fatalities related to drivers using alcohol, and/or achieve a reduction in those related to other psychoactive substances. 2030 9 Target 10: By 2030, all countries have national laws to restrict or prohibit the use of mobile phones while driving. 2030 10 Target 11: By 2030, all countries to enact regulation for driving time and rest periods for professional drivers, and/or accede to international/regional regulation in this area. 2030 11 Target 12: By 2030, all countries establish and achieve national targets in order to minimize the time interval between road traffic crash and the provision of first professional emergency care. 2030 12 Following the request of the United Nations General Assembly, on November 22, 2017 Member States reached consensus on 12 global road safety performance targets. For more information: http://www.who.int/violence_ injury_prevention/road_traffic/road-safety-targets/en/ PILLAR 1: Road safety management PILLAR 2: Safer roads and mobility PILLAR 3: Safe vehicles PILLAR 4: Safe road users PILLAR 5: Post-crash response Member States have also agreed on 12 Global Road Safety Performance Targets to support the achievement of the SDGs6. The Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety and the associated Stockholm Declaration captured progress on the Decade of Action and outlined future priorities for road safety as part of the UN SDGs. The Declaration and the UN Secretary General's report in 20197 recognise the key achievements of the Decade of Action but also raise great concern about the about the ongoing high levels of death and injury, especially in low- and middle-income countries. With an estimated 500 million road traffic deaths and injuries expected worldwide between 2020 and 2030, the Declaration called for an intensification of political will and investment in proven counter-measures and achieving the Global Road Safety Performance Targets agreed by Member States. The good news is that road deaths are not inevitable – lives can be saved. Moreover, it is cost effective to do so. There is no doubt that improving road safety can be a challenge, not least because of the co-ordination required to make significant progress. Even so, with commitment and drive from decision-makers and practitioners it is possible to put in place effective measures and save many lives. Action is essential to prevent the further unnecessary loss of life. This policy guide draws attention to some of the solutions that can be used to reduce road traffic casualties and outlines the foundations needed to make them successful. Figure 1: Global road safety performance targets6 7 8 The size of the problem THE GLOBAL ROAD CRASH CRISIS WHO estimates that 1.35 million people lost their lives in road traffic crashes in 2016, and around 50 million more were injured1. Between 2013 and 2016, there were no reductions in the number of road traffic deaths in any low-income countries. In 48 middle- and high-income countries some reductions were observed, but at the same time, there were increases in 104 countries during this time1. It is increasingly clear that the targets set at the beginning of the Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020) and in the SDGs will not be met. Re-mobilisation and funding are needed to make sure progress is made in the next 10 years. FOR MORE INFORMATION WHO (2018). Global status report on road safety, 2018. www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_ safety_status/2018/en/ Heydari, S., Hickman, A., McIlroy, R., Turner, J. and Bachani, A.M. (2019). Road safety in low-income countries: state of knowledge and future directions. Sustainability, 11 (22), 6249. www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/22/6249/htm "This is predominantly a killer of the poor. It is the poorest communities which live alongside the fastest roads. It is the poorest children who have to negotiate the most dangerous routes to school. It is the most vulnerable road users, pedestrians and cyclists, who are at greatest risk yet are the most routinely forgotten by the planners and policymakers." - Desmond Tutu, Emeritus Archbishop of Cape Town8 The scale of the problem of road crashes, who is at risk and why you should act. 9 10 FIGURE Who is at risk? The risk of being killed in a road traffic crash is far higher in low- and middleincome countries. Low-income countries (LICs) account for 9% of the global population, 1% of registered motorised vehicles and yet 13% of road deaths. Middle-income countries (MICs) have 76% of the world's population, 59% of registered motorised vehicles and 80% of road deaths1. Road traffic crashes are now the 8th leading cause of death for all age groups, more people now die from road crashes than from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and diarrhoeal diseases1. Road traffic crashes are the leading killer of children and young people aged 5 to 291. This indicates a need to re-think the child health agenda. Children are particularly at risk because they have not yet developed the perceptual and decision-making skills necessary for safe road use. In addition, while children are growing, their skeletal system is still soft, making them more vulnerable in the event of a crash. It is because of this that some countries are now introducing laws for longer use of child seats where the child faces the rear of the vehicle. Just as young people have started to become independent, productive members of society they face an enormous risk on the roads. Other groups that face particularly high risk include: • The elderly, because they are at a greater risk of serious injury when involved in a crash, are slower to cross roads, and their reaction times and perceptual skills may be reducing with the aging process; and • Males because they are more likely to take risks when using the roads. With only 1% of the world's registered vehicles, road traffic deaths per 100,000 population is highest in LICs at 27.5, about 3 times higher than for high-income countries (HICs) and ten times higher than the leading countries in the world. Cyclists, pedestrians and motorised 2- and 3-wheelers (motorcyclists and rickshaw occupants etc.) account for over 50% of all road deaths globally1. Figure 2: Population, registered motorised vehicles and deaths by country income status1. Table 1: Leading causes of death, all ages, 20161 Figure 3: Road deaths by mode of travel, 2016¹ Rank Cause % of total deaths 1 Ischaemic heart disease 16.6 2 Stroke 10.2 3 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 5.4 4 Lower respiratory infections 5.2 5 Alzheimer's disease and other dementias 3.5 6 Trachea, bronchus, lung cancers 3.0 7 Diabetes mellitus 2.8 8 Road traffic injuries 2.5 9 Diarrhoeal diseases 2.4 10 Tuberculosis 2.3 11 12 "As a young person, mobility is a dangerous game all across the world. This is one of the reasons why I believe that young people themselves should have a real say in road safety decision-making and the implementation of road safety policies." - Floor Lieshout, Director, Youth for Road Safety (YOURS) Image courtesy of FIA Foundation 13 14 WHY TAKE ACTION? The social and economic costs of road traffic crashes are huge. With such a high number of crashes and casualties there are few people that remain untouched by this issue. As well as causing intangible levels of pain, grief and suffering, road traffic crashes are estimated to cost countries up to 3% of GDP (potentially more in LICs and MICs)4. The Business Case for Safer Roads9 summarised in the latest PIARC report on the Implementation of Safe System Policies10 outlines the scale of road death and injury and associated costs by country income category. The analysis also outlines the investment returns possible with targeted investment in safer roads and safer speeds in support of the Global Road Safety Performance Targets. After the initial cost of attending and clearing up after a crash, there are also costs associated with insurance claims, hospital care, rehabilitation, long term care of the severely injured and social care. If you talk to any emergency room doctor or those working in trauma recovery wards, they will tell you that most of the beds contain victims of road traffic crashes. In the UK, 75% of hospital capacity for dealing with serious head injuries is consumed by road crashes11. Crashes tend to claim the lives of those that are economically productive, so their skills and contribution to the economy are also lost. In Kenya, for example, more than 75% of road traffic casualties were economically productive young adults12. Many countries have crash costing figures that represent the cost to the economy of a fatality, serious or slight injury, and of damage-only crashes. These figures are useful to highlight the scale of the economic impact, and in order to make a case for road safety investment. FOR MORE INFORMATION PIARC (2019). Implementation of National Safe System Policies www.piarc.org/en/order-library/31644-enImplementation%20of%20National%20Safe%20 System%20Policies:%20A%20Challenge iRAP (2019). The Business Case for Safer Roads. www.vaccinesforroads.org/business-case-for-saferroads/. World Bank (2017). The High Toll of Traffic Injuries: Unacceptable and Preventable. www.worldbank.org/en/programs/global-road-safetyfacility/publication/the-high-toll-of-traffic-injuriesunacceptable-and-preventable Dahdah, S. and McMahon, K. (2004). The True Cost of Road Crashes. www.irap.org/2016/12/upload_file_specification/ World Health Organisation (2004). World Report on Road Traffic Injury Prevention. www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/ publications/road_traffic/world_report/en/ Sustainable Urban Transport Project (2017): Urban Road Safety. http://sutp.org/files/contents/images/resources/A_ Sourcebook/SB5_Environment%20and%20Health/ SUTP_5b_Urban%20Road%20Safety-2017_final. pdf UN Target 4>75% of travel on roads that meet technical standards for For all road users by 2030 (equivalent to 3-star or better) Low income Lower middle income Upper middle income High income All Number of countries 31 45 51 50 177 Current situtation Annual number of fatalities 195,569 423,148 472,563 116,331 1,207,611 Facilities per 100,00 population 24.2 17.1 19.6 9.2 17.3 Annual number of fatalities and serious injuries 2,151,259 4,654,628 5,198,193 1,279,641 13,283,721 Annual cost of fatalities and serious injuries (% of GDP) 5.8% 4.2% 4.7% 2% 2.9% What can be Achieved? with >75% of travel on 3-star or better roads for all road users by 2030* Annual investment as a % of GDP (2018) 0.14% 0.18% 0.12% 0.14% 0.14% Reduction in fatalities per year 86,342 169,259 174,016 37,332 467,039 Reduction in fatalities and serious injuries (FSI) over 20 years 18,995,159 37,237024 38,303,352 8,213,036 102,748,571 Economic benefit ($US) $273bn $1,335bn $5,063bn $4,507bn $11,180bn Benefit Cost rRatio 18 9 16 5 8 Next steps Know the size of the problem • Collect and collate crash data • Refer to www.vaccinesforroads.org/irap-big-data-tool-map/ as a starting point Use crash data to determine the number of crashes and casualties of different severity levels occurring in your country • See WHO global status report on road safety1 Agree national figures for the cost of individual crashes and/or casualties by severity (note that these will differ slightly as there can be multiple casualties involved in a crash) • Either conduct a formal study or refer to iRAP 'The true cost of road crashes'13 Calculate the cost of crashes or casualties by multiplying the number of crashes or casualties by the costs • Do not forget to add the costs of property damage only crashes and those for likely levels of under-reporting Use your data to make a case for road safety investment • Present this information to the Finance Ministry for budget approval for road safety Table 2: Business case for safer roads 15 16 Creating solid foundations Everybody has a role to play in road safety, from the parent of a child starting to independently use a road, through to the police, and Ministers of finance, health, transport and others. One of the greatest challenges in making roads safe is the way responsibilities can cut across sectors. Road safety requires co-ordination across different organisations. Stakeholders need to work together to achieve results. Involving the private sector, civil society, charities and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) can enhance skills and resources available in the public sector. The icons for each stakeholder shown below are used throughout the rest of the document to show where different organisations need to make a contribution. Investors, MDBs and Donors Road Assessment Programme Regional NCAP Vehicle Inspection Agency Lead Agency Road Authorities Police National Statistics Office Finance Ministry or Chancellor Health Ministry Private Sector Parliament Education Ministry Fire and Rescue Civil Society, Non-Government Organisations and Charities Transport Ministry Communications Ministry Universities and Research Organisations Learned Societies Justice Ministry L $ RAP NCAP Introducing the foundations needed to ensure that efforts to improve road safety are effective 17 18 LEAD Parliament ENSURE ACCOUNTABILITY AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL Success requires leadership by governments, and a strong commitment across many organisations (within and outside of government), with accountability at the very highest level. For accountability there needs to be: • Head of state/ government recognition of the national road safety problem and endorsement of national road safety efforts; • Ministerial level commitment and accountability for casualty reduction; and • Clearly defined agency level responsibility. This needs to be supported by data collection and monitoring which should align with the Global Road Safety Performance Targets and Regional Road Safety Observatories and keep track of: • National casualty numbers; • Casualties by road user group, age, severity; and • Other interim indicators of performance such as: seatbelt and child restraint wearing rates, mobile phone usage by drivers, speed limit compliance, road infrastructure star ratings, vehicle star ratings and compliance with UN regulations, helmet wearing, drug and alcohol infringements. These indicators can be used to set and track targets within a national plan and can be reported annually. If progress is not being made fast enough in one area, efforts can be directed to ensure targets are achieved. In some countries there is a lead agency that holds the road safety action plan and obtains input from other agencies and organisations as required. This lead agency would have the responsibility to deliver to the national road safety targets. The challenge is ensuring coordination, collaboration and integration across all agencies. In other countries, there is a national road safety council or committee with representation from each sector. They together, hold responsibility for delivering an action plan and the national casualty reduction targets. The challenge here is ensuring that each agency is held accountable. The lead agency and national council approaches can be combined, with the lead agency chairing a national road safety council and being ultimately accountable for traffic casualty numbers and achievement of safety performance targets. Road safety moves forward at a much faster pace when there is a road safety champion at a senior level in government. This champion is often the driving force behind effective action, advocacy and change. "Lack of accountability in road safety, at international and national levels, is a major reason [road safety] has been so neglected. Without accountability there is no pressure for performance whether by development banks to ensure safe road design or by interior ministries to reform and train their traffic police.14" - Rt. Hon. Lord Robertson of Port Ellen, Chairman, FIA Foundation 19 20 DEVELOP A NATIONAL ROAD SAFETY STRATEGY, TARGETS AND ACTION PLAN Road safety strategies and targets Each country should have a road safety strategy. This provides a focus for a common and shared vision among stakeholders and a framework against which commitment can be made. Typically, a national road safety strategy will include an endorsement from a senior political figure, a description of the road safety vision for the country, a review of recent progress and current levels of performance, road safety targets and finally what the country plans to address priority areas. Priority areas ideally focus on the 'real issues' behind a road safety problem; researched thoroughly using crash data analysis and surveys. It is important to articulate a 'long-term vision' which is complemented with interim targets for specific periods (normally 3 to 5 years). Effective targets should be challenging but achievable in order to drive tangible action. There can be an overall casualty reduction target (that may need to take into account increasing motorisation) along with sub-targets, for example for particular age groups or road user types. Targets for interim measures are also helpful, e.g. raise seatbelt wearing rates in the front of vehicles to x%. All targets should be monitored and reported on annually. Action plans Action plans are designed to deliver desired road safety targets and include multi-sectoral actions to bring a country in-line with international good practice in road safety. An action plan should include an indicative budget and source of funds for each action along with roles and responsibilities, a timeframe for completion and clear accountability. An action plan must be regularly monitored with progress and results reported widely and transparently. LEAD DELIVERY PARTNER SUPPORTING PARTNERS Designated Lead Agency or NRSC • Private Sector • Civil Society, Non-government organisations and charities • Transport Ministry • Road Authorities • Police • Education Ministry • Fire and Rescue • Communications Ministry • Universities and Research organisations • National Statistics Office • Learned societies • Health Ministry • Parliament • Vehicle Inspections Agency • Investors, MDBs and donors Finance Ministry or Chancellor $ INVEST IN ROAD SAFETY The returns that can be achieved from road safety investment are potentially huge and can be considered excellent value for money. There is strong evidence that the scale of economic returns possible through investment in road safety action are significant. For example, for every dollar spent in Norway, a return to the economy is achieved of: • US$1.50 for simple road markings; • US$14 for upgrading marked pedestrian crossings; • US$2.50 for pedestrian bridges or underpasses; and • US$10 for guard rails alongside the road15. Other studies have estimated that for every dollar invested, returns of: • US$8 can be expected for reaching a target for >75% of travel on 3-star or better roads for all road users9; • US$3 - US$242 can be expected for recommendations from design stage road safety audits16; • US$2.4 - US$84 can be expected for recommendations from road safety assessments of existing roads16; • US$100 can be expected for random drug tests (in Victoria, Australia)17; • US$77 can be expected from semicovert mobile speed cameras (in Victoria, Australia)17; • US$1.13 can be expected from the use of child restraints in vehicles (in Norway)18; • US$11 can be expected from investment in road safety engineering measures on 10% of a country's road network (in low and lower middle-income countries)9; and • US$19 can be expected from investment in road safety engineering measures on 10% of a country's road network (in upper middle-income countries)9. It is appreciated that road safety is only one of the many competing demands on your resources however, a road safety action plan will not be delivered without adequate funds in place. It is challenging for individual agencies to invest in an issue that does not directly cost them money. Why should the road authority invest when health/social/insurance sectors bear most of the cost? It is advisable to set budgets and as far as possible ring fence funds at the highest level. Funding can come from a variety of sources including: • Funding from the national budget; • Road user charges with contributions from vehicle licensing, taxation, fuel levy or insurance etc.; • A proportion of road traffic violation fines; • An element of the road maintenance budget; • Private sector sponsorship and publicprivate partnerships; • NGOs and charities working in your country; • Multilateral and bilateral aid organisations; and • Social impact bonds19. LEAD DELIVERY PARTNER SUPPORTING PARTNERS • Private Sector • Civil Society, Non-government organisations and charities • Transport Ministry • Investors, MDBs and donors Finance Ministry or Chancellor Designated Lead Agency or NRSC 21 22 One example of a successful model for road safety funding is the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) in Australia. TAC is the compulsory injury insurer in the state of Victoria that provides compensation when people are killed or injured as a result of road traffic crashes. TAC recognises that investing in road safety reduces the amount it has to pay out, therefore it makes sense to support extensive road safety programmes including campaigns and awareness to support enforcement activities, provision of funds to the Victoria Police to purchase equipment for drink driving and speed enforcement, and more recently large-scale road safety engineering improvement schemes. SUSTAINABLE FUNDING FOR ROAD SAFETY IN AUSTRALIA "Financial support in the field of road safety continues to be a challenge to the attainment of the goal of the Decade of Action for Road Safety. More funding is needed to support road safety activities by United Nations organizations, Member States and civil society" - Ban Ki-moon, Former Secretary General, United Nations20 23 24 PRIORITISE DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Having adequate and informative data and evidence is critical to enable you to make effective decisions and to maximise impact and value for money. Data are needed in order to set and monitor against targets, take an evidence-led approach and optimise decisions on further investment. It is normally the police who collect data at the scene of a crash. Those working in the field of road safety need information about crashes so that they can find the right solutions, not just information about who was at fault. The information they need includes the precise location of the crash (GPS or map co-ordinates), information about the road layout where the crash happened, circumstances such as weather, time of day, presence of street lighting, information about casualties and vehicles, and contributory factors (the police's assessment of what contributed to the crash happening, e.g. excessive speed, distraction etc.). Police should collect data using a standardised collection form – this can be paper-based or electronic using mobile technology. Ideally data will be held in a web-based database so that road safety practitioners from different sectors can use the data to inform their activities (while sensitive information is kept hidden and secure). Police officers can feel that the information they are required to collect holds them up from doing their other core duties, so it is key to ensure they understand the importance of their task and how the data will be used and have access to all consolidated crash reporting information. Computerised systems that support the collection, storage and analysis of data have been successfully used in many countries (including low- and middle-income). Digitising the process can help reduce the administrative effort for crash data collection and make data analysis straightforward. For countries with limited geo-referenced crash data, iRAP assessments have provided detailed fatality and serious injury estimates for road lengths broken down by road user group (vehicle, motorcycle, pedestrian and cyclist) and all road crash types (e.g. head-on, run-off road, pedestrian crossing road). These data can inform infrastructure decisions as well as other safe-system actions for road-user behaviour, speed management, vehicles and post-crash care. Other data that are essential for planning and monitoring road safety activities include in-depth crash investigation data, and annual surveys such as seatbelt and child restraint use, mobile phone use, helmet use and speed. Insurance and health data are additional rich sources of intelligence on road traffic crashes. Linking these databases to police crash data can give an indication of reporting levels and provide additional information on injury outcomes. USE EVIDENCE TO DIRECT ACTION Evidence needs to direct decisions and action at real road safety problems, making sure that the approach taken has the potential to address the specific problem it is aimed at tackling. It is easy to spend scarce funds on activities that look like they may work or that capture the interest of the media, rather than activities that will really address a defined problem. Including an evaluation component in all programmes allows an evidence base of what does and, equally importantly, what does not work helping to determine if an approach gives value for money. Once an evidence base is established, it is possible to predict the outcomes of different approaches and, if necessary, select the measure most likely to have the greatest impact21. LEAD SUPPORTING PARTNERS • Lead Agency • Road Ministry • National Statistics Office Police Regional or national RAP RAP Figure 4: Evidence-led working in road safety 25 26 Next steps to creating solid foundations for road safety action Designate a lead agency for road safety • The legal remit of the organisation needs to be established, staff recruited/trained, and budget identified. Establish a National Road Safety Council (NRSC) • Chaired by the lead agency, with members from all relevant ministries; and • Establish working groups that report to the NRSC that include public sector agencies, private sector and representatives from civil society. Put in place a funding mechanism • Establish a sustainable funding mechanism for road safety action. Collect road safety data - crash data and surveys • Develop a crash data reporting form, train police to record data accurately; • Set up a crash database; • Establish effective system for inputting data, storage and analysis; and • Conduct behavioural surveys. Conduct a situational analysis and analyse available data • Determine current levels of performance, structures, policies and practice; • Compare with international good practice to identify opportunities for improvement; and • Analyse available data to determine priority areas for action. Develop a national road safety strategy with measurable targets • Ensure all road safety stakeholders feel ownership of the document and sign up to the casualty reduction targets; • Adopt the Global Road Safety Performance Targets as a minimum and align metrics with regional road safety observatories where active; and • Include a vision for road safety, review of recent progress and current levels of performance, road safety targets and actions for priority areas. Agree a detailed national road safety action plan and make a business case for investment • With clear and deliverable action items from across all disciplines, timescales, budget, responsibilities for delivery and clear accountability. Invest and implement the action plan • Establish a budget for the action plan; • Make finances available to those responsible for each action; and • Implement the action plan in full. Monitor and review performance • Monitor completion of the action plan; • Monitor crash and casualty numbers against targets; • Conduct annual behavioural surveys; and • Review progress for delivery of action plan. FOR MORE INFORMATION Road safety management, establishing a lead agency, undertaking road safety management reviews and action plans: PIARC Road Safety Manual. https://roadsafety.piarc.org/en World Bank Road Safety Management Capacity Reviews and Safe System Projects Guidelines. www.worldbank.org/en/topic/transport/publication/ road-safety-management-capacity-review-guidelines UN Road Safety Collaboration (2019). Ten Steps for Safer Road Infrastructure. www.gtkp.com/themepage.php&themepgid=368 WHO Global Road Safety Performance Targets. www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_ traffic/12GlobalRoadSafetyTargets.pdf?ua=1 Collecting and analysing road safety data: WHO (2010). Data systems: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners www.who.int/roadsafety/projects/manuals/data/en/ African Development Bank (AfDB) (2015). Road safety manuals for Africa – existing roads: reactive approaches. www.afdb.org/fileadmin/uploads/afdb/Documents/ Publications/ROAD_SAFETY_MANUALS_FOR_ AFRICA_%E2%80%93_Existing_Roads_Reactive_ Approaches.pdf International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD). www.itf-oecd.org/IRTAD iRAP (2018). Vaccines for Roads /www.vaccinesforroads.org/ The costs and benefits of different road safety interventions: Elvik, R., Hoye, A., Vaa, T. and Sorensen, M. (2009). The Handbook of Road Safety Measures (2nd Edition). UK: Emerald Group Publishing. Federal Highway Administration Crash Modification Factors Clearing House. www.cmfclearinghouse.org/ iRAP Road Safety Toolkit. http://toolkit.irap.org/ Safety Cube. www.safetycube-project.eu/ 27 28 How to improve road safety There are effective solutions that have been implemented all around the world, including to: • Legislate, educate and enforce; • Set safe speed limits and improve compliance; • Make your roads safe; • Raise the safety of vehicles; • Promote public transport; • Deal with crashes that do happen – effectively; and • Work with the private sector and civil society. These solutions are covered in more detail in the following sections. Note that they are not presented in priority order, and ideally should be selected based on a situational assessment, crash data analysis and the national road safety action plan. LEGISLATE, EDUCATE, ENFORCE Improving road user behaviour should reduce the number of crashes that happen and also help to reduce crash severity. Legislation, education and enforcement are most effective when they are co-ordinated. Key behaviours that need to be tackled through legislation, education and enforcement are: • Seatbelt and child restraint use; • Helmet wearing (for motorcyclists and cyclists); • Mobile phone use by drivers; • Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs; • Driving while tired; and • Speeding. Effective solutions to reduce casualties LEGISLATE CAMPAIGNS & AWARENESS ENFORCE WITH A 'GRACE' PERIOD ENFORCE CONSISTENTLY 29 30 Legislate Legislation underpins safe road use. Comprehensive national road safety laws and regulations need to be in place to allow effective enforcement. Putting in place effective and comprehensive road safety laws requires political will, resources and capacity and for stakeholders to work closely with the Ministry of Justice. Educate Effective education of road users needs to happen throughout their lives. This starts at home with parents, is formalised by including road safety education in the school curriculum and continues through campaigns throughout adulthood. For those that become vehicle drivers, specific training and testing is in place. Effective educational strategies include: • Reaching new parents at hospital and in health clinics with information on the use of child restraints and keeping their child safe; • Integrating road safety into the school curriculum at all ages to ensure adequate classroom time is dedicated to this important topic; • Campaigns and awareness programmes designed to reach specific target groups with specific messages. The UK's THINK! Campaign is an example of clear branding and planned messaging. For further information: http://think.direct. gov.uk/; and • New drivers are trained and tested on their ability to drive safely (not just operate the vehicle). Graduated driver licensing (where new drivers are given increasing freedoms with experience) and hazard perception testing are effective. LEAD DELIVERY PARTNER SUPPORTING PARTNERS • Lead Agency • Police • Transport Ministry • Health Ministry • Private sector • Civil society, non-government organisation and charities • Road Authorities EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS CAMPAIGNS AND AWARENESS DRIVER TRAINING AND TESTING • Lead Agency • Police • Communications Ministry • Universities and research organisations • Civil society, non-governmental organisations and charities • Lead Agency • Police • Education Ministry • Universities and research organisations • Health Ministry • Lead Agency • Police Parliament Justice Ministry Education Ministry Communications Ministry Transport Ministry "Politics, the art of what is possible, gives us the responsibility to make an impact on people's lives. When it comes to unpopular decisions, to persuade is as essential as to enforce. Persuasion and enforcement ensure sustainability" - Karla Gonzalez Carvajal, Former Minister of Transport, Costa Rica. 31 32 Thousands of people gathered to celebrate Safe Streets in Central Monrovia, capital of Liberia, on the first Saturday of December 2019. The Liberia National Police with assistance of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) (on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ)) and in collaboration with other partners, conducted a one-day road safety awareness festival in Central Monrovia, dubbed Safe Streets Festival, under the motto "Road Safety Strengthens Economy". This was the second of its kind following 2017's initiative of the Festival. For the entire day, one of the city's central streets, Broad Street, was blocked to motorized transport and became a safe zone for pedestrians and a showground of the Safe Streets Festival. The festival featured a 6km race in the morning followed by cultural troupe performances, drama sketches and comedic performances related to road safety as well as a dance training – and culminated in a concert with top Liberian musicians. Some of the city's high-ranking officials added weight to the festival's purpose, attending the opening ceremony and stressing the importance of road safety. The City Mayor, Chief of Traffic, who was led the Festival's organization, as well as the German and European Union Ambassadors to Liberia. Prior to the event no marketing opportunity was left out. Good preparation is half of the job – radio talk shows, crosswalk paintings, distribution of printed posters and flyers as well as announcements in schools and communities were organized in order to attract people to the event. Almost 10,000 people attended the event and hundreds were actively involved. • 150 people took part in the race, including the German Ambassador to Liberia and GIZ Country Director; • 200 children tested their bicycle skills; • 250 children took dance lessons; • 300 children had fun at the bouncing castle; • almost 50 vendors of Made-in-Liberia products displayed and sold their products; and • over 70 people served as volunteers. Learn more here: http://sutp.org/en/news-reader/monrovia-safestreets-festival-2019-road-safety-strengthenseconomy-in-monrovia.html CASE STUDY EDUCATION: MONROVIA SAFE STREETS FESTIVAL 2019 ROAD SAFETY STRENGTHENS ECONOMY IN MONROVIA Enforce Proactive enforcement is one of the most effective ways of bringing about behavioural change. To achieve an effective deterrent, enforcement activities need to be planned and strategic: Police officers need to be trained to: • Understand their role in the efforts to improve behaviour; • Deliver clear and consistent messages when interacting with the public; and • Use enforcement equipment correctly and provide good quality evidence to the courts. Penalties (fines or points) are perceived to be fair (not influenced by corruption or prejudice) and commensurate with the offence. An enforcement strategy will address three types of deterrent: • The experience of being penalised has an impact on the road user (financially or potentially on their permission to drive) so that they decide not to commit the offence again – this is called a specific deterrent; • The police focus some visible enforcement activity at high risk locations – this is called a localised deterrent; and • Road users have the impression that if they break the law they may be detected at any place and at any time – this is called a generalised deterrent. LEAD SUPPORTING PARTNERS • Lead Agency • Road authorities • National statistics office Police FOR MORE INFORMATION WHO (2018). Global Road Safety Performance Targets. www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_ traffic/12GlobalRoadSafetyTargets.pdf?ua=1 WHO (2013). Strengthening road safety legislation: a practice and resource manual for countries. www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_ traffic/countrywork/legislation_manual/en/ Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) (2007). Drinking and driving: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners. www.who.int/roadsafety/projects/manuals/alcohol/0- Introduction.pdf FIA Foundation (2009). Seat-belts and child restraints: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners. www.who.int/roadsafety/projects/manuals/seatbelt/ seat-belt.pdf gTKP website pages on safer road users. www.gtkp.com/index.php?id=16&themepgid=371 33 34 DID YOU KNOW It is estimated that 300,000 lives have been saved and 9 million injuries prevented by seat belts in the industrialised world since 198022 . A child up to four years of age has an 80% lower risk of injury in a rear-facing child restraint18 . In 2003, action was taken to improve seatbelt wearing in Costa Rica. This included traffic police enforcement, media campaigns and a reinstated law for compulsory seatbelt wearing. As a result, seatbelt wearing rates for drivers in Costa Rica increased from 24% to 82% in less than a year, saving many lives23 . Road users that are impaired by alcohol have a significantly higher crash risk than normal. After drinking, a driver will have reduced coordination, reduced ability to track moving objects, difficulty steering and reduced response to emergency driving situations24 . Driving while using a mobile phone can increase your risk of being involved in a crash by up to 4 times25 and using a mobile handsfree is no safer than using a hand-held phone25 . Driving while tired can have a similar impact on driving as drink driving. Image courtesy of FIA Foundation 35 36 SET SAFE SPEED LIMITS AND IMPROVE COMPLIANCE There is a clear and consistent relationship between speed and the likelihood and severity of crashes. Speed management is therefore an exceptionally important activity to improve road safety. In order to be effective, speed management requires multi-sector working across engineering, enforcement and education. Setting and signing speed limits Safe speed limits reflect the road function, road users present, and design characteristics of the road. A speed limit is 'safe', when a driver who is alert and compliant will not be seriously injured or killed (or seriously injure or kill another road user) if they have a crash. That means that the speed limit is safe given the mix of road users and the design and features of the road. Self-explaining speed limits will always be intuitive and apparent to the road user as the drive along the road. Where it is not possible to reduce speed limits to a 'safe' level, it will be necessary to upgrade the safety level of the road itself. Road engineering measures The road infrastructure can be designed so that roads are forgiving (the road and vehicle in combination protect the road user from serious or fatal injury), self-enforcing (using treatments such as road humps, speed tables and chicanes to reduce speed) and self-explaining (road designs are intuitive and clear and in accordance with the speed limit which is well-signed and highlighted by effective gateway treatments). Police Enforcement Enforcing speed limits and creating a deterrent is achieved through a mixture of covert and highly visual enforcement activities. This requires background legislation, agreed forms of evidence for use in court, a speed enforcement strategy, training for police officers and equipment. In order for enforcement to be accepted by the public, care needs to be given to eliminate corruption and ensure that there is transparency on how fines are used. Ensuring police salaries are adequate, and establishing a sense of pride in their vocation, can help to reduce corrupt practices. Education If drivers understand the importance of speed limits, it is more likely that they will comply with them. Education can occur at schools, during driver training, through public information campaigns and awareness. LEAD DELIVERY PARTNER SUPPORTING PARTNERS • Police • Parliament • Education Ministry • Communications Ministry • Lead Agency • Transport Ministry Roads Authorities Investors, MDBs and Donors FOR MORE INFORMATION WHO (2018) Global Road Safety Performance Targets www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_ traffic/12GlobalRoadSafetyTargets.pdf?ua=1 PIARC (2020) Road Safety Manual https://roadsafety.piarc.org/en/road-safetymanagement-safe-system-approach/safe-systemelements GRSP (2008). Speed management: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners. www.who.int/roadsafety/projects/manuals/speed_ manual/en/ UN Road Safety Week (2017). Save Lives – Slow Down. www.unroadsafetyweek.org/en/previous-weeks/2017- slowdown gTKP website pages on the Decade of Action. www.gtkp.com/themepage.php&themepgid=98 iRAP Star Rating Demonstrator. https://demonstrator.vida.irap.org/calculate-star 37 38 A 5% decrease in mean vehicle speeds typically leads to a decrease in injury crashes of 10% and a decrease in fatal crashes of 20%26. Lowering the speed limit alone by 10km/h leads to a decrease in mean speeds of 3-4km/h27. Image courtesy of FIA Foundation 39 40 MAKE YOUR ROADS SAFE Build safe roads The opening of a new road brings anticipation of enhanced livelihoods and health access for the communities it serves. Without careful planning and safety checks, the opposite can occur. A fastnew road can be catastrophic for a community living in the vicinity with unnecessary loss of lives and injury – often those on foot or using 2-wheeled transport are at the greatest risk. There is almost always pressure for roads to be designed and constructed as inexpensively as possible with little or no provision for vulnerable road users, and little acknowledgement that cutting costs can mean endangering lives. Roads that are built as cheaply as possible kill and injure road users. By the time authorities realise just how many people are being killed or seriously injured it can be difficult and costly to retrospectively 'fix' a dangerous new road. Designers should not be asked to continually cut the cost of road projects, and instead be challenged to optimise the design for safety of all road users. It is essential to allow sufficient budget for a safe road to be built. Key recommendations are to: • Ensure new roads meet minimum technical standards and 3-star or better design targets for all road users (as per target 3 of the agreed Global Road Safety Performance Targets), challenging and inspiring designers to increase the safety of their designs28; • Implement the UN Road Safety Collaboration Ten Steps for Safer Infrastructure; • Review design options at pre-feasibility stage to determine safety impact using Road Safety Impact Assessment methodology; • Undertake an independent Road Safety Audit on all new roads and schemes (all sizes) at one stage prior to construction of the road and one stage following construction of the road (at a minimum); note that ideally, a Road Safety Audit will be undertaken at all stages of design and construction and is particularly valuable during pre-feasibility and design stages; • Pay attention to the needs of all road user groups that are at risk on the roads, in particular Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs) such as pedestrians, cyclists and motorised 2- and 3-wheelers and those with disabilities; • Balance 'access' and 'mobility', ensuring that roads where VRUs are expected are welcoming for pedestrians and cyclists and that safe speed limits are set (e.g. 30km/h); • Ensure local roads are designed to be accessible to those with disabilities; • Develop and follow Work Zone safety guidance; • Implement construction quality control and management to ensure key road infrastructure features that support safety are correctly installed; • Monitor all new road schemes post opening through data analysis and Road Safety Audit; and • Engage with national/ local design institutes and institutions in charge of norming road design guidelines to ensure regular update of standards according to international best practices. Manage the safety of your existing roads Constructing safe new roads is within the control of the road authority; ensuring an existing legacy network is safe, is potentially much more of a challenge. That said, treatments can be inexpensive and very cost effective16. Key recommendations are to: • Establish targets for more than 75% of travel on roads that meet technical standards for all road users (equivalent to 3-star or better) that take into account road safety in support of the agreed Global Road Safety Performance Targets; • Implement the UN Road Safety Collaboration Ten Steps for Safer Infrastructure; • Review the business case for safer roads for the network being assessed to assist in securing dedicated funding within new or existing programs9; • Identify the worst 10% of sites and road sections across the network every year through the analysis of crash or inspection data (OR work with the police to improve crash data so that this can be done) and budget for targeted treatment programmes for implementation in the next financial year; • Undertake iRAP surveys at least every 5 years on main roads, follow up with detailed reviews and development of treatment programmes; • Evaluate treatments to build an evidence base of what works, and what does not work; • Pay attention to the needs of all road user groups that are at risk on the roads, in particular VRUs; and • Undertake comprehensive maintenance inspections. LEAD DELIVERY PARTNER SUPPORTING PARTNERS • Police • Transport Ministry • Private sector • Lead agency • Road assessment programme LEAD SUPPORTING PARTNERS • Lead agency • Roads authorities • National statistics office • Road assessment programme Roads Authorities Police Finance Ministry or Chancellor Investors, MDBs and Donors 41 42 At the international or regional level: Automobile manufacturers can: • Make a voluntary commitment to apply UN regulations for front and side impact crash test standards seatbelt/seatbelt anchorages, ESC and pedestrian protection to all their new models from 2020; • Make the full range of safety design and devices available in all their major markets and price the relevant technologies separately – ceasing the practice of de-specification and bundling of safety features; and • Improve the content of their sustainability responsibility reporting to include data on the applied safety standards of its global vehicle production. Governments and donors can: • Support NCAPs to extend consumer related testing to include all the world's major automobile markets and the widest range of models possible; • Invest in laboratory capacity and training of personnel to enable type approval, in use compliance and independent NCAP testing in all world regions; and • Participate in the World Forum for Harmonisation of Vehicle Regulations to promote a levelling up of the safety standards in an open and competitive market for automobiles and their components. FOR MORE INFORMATION Global NCAP (2015). Democratising car safety: Road map for safer cars 2020. London, UK: Global NCAP. www.globalncap.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/ road-map-2020.pdf gTKP website pages on vehicle safety. www.gtkp.com/themepage.hp&themepgid=373 International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee: http://citainsp.org/ International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers: www.oica.net/ UNECE website pages on vehicle regulations. www.unece.org/trans/main/welcwp29.html • FOR MORE INFORMATION WHO Global Road Safety Performance Targets. www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_ traffic/12GlobalRoadSafetyTargets.pdf?ua=1 PIARC (2015). Road Safety Manual. https://roadsafety.piarc.org/en UN Road Safety Collaboration - Ten Steps for Safer Road Infrastructure. www.gtkp.com/themepage.php&themepgid=368 gTKP website pages on Safer Roads and Mobility. www.gtkp.com/themepage.hp&themepgid=370 AfDB (2015). Road safety manuals for Africa – new roads and schemes: road safety audit. www.afdb.org/en/documents/document/road-safetymanuals-for-africa-new-roads-and-schemes-roadsafety-audit-51937 AfDB (2015). Road safety manuals for Africa – existing roads: reactive approaches. www.afdb.org/en/documents/document/roadsafety-manuals-for-africa-existing-roads-proactiveapproaches-51935/ AfDB (2015). Road safety manuals for Africa – existing roads: proactive approaches. www.afdb.org/en/documents/document/roadsafety-manuals-for-africa-existing-roads-proactiveapproaches-51935 iRAP road safety toolkit. http://toolkit.irap.org/ iRAP website pages on 'Developing a Local RAP Programme'. www.irap.org/partnering-to-save-lives/regional-raps/ iRAP website pages on 'How we can help'. www.irap.org/how-we-can-help/ RAISE THE SAFETY OF VEHICLES Improvements in vehicle safety have a huge contribution to make to saving lives. The WHO global road safety performance target no. 5 is: By 2030, 100% of new (defined as produced, sold or imported) and used vehicles meet high quality safety standards, such as the recommended priority UN Regulations, Global Technical Regulations, or equivalent recognised national performance requirements. To work towards meeting target 5, key recommendations for improving vehicle safety (1) are: At the country level, governments can: • Improve the standard of new (imported or locally manufactured) vehicles by adopting the UN regulations for frontal and side impact, seatbelt/seatbelt anchorages, Electronic Stability Control (ESC) and pedestrian protection; • Adopt and promote New Car Assessment Programme (NCAP) star ratings; • Encourage fleet purchasers in the public and private sectors and rental companies to choose five-star NCAP vehicles wherever possible; • Along with insurance companies, provide incentives to encourage more rapid deployment of new technologies (such as electronic stability control) through the passenger car fleet; • Require all motorised vehicles to be subjected to an annual safety check; • Undertake roadside roadworthiness inspections (including tyre depth and pressure checks); • Create and enforce rules on overloading; • Set requirements for trucks, coaches and buses to have the latest available technology; and • Apply conformity of production checks to models already approved on their market and consider scrappage schemes to remove older unsafe vehicles from the road. LEAD DELIVERY PARTNER SUPPORTING PARTNERS • Police • Private sector • Vehicle Inspection Agency • Communications Ministry • Regional NCAP • Lead Agency • Road Authorities • Civil society, non-governmental Transport organisations, charities Ministry 43 44 PROMOTE PUBLIC TRANSPORT The provision of safe, clean, efficient and affordable public transport can be an effective strategy to reduce road crashes, by encouraging the public to use public transport instead of their own vehicles. This relates to city-based and inter-city transport systems. The contribution to the broader SDGs enhances the benefits of safe and secure public transport systems32. For this to be a success: • Public transport managers and drivers need to be trained to a high level and understand their role in ensuring safe movement of their customers including those with disabilities; • Vehicles will be fit for purpose and subjected to regular and mandatory safety checks and meticulous maintenance regimes; • Careful thought is given to the whole journey ensuring that pedestrians or cyclists can access the public transport safely (for example, safe waiting areas and crossings and minimum 3-star or better routes for pedestrians and cyclists); and • Public transport should be accessible and disability inclusive33. All new public transport schemes should be subjected to a Road Safety Audit prior to construction, and once in place, should be reviewed through an assessment that includes monitoring of crash and near miss data. Particular attention can be given to the safety of passengers (pedestrians and cyclists) as they approach public transport and how public transport interacts with other road users, modes and modal intersections. LEAD DELIVERY PARTNER SUPPORTING PARTNERS • Roads authority • Private sector • Vehicle Inspection Agency • Roads Authority • Lead Agency • Civil society, non-government Transport organisations, charities Ministry DID YOU KNOW Improvements in the protective safety equipment in vehicles in the UK from 1989 to 2009 were responsible for a 15% reduction in vehicle occupant fatalities – the single greatest overall contributor to the reduction in the number of fatalities on UK roads30. If improvements in protective safety equipment in vehicles that have been made in the EU were made in Brazil, it is estimated that 34,000 fatalities and 350,000 serious injuries could be saved between 2015 and 203031. Image courtesy of FIA Foundation 45 46 DEAL WITH CRASHES THAT DO HAPPEN EFFECTIVELY Crash victim survivability is much improved if the patient arrives at the right hospital for treatment within the 'golden hour' after a crash has occurred. As well as the golden hour, there is also the 'platinum ten'. This is the first 10 minutes after a crash where key emergency services need to reach a badly injured casualty (such as those unconscious and trapped) to improve their chances of survival. Once a casualty has arrived at hospital, they may need to be stabilised, receive complex treatment and ultimately long-term rehabilitation. The starting point for effective post-crash response is a clear national health strategy that specifically tackles road traffic crashes and sets clear roles and responsibilities of emergency services and health care providers. Every part of the emergency care chain needs to operate effectively, with the person at the centre. Particular attention should be given to: • The way in which crashes are reported – ideally through a single emergency services number directed to a National Control Centre who can co-ordinate response with a dedicated medical dispatch team; • Ensuring protocols are in place for coordination and scene management, and that emergency services undertake joint training exercises; • Providing ambulances and rescue personnel with necessary equipment (e.g. jaws of life cutting equipment) and training; • Ensuring that Emergency Medical Services are clinically led and have clinical guidelines and pharmacology protocols that include enhanced patient assessment, advanced airway management, and gold standard pain relief; • Efficient transfer to hospital with information relayed between the ambulance crew and emergency room on the availability of critical care beds and the condition of the patient; • Effective handover upon arrival to the emergency room, and triage system is in place; • Having effective hospitals with appropriate specialist doctors and nurses, 24/7/365 (all day, every day) availability of specialist surgeons and availability of key diagnostic medical equipment; • Ensuring that hospitals have the facilities and resources to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services for those seriously injured in road traffic crashes; and • The way in which society cares for those that have been injured in road traffic crashes and provides a safety net for any dependents. FOR MORE INFORMATION gTKP website pages on Post-crash Response. www.gtkp.com/themepage.php&themepgid=372 LEAD DELIVERY PARTNER SUPPORTING PARTNERS • Roads Authority • Lead Agency • Transport Authority • Civil society, non-government organisations, charities Health Ministry Fire & Rescue Figure 5: The emergency care chain Police Image courtesy of FIA Foundation 47 48 WORK WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR AND CIVIL SOCIETY Working with the private sector and civil society can increase the 'road safety work force' dramatically and release very necessary funds and skills. This can be done through: • Engaging with private firms through their corporate social responsibility activities – this works best when activities are coordinated at the national level; • Helping private companies recognise the need to manage their own road safety risk through effective policies and education - often good practice can influence road user behaviour outside of work; • Ensuring local private consultancy firms and research organisations have appropriate skills to support the delivery of the national road safety action plan; and • Working with NGOs and charities. FOR MORE INFORMATION UN Road Safety Collaboration. www.who.int/roadsafety/en/ Global Alliance for Road Safety. http://roadsafetyngos.org/ Global Road Safety Partnership. www.grsproadsafety.org/ International Road Assessment Programme. www.irap.org/ Global NCAP. www.globalncap.org/ International Road Federation. https://irfnet.ch/ and www.irf.global/ International Fire and Rescue Association. www.ifra.co.uk/ UN Road Safety Fund. www.unece.org/unrsf/home.html World Bank Global Road Safety Facility. www.worldbank.org/en/programs/global-road-safetyfacility LEAD DELIVERY PARTNER SUPPORTING PARTNERS • Private sector • Civil society, non-government organisations, charities • Finance Ministry • Education Ministry • Communications Ministry Lead Agency or NRSC - Shane O'Connor, Communications Advisor, FedEx Global Citizenship - Rob McInerney, CEO iRAP - Caroline Barber, CEO, Transaid "With more than 180,000 vehicles on the world's roads, FedEx is positively focused on safety. We work with the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety to empower them to save lives, and over the last 20 years we have helped Safe Kids Worldwide to reach more than 17 million children in 10 countries, using around 20,000 FedEx volunteers to teach kids lifesaving road skills." "iRAP is a registered charity with the vision for a world free of high-risk roads. Together, if we can achieve the 2030 targets for 3-star or better roads, we will save more than 100 million people from death or injury from road crashes over the life of the treatments. More than $8 of benefits will be achieved for every $1 invested. Our partnerships with government, Development Banks, Mobility Clubs and Experts across more than 100 countries worldwide encourage locally led programmes that can unlock this potential for safer roads to save lives." "Transaid has been working with the Industrial Training Centre (ITC) in Zambia for 10 years. The ITC provides driver training to many of the private sector haulage companies in Zambia. Those that are trained are safer in their professional driving and provide an example to colleagues, friends, family and their wider communities" 49 50 NEXT STEPS TO IMPROVE ROAD SAFETY Next steps should be implemented in accordance with a prioritised national road safety action plan. These should include some or all of the following actions: Legislate, educate and enforce Legislate • Introduce legislation for key behaviours including seatbelt and child restraint use, mobile phone use by drivers, drink and drug driving, speed and speed limits, and helmet use; and • Introduce a penalty point system. Educate • Embed road safety education into the school curriculum for all ages; and • Develop and implement campaigns and awareness plans with clear branding and messaging. Enforce • Train the police in use of equipment, communicating with the public and enforcing road safety legislation; and • Develop and implement a data/ intelligence led enforcement strategy. Set safe speed limits and improve compliance • Review all speed limits to check if they are safe and appropriate for the road - update the speed limit and/or improve road design where necessary; • Make sure the start and finish of all speed limits is clearly signed; • Provide training to the police for using different speed enforcement technology, and develop a strategic plan for speed enforcement; and • Include speed awareness in educational initiatives and campaigns. Make your roads safe • Introduce Star Rating targets, Road Safety Impact Assessment, Road Safety Audit (at a minimum one stage before and after construction) and monitoring for all new road schemes; • Develop, implement and monitor Work Zone safety guidance; • Undertake annual crash data analysis to identify the worst 10% of sites or sections for targeted improvements; • Undertake iRAP surveys at least every 5 years to track performance and identify opportunities for targeted improvements; • Undertake regular maintenance inspections; and • Ensure road design standards are up to date and reflect best international practice. Raise the safety of vehicles • Introduce UN regulations for frontal and side impact, seatbelt/seatbelt anchorages, ESC and pedestrian protection; • Lobby manufacturers to adopt UN regulations for front and side impact crash tests, and include all available safety features available to the public; and • Introduce annual safety checks and roadside roadworthiness inspections. Promote public transport • Train public transport managers and drivers; • Make sure that public transport is safe and accessible; • Ensure regular and mandatory vehicle safety checks and meticulous maintenance regimes are implemented; and • Subject all new public transport schemes to Road Safety Audit before, during and after construction, and monitor performance through the analysis of crash and near miss data. Deal with crashes that do happen - effectively • Introduce a single emergency services number and medical dispatch team at a National Control Centre; • Undertake a study to determine the level of resourcing, skill and equipment required for effective: • Dispatch, rescue and extrication of crash victims; • Treatment at the scene, during transit to the hospital and during handover; • Treatment in hospital; and • Rehabilitation (in- and out-patient). Work with the private sector and civil society • Include representatives from the private sector and civil society in working groups where relevant; and • Establish a private/civil society forum for co-ordination of activities at which training can be provided. Evaluate, monitor and review • Ensure all road safety programmes have an evaluation component; • Monitor performance through annual analyses and surveys; and • Amend the national road safety action plan according to results. 51 52 To reduce injuries and fatalities, many proven measures are available – from better infrastructure to safer vehicles, better enforcement and education and improved emergency medical services. The infographic illustrates the comprehensive approach that Germany has taken as a response to sharply rising fatality rates since the 1950s - comprising a bundle of measures that can inspire policy-makers and experts elsewhere. A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH FOR ROAD SAFETY: THE EXAMPLE OF GERMANY The challenge of road safety About 3,700 people die every day in road traffic accidents around the world. A further 50 million people are injured every year. Despite comparatively low levels of individual motorisation, emerging economies and developing countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia are particularly affected, with more than 90 per cent of traffic-related deaths occurring in these countries. By now, road accidents are the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5–29 years and have surpassed HIV, Malaria and tuberculosis as global health threats. By launching the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, the United Nations have called on the member states to step up their efforts to improve road safety. This infographic illustrates the comprehensive approach that Germany has taken as a response to sharply rising fatality rates since the 1950s. Along with many other European countries, Germany has succeeded in reducing fatalities significantly – thanks to a bundle of measures that can be replicated elsewhere. Imprint Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Sector Project Sustainable Mobility Design: Julia Klasen Concept & Editing: Dominik Schmid Contact: transport@giz.de Data source for injuries and fatalities: DESTATIS With special thanks to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gerlach, University of Wuppertal, and Dr. Markus Lerner, Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), for the helpful suggestions. All errors and omissions remain with GIZ. As of: March 2019 Further information and the infographic as pdf Our iNUA paper on Enhancing Road Safety Fatalities Injuries 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 20,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 0 2018 A comprehensive approach for road safety – The example of Ge1966 Introduction of a 1.3‰ legal blood alcohol limit 1970 Introduction of the principle of defensive driving 1970 Compulsory use of turn signal (blinking) in urban areas 1973 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.8‰ 1974 Accumulating credit system for traffic offenses 1974 Introduction of recommended speed limit on motorways (Autobahnen) - 130 km/h 1975 Use of seatbelt and helmet becomes compulsory 1976 Introduction of 100 km/h speed limit outside of built-up areas 1980 Introduction of fines for riding motorcycles without helmet 1984 Introduction of fines for driving without fastened seatbelt 1986 2-year trial period for new drivers 1986 Minimum age for driving heavy motorbikes raised to 20 years 1988 Introduction of minimum distance to trucks and buses 1993 Mandatory use of child safety seats for children in cars 1995 Compulsory speed limit for vehicles that drive past standing buses (walking speed) 1998 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.5‰ 2001 Introduction of fines for using mobile phones while driving 2007 Blood alcohol limit of 0.0‰ for novice drivers and persons under the age of 21 2010 Introduction of accompanied driving from the age of 17 1964 Intro1973 Introgradto be1977 Introdesigcateconn1980 Introplay 1981 PublReseon tr1982 Intro(RASof thphys1983 Firstspee1990 Increalter1993 New roadand 1995 Revisupda1996 Introrural2006 Intro(i.e. road2007 Dedisafetroad2008 First2011 IntroacceUser Related Measures (TRAINING AND EDUCATION, TRAFFIC LAW, INCENTIVES, ENFORCEMENT) InfrastrRelated (ROAD DESIGN, 1963 The econgeemer1970 First Medic1971 Introdalong1973 Introd110 (regio1974 First Bavarespo1998 EU-wemer2018 Mandsystelocat2018 All nequipRescue S(ALERT, RESCUE) 1956 Regular Road Safety Inspection for roads becomes obligatory in road traffic regulations (VwV-StVO) 1961 Regular vehicle safety inspections (TÜV) become mandatory 1969 The German Road Safety Council (DVR) is founded, bundling the efforts of all parties involved in road safety in order to achieve efficient action 1969 Publication of the German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) bulletin on local transport plans (introduction of accident analyses, consideration of non-motorized transport) 1971 Adoption of the Municipal Transport Financing Law, introducing federal financing schemes for urban transport and mandatory local transport plans 1979 Introduction of target-oriented transport planning instead of supply-oriented planning in guidelines for local transport plans 2002 Introduction of safety audits to avoid shortcomings with regard to road safety during the planning process 2008 Directive 2008/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on road infrastructure safety management 1973, 1984, 2001 and 2011 Road Safety Programmes of the Federal Government Organization (PLANNING, FINANCING, CONTROLLING) 1990 Reunification East/West Germany: Road safety data only for West Germany until 1990 1959 Introduction of three point seat belt 1963 Introduction of energy absorbing steering column (avoiding excessive injuries to the driver in the event of a heavy frontal impact) 1978 Introduction of anti-lock braking system 1980 First introduction of an air bag (in driver seat only) for a Mercedes car 1990 Mandatory introduction of side guards on trucks above 3.5 tons to protect two-wheel drivers and pedestrians 1996 Introduction of Brake Assist System (BAS) Vehicle Related Measures (ACTIVE SAFETY, PASSIVE SAFETY, TELEMATICS) 1996 Introduction of Euro.NCAP testing procedures for vehicle passive safety devices 1998 Increasing use of windowbags (protecting passengers from head injuries) 2004 Commitment by european car manufacturing industry to equip all new cars with anti-lock braking system 2011 Mandatory introduction of Electronic Stability Control in all new cars and trucks in the EU 2016 Anti-lock braking system becomes mandatory for all new motorbikes 2011 2011 1998 2001 2002 2006 1998 1993 1996 1993 1959 1963 1964 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1980 1983 1984 5.4 Mio Total Vehicle Fleet in Germany 8.0 Mio 16.8 Mio 27.1 Mio 35.7 Mio 51.3 Mio 56.4 Mio 50.1 Mio The challenge of road safety About 3,700 people die every day in road traffic accidents around the world. A further 50 million people are injured every year. Despite comparatively low levels of individual motorisation, emerging economies and developing countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia are particularly affected, with more than 90 per cent of traffic-related deaths occurring in these countries. By now, road accidents are the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5–29 years and have surpassed HIV, Malaria and tuberculosis as global health threats. By launching the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, the United Nations have called on the member states to step up their efforts to improve road safety. This infographic illustrates the comprehensive approach that Germany has taken as a response to sharply rising fatality rates since the 1950s. Along with many other European countries, Germany has succeeded in reducing fatalities significantly – thanks to a bundle of measures that can be replicated elsewhere. Imprint Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Sector Project Sustainable Mobility Design: Julia Klasen Concept & Editing: Dominik Schmid Contact: transport@giz.de Data source for injuries and fatalities: DESTATIS With special thanks to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gerlach, University of Wuppertal, and Dr. Markus Lerner, Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), for the helpful suggestions. All errors and omissions remain with GIZ. As of: March 2019 Further information and the infographic as pdf Our iNUA paper on Enhancing Road Safety Fatalities Injuries 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 20,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 0 2018 A comprehensive approach for road safety – The example of Germany 1966 Introduction of a 1.3‰ legal blood alcohol limit 1970 Introduction of the principle of defensive driving 1970 Compulsory use of turn signal (blinking) in urban areas 1973 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.8‰ 1974 Accumulating credit system for traffic offenses 1974 Introduction of recommended speed limit on motorways (Autobahnen) - 130 km/h 1975 Use of seatbelt and helmet becomes compulsory 1976 Introduction of 100 km/h speed limit outside of built-up areas 1980 Introduction of fines for riding motorcycles without helmet 1984 Introduction of fines for driving without fastened seatbelt 1986 2-year trial period for new drivers 1986 Minimum age for driving heavy motorbikes raised to 20 years 1988 Introduction of minimum distance to trucks and buses 1993 Mandatory use of child safety seats for children in cars 1995 Compulsory speed limit for vehicles that drive past standing buses (walking speed) 1998 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.5‰ 2001 Introduction of fines for using mobile phones while driving 2007 Blood alcohol limit of 0.0‰ for novice drivers and persons under the age of 21 2010 Introduction of accompanied driving from the age of 17 1964 Introduction of zebra crossings for pedestrians 1973 Introduction of standards for geometric layout, gradients, cross sections and design speeds to be integrated into design guidelines 1977 Introduction of general principles of road network design, classification of roads according to road categories (i.e. interstate, arterial, collector, local) and connection type (urban vs rural, expected volume etc.) 1980 Introduction of zones with traffic calming ("Spielstraßen", or play streets), designed to be oriented towards pedestrians 1981 Publication of German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) recommendations on traffic calming in residential areas 1982 Introduction of guidelines on cross-sections for roads (RAS-Q) including determining the dimensions of the roadway components based on physical and volume characterisitcs 1983 First trials for zones with 30 km/h speed limit in residential areas 1990 Increasing use of roundabouts as alternative form of intersection 1993 New design recommendations for urban main roads (including consideration of urban design and requirements of pedestrians and cyclists) 1995 Revised guidelines on road alignment including updates on overtaking sight distance reqiurements 1996 Introduction of 2+1 lane road design for high level rural roads to prevent overtaking accidents 2006 Introduction of concepts for self-explaining (i.e. standardized) roads and forgiving roadsides in design guidelines 2007 Dedicated recommendations on improving road safety on popular motorbike routes through improved road design and enforcement measures 2008 First shared space project in Germany (City of Bohmte) 2011 Introduction of "Design for All" principle to provide accessible transportation facilities (HBVA) User Related Measures (TRAINING AND EDUCATION, TRAFFIC LAW, INCENTIVES, ENFORCEMENT) Infrastructure Related Measures (ROAD DESIGN, ROAD CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE) 1963 The emergency corridor is introduced. In case of congestion, drivers have to form a corridor for emergency vehicles to access a potential accident. 1970 First permanent HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Services) base is established in Munich 1971 Introduction of emergency telephones along highways and major roads 1973 Introduction of country-wide emergency call numbers 110 (police) and 112 (fire brigade), although regional numbers for EMS continue to exist 1974 First EMS law introduced in the Federal State of Bavaria, outlining requirements for staff, equipment and response times. Other federal states follow soon. 1998 EU-wide mandatory introduction of emergency call number 112 for EMS 2018 Mandatory introduction of the automatic emergency call system eCall, which automatically dials 112 and sends the location in case of an emergency for all new cars in the EU 2018 All new heavy-goods vehicles have to be equipped with emergency braking systems Rescue Services (ALERT, RESCUE) 1956 Regular Road Safety Inspection for roads becomes obligatory in road traffic regulations (VwV-StVO) 1961 Regular vehicle safety inspections (TÜV) become mandatory 1969 The German Road Safety Council (DVR) is founded, bundling the efforts of all parties involved in road safety in order to achieve efficient action 1969 Publication of the German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) bulletin on local transport plans (introduction of accident analyses, consideration of non-motorized transport) 1971 Adoption of the Municipal Transport Financing Law, introducing federal financing schemes for urban transport and mandatory local transport plans 1979 Introduction of target-oriented transport planning instead of supply-oriented planning in guidelines for local transport plans 2002 Introduction of safety audits to avoid shortcomings with regard to road safety during the planning process 2008 Directive 2008/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on road infrastructure safety management 1973, 1984, 2001 and 2011 Road Safety Programmes of the Federal Government Organization (PLANNING, FINANCING, CONTROLLING) 1990 Reunification East/West Germany: Road safety data only for West Germany until 1990 1959 Introduction of three point seat belt 1963 Introduction of energy absorbing steering column (avoiding excessive injuries to the driver in the event of a heavy frontal impact) 1978 Introduction of anti-lock braking system 1980 First introduction of an air bag (in driver seat only) for a Mercedes car 1990 Mandatory introduction of side guards on trucks above 3.5 tons to protect two-wheel drivers and pedestrians 1996 Introduction of Brake Assist System (BAS) Vehicle Related Measures (ACTIVE SAFETY, PASSIVE SAFETY, TELEMATICS) 1996 Introduction of Euro.NCAP testing procedures for vehicle passive safety devices 1998 Increasing use of windowbags (protecting passengers from head injuries) 2004 Commitment by european car manufacturing industry to equip all new cars with anti-lock braking system 2011 Mandatory introduction of Electronic Stability Control in all new cars and trucks in the EU 2016 Anti-lock braking system becomes mandatory for all new motorbikes 2011 2011 1998 2001 2002 2006 1998 1993 1996 1993 1959 1963 1964 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1980 1983 1984 5.4 Mio Total Vehicle Fleet in Germany 8.0 Mio 16.8 Mio 27.1 Mio 35.7 Mio 51.3 Mio 56.4 Mio 50.1 Mio Fatalities Injuries 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 20,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 0 2018 A comprehensive approach for road safety – The example of Germany1966 Introduction of a 1.3‰ legal blood alcohol limit 1970 Introduction of the principle of defensive driving 1970 Compulsory use of turn signal (blinking) in urban areas 1973 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.8‰ 1974 Accumulating credit system for traffic offenses 1974 Introduction of recommended speed limit on motorways (Autobahnen) - 130 km/h 1975 Use of seatbelt and helmet becomes compulsory 1976 Introduction of 100 km/h speed limit outside of built-up areas 1980 Introduction of fines for riding motorcycles without helmet 1984 Introduction of fines for driving without fastened seatbelt 1986 2-year trial period for new drivers 1986 Minimum age for driving heavy motorbikes raised to 20 years 1988 Introduction of minimum distance to trucks and buses 1993 Mandatory use of child safety seats for children in cars 1995 Compulsory speed limit for vehicles that drive past standing buses (walking speed) 1998 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.5‰ 2001 Introduction of fines for using mobile phones while driving 2007 Blood alcohol limit of 0.0‰ for novice drivers and persons under the age of 21 2010 Introduction of accompanied driving from the age of 17 1964 Introduction of zebra crossings for pe1973 Introduction of standards for geometrgradients, cross sections and design to be integrated into design guideline1977 Introduction of general principles of design, classification of roads accordcategories (i.e. interstate, arterial, coconnection type (urban vs rural, expe1980 Introduction of zones with traffic calmplay streets), designed to be oriented1981 Publication of German Road and TranResearch Association (FGSV) recommon traffic calming in residential areas1982 Introduction of guidelines on cross-se(RAS-Q) including determining the dimof the roadway components based onphysical and volume characterisitcs 1983 First trials for zones with 30 km/h speed limit in residential areas 1990 Increasing use of roundabouts as alternative form of intersection 1993 New design recommendations for urbroads (including consideration of urbaand requirements of pedestrians and 1995 Revised guidelines on road alignmentupdates on overtaking sight distance 1996 Introduction of 2+1 lane road design rural roads to prevent overtaking acc2006 Introduction of concepts for self-expl(i.e. standardized) roads and forgivingroadsides in design guidelines 2007 Dedicated recommendations on improsafety on popular motorbike routes throad design and enforcement measur2008 First shared space project in German2011 Introduction of "Design for All" princiaccessible transportation facilities (HUser Related Measures (TRAINING AND EDUCATION, TRAFFIC LAW, INCENTIVES, ENFORCEMENT) Infrastructure Related Measures (ROAD DESIGN, ROAD CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE) 1963 The emergency corridor is introduced. congestion, drivers have to form a coemergency vehicles to access a poten1970 First permanent HEMS (Helicopter EmMedical Services) base is established1971 Introduction of emergency telephones along highways and major roads 1973 Introduction of country-wide emergen110 (police) and 112 (fire brigade), alregional numbers for EMS continue to1974 First EMS law introduced in the FederBavaria, outlining requirements for staresponse times. Other federal states f1998 EU-wide mandatory introduction of emergency call number 112 for EMS 2018 Mandatory introduction of the automasystem eCall, which automatically dialocation in case of an emergency for 2018 All new heavy-goods vehicles have toequipped with emergency braking sysRescue Services (ALERT, RESCUE) 1956 Regular Road Safety Inspection for roads becomes obligatory in road traffic regulations (VwV-StVO) 1961 Regular vehicle safety inspections (TÜV) become mandatory 1969 The German Road Safety Council (DVR) is founded, bundling the efforts of all parties involved in road safety in order to achieve efficient action 1969 Publication of the German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) bulletin on local transport plans (introduction of accident analyses, consideration of non-motorized transport) 1971 Adoption of the Municipal Transport Financing Law, introducing federal financing schemes for urban transport and mandatory local transport plans 1979 Introduction of target-oriented transport planning instead of supply-oriented planning in guidelines for local transport plans 2002 Introduction of safety audits to avoid shortcomings with regard to road safety during the planning process 2008 Directive 2008/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on road infrastructure safety management 1973, 1984, 2001 and 2011 Road Safety Programmes of the Federal Government Organization (PLANNING, FINANCING, CONTROLLING) 1990 Reunification East/West Germany: Road safety data only for West Germany until 1990 1959 Introduction of three point seat belt 1963 Introduction of energy absorbing steering column (avoiding excessive injuries to the driver in the event of a heavy frontal impact) 1978 Introduction of anti-lock braking system 1980 First introduction of an air bag (in driver seat only) for a Mercedes car 1990 Mandatory introduction of side guards on trucks above 3.5 tons to protect two-wheel drivers and pedestrians 1996 Introduction of Brake Assist System (BAS) Vehicle Related Measures (ACTIVE SAFETY, PASSIVE SAFETY, TELEMATICS) 1996 Introduction of Euro.NCAP testing procedures for vehicle passive safety devices 1998 Increasing use of windowbags (protecting passengers from head injuries) 2004 Commitment by european car manufacturing industry to equip all new cars with anti-lock braking system 2011 Mandatory introduction of Electronic Stability Control in all new cars and trucks in the EU 2016 Anti-lock braking system becomes mandatory for all new motorbikes 2011 2011 1998 2001 2002 2006 1998 1993 1996 1993 1959 1963 1964 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1980 1983 1984 5.4 Mio Total Vehicle Fleet in Germany 8.0 Mio 16.8 Mio 27.1 Mio 35.7 Mio 51.3 Mio 56.4 Mio 50.1 Mio The challenge of road safety About 3,700 people die every day in road traffic accidents around the world. A further 50 million people are injured every year. Despite comparatively low levels of individual motorisation, emerging economies and developing countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia are particularly affected, with more than 90 per cent of traffic-related deaths occurring in these countries. By now, road accidents are the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5–29 years and have surpassed HIV, Malaria and tuberculosis as global health threats. By launching the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, the United Nations have called on the member states to step up their efforts to improve road safety. This infographic illustrates the comprehensive approach that Germany has taken as a response to sharply rising fatality rates since the 1950s. Along with many other European countries, Germany has succeeded in reducing fatalities significantly – thanks to a bundle of measures that can be replicated elsewhere. Imprint Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Sector Project Sustainable Mobility Design: Julia Klasen Concept & Editing: Dominik Schmid Contact: transport@giz.de Data source for injuries and fatalities: DESTATIS With special thanks to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gerlach, University of Wuppertal, and Dr. Markus Lerner, Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), for the helpful suggestions. All errors and omissions remain with GIZ. As of: March 2019 Further information and the infographic as pdf Our iNUA paper on Enhancing Road Safety Fatalities Injuries 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 20,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 0 2018 A comprehensive approach for road safety – The example of Germany1966 Introduction of a 1.3‰ legal blood alcohol limit 1970 Introduction of the principle of defensive driving 1970 Compulsory use of turn signal (blinking) in urban areas 1973 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.8‰ 1974 Accumulating credit system for traffic offenses 1974 Introduction of recommended speed limit on motorways (Autobahnen) - 130 km/h 1975 Use of seatbelt and helmet becomes compulsory 1976 Introduction of 100 km/h speed limit outside of built-up areas 1980 Introduction of fines for riding motorcycles without helmet 1984 Introduction of fines for driving without fastened seatbelt 1986 2-year trial period for new drivers 1986 Minimum age for driving heavy motorbikes raised to 20 years 1988 Introduction of minimum distance to trucks and buses 1993 Mandatory use of child safety seats for children in cars 1995 Compulsory speed limit for vehicles that drive past standing buses (walking speed) 1998 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.5‰ 2001 Introduction of fines for using mobile phones while driving 2007 Blood alcohol limit of 0.0‰ for novice drivers and persons under the age of 21 2010 Introduction of accompanied driving from the age of 17 1964 Introduction of zebra crossings for pe1973 Introduction of standards for geometrgradients, cross sections and design to be integrated into design guideline1977 Introduction of general principles of design, classification of roads accordcategories (i.e. interstate, arterial, coconnection type (urban vs rural, expe1980 Introduction of zones with traffic calmplay streets), designed to be oriented1981 Publication of German Road and TranResearch Association (FGSV) recommon traffic calming in residential areas1982 Introduction of guidelines on cross-se(RAS-Q) including determining the dimof the roadway components based onphysical and volume characterisitcs 1983 First trials for zones with 30 km/h speed limit in residential areas 1990 Increasing use of roundabouts as alternative form of intersection 1993 New design recommendations for urbroads (including consideration of urbaand requirements of pedestrians and 1995 Revised guidelines on road alignmentupdates on overtaking sight distance 1996 Introduction of 2+1 lane road design rural roads to prevent overtaking acc2006 Introduction of concepts for self-expl(i.e. standardized) roads and forgivingroadsides in design guidelines 2007 Dedicated recommendations on improsafety on popular motorbike routes throad design and enforcement measur2008 First shared space project in German2011 Introduction of "Design for All" princiaccessible transportation facilities (HUser Related Measures (TRAINING AND EDUCATION, TRAFFIC LAW, INCENTIVES, ENFORCEMENT) Infrastructure Related Measures (ROAD DESIGN, ROAD CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE) 1963 The emergency corridor is introduced. congestion, drivers have to form a coemergency vehicles to access a poten1970 First permanent HEMS (Helicopter EmMedical Services) base is established1971 Introduction of emergency telephones along highways and major roads 1973 Introduction of country-wide emergen110 (police) and 112 (fire brigade), alregional numbers for EMS continue to1974 First EMS law introduced in the FederBavaria, outlining requirements for staresponse times. Other federal states f1998 EU-wide mandatory introduction of emergency call number 112 for EMS 2018 Mandatory introduction of the automasystem eCall, which automatically dialocation in case of an emergency for 2018 All new heavy-goods vehicles have toequipped with emergency braking sysRescue Services (ALERT, RESCUE) 1956 Regular Road Safety Inspection for roads becomes obligatory in road traffic regulations (VwV-StVO) 1961 Regular vehicle safety inspections (TÜV) become mandatory 1969 The German Road Safety Council (DVR) is founded, bundling the efforts of all parties involved in road safety in order to achieve efficient action 1969 Publication of the German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) bulletin on local transport plans (introduction of accident analyses, consideration of non-motorized transport) 1971 Adoption of the Municipal Transport Financing Law, introducing federal financing schemes for urban transport and mandatory local transport plans 1979 Introduction of target-oriented transport planning instead of supply-oriented planning in guidelines for local transport plans 2002 Introduction of safety audits to avoid shortcomings with regard to road safety during the planning process 2008 Directive 2008/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on road infrastructure safety management 1973, 1984, 2001 and 2011 Road Safety Programmes of the Federal Government Organization (PLANNING, FINANCING, CONTROLLING) 1990 Reunification East/West Germany: Road safety data only for West Germany until 1990 1959 Introduction of three point seat belt 1963 Introduction of energy absorbing steering column (avoiding excessive injuries to the driver in the event of a heavy frontal impact) 1978 Introduction of anti-lock braking system 1980 First introduction of an air bag (in driver seat only) for a Mercedes car 1990 Mandatory introduction of side guards on trucks above 3.5 tons to protect two-wheel drivers and pedestrians 1996 Introduction of Brake Assist System (BAS) Vehicle Related Measures (ACTIVE SAFETY, PASSIVE SAFETY, TELEMATICS) 1996 Introduction of Euro.NCAP testing procedures for vehicle passive safety devices 1998 Increasing use of windowbags (protecting passengers from head injuries) 2004 Commitment by european car manufacturing industry to equip all new cars with anti-lock braking system 2011 Mandatory introduction of Electronic Stability Control in all new cars and trucks in the EU 2016 Anti-lock braking system becomes mandatory for all new motorbikes 2011 2011 1998 2001 2002 2006 1998 1993 1996 1993 1959 1963 1964 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1980 1983 1984 5.4 Mio Total Vehicle Fleet in Germany 8.0 Mio 16.8 Mio 27.1 Mio 35.7 Mio 51.3 Mio 56.4 Mio 50.1 Mio Fatalities Injuries 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 20,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 0 2018 A comprehensive approach for road safety – The example o1966 Introduction of a 1.3‰ legal blood alcohol limit 1970 Introduction of the principle of defensive driving 1970 Compulsory use of turn signal (blinking) in urban areas 1973 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.8‰ 1974 Accumulating credit system for traffic offenses 1974 Introduction of recommended speed limit on motorways (Autobahnen) - 130 km/h 1975 Use of seatbelt and helmet becomes compulsory 1976 Introduction of 100 km/h speed limit outside of built-up areas 1980 Introduction of fines for riding motorcycles without helmet 1984 Introduction of fines for driving without fastened seatbelt 1986 2-year trial period for new drivers 1986 Minimum age for driving heavy motorbikes raised to 20 years 1988 Introduction of minimum distance to trucks and buses 1993 Mandatory use of child safety seats for children in cars 1995 Compulsory speed limit for vehicles that drive past standing buses (walking speed) 1998 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.5‰ 2001 Introduction of fines for using mobile phones while driving 2007 Blood alcohol limit of 0.0‰ for novice drivers and persons under the age of 21 2010 Introduction of accompanied driving from the age of 17 User Related Measures (TRAINING AND EDUCATION, TRAFFIC LAW, INCENTIVES, ENFORCEMENT) 1956 Regular Road Safety Inspection for roads becomes obligatory in road traffic regulations (VwV-StVO) 1961 Regular vehicle safety inspections (TÜV) become mandatory 1969 The German Road Safety Council (DVR) is founded, bundling the efforts of all parties involved in road safety in order to achieve efficient action 1969 Publication of the German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) bulletin on local transport plans (introduction of accident analyses, consideration of non-motorized transport) 1971 Adoption of the Municipal Transport Financing Law, introducing federal financing schemes for urban transport and mandatory local transport plans 1979 Introduction of target-oriented transport planning instead of supply-oriented planning in guidelines for local transport plans 2002 Introduction of safety audits to avoid shortcomings with regard to road safety during the planning process 2008 Directive 2008/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on road infrastructure safety management 1973, 1984, 2001 and 2011 Road Safety Programmes of the Federal Government Organization (PLANNING, FINANCING, CONTROLLING) 1990 Reunification East/West Germany: Road safety data only for West Germany until 1990 1959 Introduction of three point seat belt 1963 Introduction of energy absorbing steering column (avoiding excessive injuries to the driver in the event of a heavy frontal impact) 1978 Introduction of anti-lock braking system 1980 First introduction of an air bag (in driver seat only) for a Mercedes car 1990 Mandatory introduction of side guards on trucks above 3.5 tons to protect two-wheel drivers and pedestrians 1996 Introduction of Brake Assist System (BAS) Vehicle Related Measures (ACTIVE SAFETY, PASSIVE SAFETY, TELEMATICS) 1996 Introduction of Euro.NCAP testing procedures for vehicle passive safety devices 1998 Increasing use of windowbags (protecting passengers from head injuries) 2004 Commitment by european car manufacturing industry to equip all new cars with anti-lock braking system 2011 Mandatory introduction of Electronic Stability Control in all new cars and trucks in the EU 2016 Anti-lock braking system becomes mandatory for all new motorbikes 2011 2011 1998 2001 2002 2006 1998 1993 1996 1993 1959 1963 1964 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1980 1983 1984 5.4 Mio Total Vehicle Fleet in Germany 8.0 Mio 16.8 Mio 27.1 Mio 35.7 Mio 51.3 Mio 56.4 Mio 50.1 Mio The challenge of road safety About 3,700 people die every day in road traffic accidents around the world. A further 50 million people are injured every year. Despite comparatively low levels of individual motorisation, emerging economies and developing countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia are particularly affected, with more than 90 per cent of traffic-related deaths occurring in these countries. By now, road accidents are the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5–29 years and have surpassed HIV, Malaria and tuberculosis as global health threats. By launching the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, the United Nations have called on the member states to step up their efforts to improve road safety. This infographic illustrates the comprehensive approach that Germany has taken as a response to sharply rising fatality rates since the 1950s. Along with many other European countries, Germany has succeeded in reducing fatalities significantly – thanks to a bundle of measures that can be replicated elsewhere. Imprint Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Sector Project Sustainable Mobility Design: Julia Klasen Concept & Editing: Dominik Schmid Contact: transport@giz.de Data source for injuWith special thanksUniversity of WuppeHighway Research Isuggestions. All errAs of: March 2019 Further information and the infographic as pdf Our iNUA paper on Enhancing Road Safety Fatalities 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 120,000 A comprehensive approach for road sa1966 Introduction of a 1.3‰ legal blood alcohol limit 1970 Introduction of the principle of defensive driving 1970 Compulsory use of turn signal (blinking) in urban areas 1973 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.8‰ 1974 Accumulating credit system for traffic offenses 1974 Introduction of recommended speed limit on motorways (Autobahnen) - 130 km/h 1975 Use of seatbelt and helmet becomes compulsory 1976 Introduction of 100 km/h speed limit outside of built-up areas 1980 Introduction of fines for riding motorcycles without helmet 1984 Introduction of fines for driving without fastened seatbelt 1986 2-year trial period for new drivers 1986 Minimum age for driving heavy motorbikes raised to 20 years 1988 Introduction of minimum distance to trucks and buses 1993 Mandatory use of child safety seats for children in cars 1995 Compulsory speed limit for vehicles that drive past standing buses (walking speed) 1998 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.5‰ 2001 Introduction of fines for using mobile phones while driving 2007 Blood alcohol limit of 0.0‰ for novice drivers and persons under the age of 21 2010 Introduction of accompanied driving from the age of 17 User Related Measures (TRAINING AND EDUCATION, TRAFFIC LAW, INCENTIVES, ENFORCEMENT) 1956 Regular Road Safety Inspection for roads becomes obligatory in road traffic regulations (VwV-StVO) 1961 Regular vehicle safety inspections (TÜV) become mandatory 1969 The German Road Safety Council (DVR) is founded, bundling the efforts of all parties involved in road safety in order to achieve efficient action 1969 Publication of the German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) bulletin on local transport plans (introduction of accident analyses, consideration of non-motorized transport) 1971 Adoption of the Municipal Transport Financing Law, introducing federal financing schemes for urban transport and mandatory local transport plans 1979 Introduction of target-oriented transport planning instead of supply-oriented planning in guidelines for local transport plans 2002 Introduction of safety audits to avoid shortcomings with regard to road safety during the planning process 2008 Directive 2008/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on road infrastructure safety management 1973, 1984, 2001 and 2011 Road Safety Programmes of the Federal Government Organization (PLANNING, FINANCING, CONTROLLING) 1990 Reunification East/West Germany: Road safety data only for West Germany until 1990 1959 Introduction of three point seat belt 1963 Introduction of energy absorbing steering column (avoiding excessive injuries to the driver in the event of a heavy frontal impact) 1978 Introduction of anti-lock braking system 1980 First introduction of an air bag (in driver seat only) for a Mercedes car 1990 Mandatory introduction of side guards on trucks above 3.5 tons to protect two-wheel drivers and pedestrians 1996 Introduction of Brake Assist System (BAS) Vehicle Related Measures (ACTIVE SAFETY, PASSIVE SAFETY, TELEMATICS) 1996 1998 2004 2011 2016 1993 1993 1959 1963 1964 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1980 1983 1984 5.4 Mio Total Vehicle Fleet in Germany 8.0 Mio 16.8 Mio 27.1 Mio 35.7 Mio The challenge of road safety About 3,700 people die every day in road traffic accidents around the world. A further 50 million people are injured every year. Despite comparatively low levels of individual motorisation, emerging economies and developing countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia are particularly affected, with more than 90 per cent of traffic-related deaths occurring in these countries. By now, road accidents are the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5–29 years and have surpassed HIV, Malaria and tuberculosis as global health threats. By launching the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, the United Nations have called on the member states to step up their efforts to improve road safety. This infographic illustrates the comprehensive approach that Germany has taken as a response to sharply rising fatality rates since the 1950s. Along with many other European countries, Germany has succeeded in reducing fatalities significantly – thanks to a bundle of measures that can be replicated elsewhere. Imprint Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Sector Project Sustainable Mobility Design: Julia Klasen Concept & Editing: Dominik Schmid Contact: transport@giz.de Data source for injuries and fatalities: DESTATIS With special thanks to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gerlach, University of Wuppertal, and Dr. Markus Lerner, Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), for the helpful suggestions. All errors and omissions remain with GIZ. As of: March 2019 Further information and the infographic as pdf Our iNUA paper on Enhancing Road Safety Fatalities 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 20,000 A comprehensive approach for road safety – T1966 Introduction of a 1.3‰ legal blood alcohol limit 1970 Introduction of the principle of defensive driving 1970 Compulsory use of turn signal (blinking) in urban areas 1973 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.8‰ 1974 Accumulating credit system for traffic offenses 1974 Introduction of recommended speed limit on motorways (Autobahnen) - 130 km/h 1975 Use of seatbelt and helmet becomes compulsory 1976 Introduction of 100 km/h speed limit outside of built-up areas 1980 Introduction of fines for riding motorcycles without helmet 1984 Introduction of fines for driving without fastened seatbelt 1986 2-year trial period for new drivers 1986 Minimum age for driving heavy motorbikes raised to 20 years 1988 Introduction of minimum distance to trucks and buses 1993 Mandatory use of child safety seats for children in cars 1995 Compulsory speed limit for vehicles that drive past standing buses (walking speed) 1998 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.5‰ 2001 Introduction of fines for using mobile phones while driving 2007 Blood alcohol limit of 0.0‰ for novice drivers and persons under the age of 21 2010 Introduction of accompanied driving from the age of 17 User Related Measures (TRAINING AND EDUCATION, TRAFFIC LAW, INCENTIVES, ENFORCEMENT) 1956 Regular Road Safety Inspection for roads becomes obligatory in road traffic regulations (VwV-StVO) 1961 Regular vehicle safety inspections (TÜV) become mandatory 1969 The German Road Safety Council (DVR) is founded, bundling the efforts of all parties involved in road safety in order to achieve efficient action 1969 Publication of the German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) bulletin on local transport plans (introduction of accident analyses, consideration of non-motorized transport) 1971 Adoption of the Municipal Transport Financing Law, introducing federal financing schemes for urban transport and mandatory local transport plans 1979 Introduction of target-oriented transport planning instead of supply-oriented planning in guidelines for local transport plans 2002 Introduction of safety audits to avoid shortcomings with regard to road safety during the planning process 2008 Directive 2008/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on road infrastructure safety management 1973, 1984, 2001 and 2011 Road Safety Programmes of the Federal Government Organization (PLANNING, FINANCING, CONTROLLING) 1990 Reunification East/West Germany: Road safety data only for West Germany until 1990 1959 Introduction of three point seat belt 1963 Introduction of energy absorbing steering column (avoiding excessive injuries to the driver in the event of a heavy frontal impact) 1978 Introduction of anti-lock braking system 1980 First introduction of an air bag (in driver seat only) for a Mercedes car 1990 Mandatory introduction of side guards on trucks above 3.5 tons to protect two-wheel drivers and pedestrians 1996 Introduction of Brake Assist System (BAS) Vehicle Related Measures (ACTIVE SAFETY, PASSIVE SAFETY, TELEMATICS) 1996 Introduction of Euro.NCAP testing procefor vehicle passive safety devices 1998 Increasing use of windowbags (protectipassengers from head injuries) 2004 Commitment by european car manufactto equip all new cars with anti-lock br2011 Mandatory introduction of Electronic StControl in all new cars and trucks in th2016 Anti-lock braking system becomes mandatory for all new motorbikes 1998 2001 2002 2006 1998 1993 1996 1993 1959 1963 1964 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1980 1983 1984 5.4 Mio Total Vehicle Fleet in Germany 8.0 Mio 16.8 Mio 27.1 Mio 35.7 Mio 51.3 Mio Fatalities Injuries 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 20,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 0 2018 A comprehensive approach for road safety – The example of Germany 1966 Introduction of a 1.3‰ legal blood alcohol limit 1970 Introduction of the principle of defensive driving 1970 Compulsory use of turn signal (blinking) in urban areas 1973 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.8‰ 1974 Accumulating credit system for traffic offenses 1974 Introduction of recommended speed limit on motorways (Autobahnen) - 130 km/h 1975 Use of seatbelt and helmet becomes compulsory 1976 Introduction of 100 km/h speed limit outside of built-up areas 1980 Introduction of fines for riding motorcycles without helmet 1984 Introduction of fines for driving without fastened seatbelt 1986 2-year trial period for new drivers 1986 Minimum age for driving heavy motorbikes raised to 20 years 1988 Introduction of minimum distance to trucks and buses 1993 Mandatory use of child safety seats for children in cars 1995 Compulsory speed limit for vehicles that drive past standing buses (walking speed) 1998 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.5‰ 2001 Introduction of fines for using mobile phones while driving 2007 Blood alcohol limit of 0.0‰ for novice drivers and persons under the age of 21 2010 Introduction of accompanied driving from the age of 17 1964 Introduction of zebra crossings for pedestrians 1973 Introduction of standards for geometric layout, gradients, cross sections and design speeds to be integrated into design guidelines 1977 Introduction of general principles of road network design, classification of roads according to road categories (i.e. interstate, arterial, collector, local) and connection type (urban vs rural, expected volume etc.) 1980 Introduction of zones with traffic calming ("Spielstraßen", or play streets), designed to be oriented towards pedestrians 1981 Publication of German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) recommendations on traffic calming in residential areas 1982 Introduction of guidelines on cross-sections for roads (RAS-Q) including determining the dimensions of the roadway components based on physical and volume characterisitcs 1983 First trials for zones with 30 km/h speed limit in residential areas 1990 Increasing use of roundabouts as alternative form of intersection 1993 New design recommendations for urban main roads (including consideration of urban design and requirements of pedestrians and cyclists) 1995 Revised guidelines on road alignment including updates on overtaking sight distance reqiurements 1996 Introduction of 2+1 lane road design for high level rural roads to prevent overtaking accidents 2006 Introduction of concepts for self-explaining (i.e. standardized) roads and forgiving roadsides in design guidelines 2007 Dedicated recommendations on improving road safety on popular motorbike routes through improved road design and enforcement measures 2008 First shared space project in Germany (City of Bohmte) 2011 Introduction of "Design for All" principle to provide accessible transportation facilities (HBVA) User Related Measures (TRAINING AND EDUCATION, TRAFFIC LAW, INCENTIVES, ENFORCEMENT) Infrastructure Related Measures (ROAD DESIGN, ROAD CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE) 1963 The emergency corridor is introduced. In case of congestion, drivers have to form a corridor for emergency vehicles to access a potential accident. 1970 First permanent HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Services) base is established in Munich 1971 Introduction of emergency telephones along highways and major roads 1973 Introduction of country-wide emergency call numbers 110 (police) and 112 (fire brigade), although regional numbers for EMS continue to exist 1974 First EMS law introduced in the Federal State of Bavaria, outlining requirements for staff, equipment and response times. Other federal states follow soon. 1998 EU-wide mandatory introduction of emergency call number 112 for EMS 2018 Mandatory introduction of the automatic emergency call system eCall, which automatically dials 112 and sends the ltiiffllithEURescue Services (ALERT, RESCUE) 1956 Regular Road Safety Inspection for roads becomes obligatory in road traffic regulations (VwV-StVO) 1961 Regular vehicle safety inspections (TÜV) become mandatory 1969 The German Road Safety Council (DVR) is founded, bundling the efforts of all parties involved in road safety in order to achieve efficient action 1969 Publication of the German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) bulletin on local transport plans (introduction of accident analyses, consideration of non-motorized transport) 1971 Adoption of the Municipal Transport Financing Law, introducing federal financing schemes for urban transport and mandatory local transport plans 1979 Introduction of target-oriented transport planning instead of supply-oriented planning in guidelines for local transport plans 2002 Introduction of safety audits to avoid shortcomings with regard to road safety during the planning process 2008 Directive 2008/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on road infrastructure safety management 1973, 1984, 2001 and 2011 Road Safety Programmes of the Federal Government Organization (PLANNING, FINANCING, CONTROLLING) 1990 Reunification East/West Germany: Road safety data only for West Germany until 1990 1959 Introduction of three point seat belt 1963 Introduction of energy absorbing steering column (avoiding excessive injuries to the driver in the event of a heavy frontal impact) 1978 Introduction of anti-lock braking system 1980 First introduction of an air bag (in driver seat only) for a Mercedes car 1990 Mandatory introduction of side guards on trucks above 3.5 tons to protect two-wheel drivers and pedestrians 1996 Introduction of Brake Assist System (BAS) Vehicle Related Measures (ACTIVE SAFETY, PASSIVE SAFETY, TELEMATICS) 1996 Introduction of Euro.NCAP testing procedures for vehicle passive safety devices 1998 Increasing use of windowbags (protecting passengers from head injuries) 2004 Commitment by european car manufacturing industry to equip all new cars with anti-lock braking system 2011 Mandatory introduction of Electronic Stability Control in all new cars and trucks in the EU 2016 Anti-lock braking system becomes mandatory for all new motorbikes 2011 2011 1998 2001 2002 2006 1998 1993 1996 1993 1959 1963 1964 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1980 1983 1984 5.4 Mio Total Vehicle Fleet in Germany 8.0 Mio 16.8 Mio 27.1 Mio 35.7 Mio 51.3 Mio 56.4 Mio 50.1 Mio The challenge of road safety About 3,700 people die every day in road traffic accidents around the world. A further 50 million people are injured every year. Despite comparatively low levels of individual motorisation, emerging economies and developing countries in Africa, the Middle East and Asia are particularly affected, with more than 90 per cent of traffic-related deaths occurring in these countries. By now, road accidents are the leading cause of death for children and young adults aged 5–29 years and have surpassed HIV, Malaria and tuberculosis as global health threats. By launching the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, the United Nations have called on the member states to step up their efforts to improve road safety. This infographic illustrates the comprehensive approach that Germany has taken as a response to sharply rising fatality rates since the 1950s. Along with many other European countries, Germany has succeeded in reducing fatalities significantly – thanks to a bundle of measures that can be replicated elsewhere. Imprint Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH Sector Project Sustainable Mobility Design: Julia Klasen Concept & Editing: Dominik Schmid Contact: transport@giz.de Data source for injuries and fatalities: DESTATIS With special thanks to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Gerlach, University of Wuppertal, and Dr. Markus Lerner, Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), for the helpful suggestions. All errors and omissions remain with GIZ. As of: March 2019 Further information and the infographic as pdf Our iNUA paper on Enhancing Road Safety Fatalities Injuries 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 20,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 0 2018 A comprehensive approach for road safety – The example of Germany 1966 Introduction of a 1.3‰ legal blood alcohol limit 1970 Introduction of the principle of defensive driving 1970 Compulsory use of turn signal (blinking) in urban areas 1973 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.8‰ 1974 Accumulating credit system for traffic offenses 1974 Introduction of recommended speed limit on motorways (Autobahnen) - 130 km/h 1975 Use of seatbelt and helmet becomes compulsory 1976 Introduction of 100 km/h speed limit outside of built-up areas 1980 Introduction of fines for riding motorcycles without helmet 1984 Introduction of fines for driving without fastened seatbelt 1986 2-year trial period for new drivers 1986 Minimum age for driving heavy motorbikes raised to 20 years 1988 Introduction of minimum distance to trucks and buses 1993 Mandatory use of child safety seats for children in cars 1995 Compulsory speed limit for vehicles that drive past standing buses (walking speed) 1998 Revision of legal blood alcohol limit to 0.5‰ 2001 Introduction of fines for using mobile phones while driving 2007 Blood alcohol limit of 0.0‰ for novice drivers and persons under the age of 21 2010 Introduction of accompanied driving from the age of 17 1964 Introduction of zebra crossings for pedestrians 1973 Introduction of standards for geometric layout, gradients, cross sections and design speeds to be integrated into design guidelines 1977 Introduction of general principles of road network design, classification of roads according to road categories (i.e. interstate, arterial, collector, local) and connection type (urban vs rural, expected volume etc.) 1980 Introduction of zones with traffic calming ("Spielstraßen", or play streets), designed to be oriented towards pedestrians 1981 Publication of German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) recommendations on traffic calming in residential areas 1982 Introduction of guidelines on cross-sections for roads (RAS-Q) including determining the dimensions of the roadway components based on physical and volume characterisitcs 1983 First trials for zones with 30 km/h speed limit in residential areas 1990 Increasing use of roundabouts as alternative form of intersection 1993 New design recommendations for urban main roads (including consideration of urban design and requirements of pedestrians and cyclists) 1995 Revised guidelines on road alignment including updates on overtaking sight distance reqiurements 1996 Introduction of 2+1 lane road design for high level rural roads to prevent overtaking accidents 2006 Introduction of concepts for self-explaining (i.e. standardized) roads and forgiving roadsides in design guidelines 2007 Dedicated recommendations on improving road safety on popular motorbike routes through improved road design and enforcement measures 2008 First shared space project in Germany (City of Bohmte) 2011 Introduction of "Design for All" principle to provide accessible transportation facilities (HBVA) User Related Measures (TRAINING AND EDUCATION, TRAFFIC LAW, INCENTIVES, ENFORCEMENT) Infrastructure Related Measures (ROAD DESIGN, ROAD CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE) 1963 The emergency corridor is introduced. In case of congestion, drivers have to form a corridor for emergency vehicles to access a potential accident. 1970 First permanent HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Services) base is established in Munich 1971 Introduction of emergency telephones along highways and major roads 1973 Introduction of country-wide emergency call numbers 110 (police) and 112 (fire brigade), although regional numbers for EMS continue to exist 1974 First EMS law introduced in the Federal State of Bavaria, outlining requirements for staff, equipment and response times. Other federal states follow soon. 1998 EU-wide mandatory introduction of emergency call number 112 for EMS 2018 Mandatory introduction of the automatic emergency call system eCall, which automatically dials 112 and sends the location in case of an emergency for all new cars in the EU 2018 All new heavy-goods vehicles have to be equipped with emergency braking systems Rescue Services (ALERT, RESCUE) 1956 Regular Road Safety Inspection for roads becomes obligatory in road traffic regulations (VwV-StVO) 1961 Regular vehicle safety inspections (TÜV) become mandatory 1969 The German Road Safety Council (DVR) is founded, bundling the efforts of all parties involved in road safety in order to achieve efficient action 1969 Publication of the German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV) bulletin on local transport plans (introduction of accident analyses, consideration of non-motorized transport) 1971 Adoption of the Municipal Transport Financing Law, introducing federal financing schemes for urban transport and mandatory local transport plans 1979 Introduction of target-oriented transport planning instead of supply-oriented planning in guidelines for local transport plans 2002 Introduction of safety audits to avoid shortcomings with regard to road safety during the planning process 2008 Directive 2008/96/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 on road infrastructure safety management 1973, 1984, 2001 and 2011 Road Safety Programmes of the Federal Government Organization (PLANNING, FINANCING, CONTROLLING) 1990 Reunification East/West Germany: Road safety data only for West Germany until 1990 1959 Introduction of three point seat belt 1963 Introduction of energy absorbing steering column (avoiding excessive injuries to the driver in the event of a heavy frontal impact) 1978 Introduction of anti-lock braking system 1980 First introduction of an air bag (in driver seat only) for a Mercedes car 1990 Mandatory introduction of side guards on trucks above 3.5 tons to protect two-wheel drivers and pedestrians 1996 Introduction of Brake Assist System (BAS) Vehicle Related Measures (ACTIVE SAFETY, PASSIVE SAFETY, TELEMATICS) 1996 Introduction of Euro.NCAP testing procedures for vehicle passive safety devices 1998 Increasing use of windowbags (protecting passengers from head injuries) 2004 Commitment by european car manufacturing industry to equip all new cars with anti-lock braking system 2011 Mandatory introduction of Electronic Stability Control in all new cars and trucks in the EU 2016 Anti-lock braking system becomes mandatory for all new motorbikes 2011 2011 1998 2001 2002 2006 1998 1993 1996 1993 1959 1963 1964 1970 1971 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1980 1983 1984 5.4 Mio Total Vehicle Fleet in Germany 8.0 Mio 16.8 Mio 27.1 Mio 35.7 Mio 51.3 Mio 56.4 Mio 50.1 Mio http://sutp.org/files/contents/documents/resources/J_Others/GIZ_SUTP_ Comprehensive-Approach-for-Road-Safety-Germany_EN_2019.pdf 53 54 Building capacity to deliver At present achieving sustainable local capacity is one of the greatest challenges in road safety. All of the strategies outlined in this policy guide can only be delivered if there are sufficient skilled personnel available. Road safety training is often piecemeal and included within other projects, normally allowing only short courses to be held. Specific investment is needed in order to achieve sustainable local capacity. A road safety expert is not made through a one- or two-week training course, but instead needs formal training along with practical experience under supervision. Building sustainable capacity requires: • University courses to include road safety (particularly Civil Engineering); • A programme of road safety training available across all disciplines that can be accessed according to the role of the person; • Access to experienced practitioners who can provide guidance and supervision; and • Continued professional development that is overseen by membership of a society – a good example of this is the UK's Society of Road Safety Auditors. For an individual country this can be a daunting process. Regional centres of excellence or regional road safety observatories can offer the opportunity for co-operation between a number of countries with similar challenges. Multilateral lending institutions and donors may provide grants and low-interest loans for projects focused on policy development and institutional capacity building for road safety. There are road safety training courses on offer in leading NGO, academic and research organisations globally that can help you to start the process of building local capacity. FOR MORE INFORMATION For more information on capacity building: PIARC Training and International Seminars. www.piarc.org/en/activities/PIARC-InternationalSeminars-Proceedings UNRSC Road Safety Engineering Capacity Building Resources. www.gtkp.com/themepage.php?themepgid=378 International Road Federation (IRF) Global. www.irf.global/training/ and IRF https://irfnet.ch/knowledge-expertise/ International Road Assessment Programme. www.irap.org/training-and-accreditation/ Global Road Safety Partnership. www.grsproadsafety.org/programmes/global-roadsafety-leadership-course/ LEAD DELIVERY PARTNER SUPPORTING PARTNERS • Education Ministry • Learned societies • Universities and research organisations • Private sector • Civil society, non-government organisations, charities Lead Agency or NRSC 55 56 Next steps Once the national road safety action plan is complete, undertake a training needs analysis for each sector Put in place 'short term' solutions for training or expertise (this may include interim training courses, teams working alongside international experts or assistance from the private sector) Develop a national strategy to build sustainable local capacity over a period of 5-10 years Implement the proposed approach Review annually As at the end of 2019 over 21,000 people have been trained in the application of iRAP policies and assessments worldwide including Star Rating, Risk Mapping and Investment Plan development. Image courtesy of FIA Foundation 57 58 Benefits of international co-operation YOU ARE NOT ALONE There are many sources of support and further information in the wider international road safety community. PIARC (World Road Association) was founded in 1909 as a non-profit, non-political Association. PIARC'S goal is to organise the exchange of knowledge on all matters related to roads and road transport, for the benefit of members and of the global community. Low- and middle-income countries are a specific focus of PIARC's work. More than 1,000 experts are currently mobilised in PIARC working groups, and they publish technical reports (one per month on average) including practical recommendations on diverse topics including finance, pavements, disaster management, tunnels operations, etc. Road safety is recognised as a cross-cutting issue by members. PIARC has recently provided knowledge products on road safety audits, road safety inspections, speed limits, human factors, vulnerable road users, land use and safety, national safe system policies, etc. Engaging with PIARC for further support and guidance can be done through the road safety technical committee (TC 3.1 Road Safety). Chair: John MILTON PIARC Road Safety Online Manual: https://tunnels.piarc.org/en Recent PIARC Technical reports: www.piarc.org/en/activities/PIARC-DirectoryTechnical-Reports/PIARC-Technical-ReportsCycle-2016-2019 In addition to this, the World Health Organisation (www.who.int/gho/road_safety/en/), United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (www.who.int/ roadsafety/en/), Global Road Safety Partnership (www.grsproadsafety.org), International Road Assessment Programme (www.irap.org/ resources/), FIA Foundation (www.fiafoundation. org/our-work/road-safety), Global NCAP (www. globalncap.org/resources/), Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety (http://roadsafetyngos.org/ publications/), Global Road Safety Facility (www. worldbank.org/en/programs/global-road-safetyfacility), and the partners of the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (www.transformativemobility.org/) provide excellent reports and manuals for road safety action. Members of the international road safety community can be found via forums such as the Decade of Action for Road Safety LinkedIn Group. 59 60 Questions CREATING SOLID FOUNDATIONS • Is there head of state/government recognition of the national road safety problem and a lead agency for road safety? • Is there clear accountability for casualty reduction and are agency level responsibilities clearly defined? Are there active working groups/committees to support collaborative working? • Is there a road safety champion at a senior level in government? Is there a national road safety strategy, targets and action plan? • Is there a sustainable and sufficient funding mechanism in place? • Is it easy for road safety stakeholders to access good quality road crash data for analysis? Are annual surveys undertaken to support crash data? • Do stakeholders use road crash data to plan and direct their activities? • Are road safety efforts monitored and evaluated to determine effectiveness of different approaches? LEGISLATE, EDUCATE AND ENFORCE • Is current legislation effective and does it cover all road safety issues? • Do annual behavioural surveys suggest there is good compliance? • Do educational interventions meet the needs of road users at all ages? • Do campaigns and awareness programmes target specific groups with specific messages, and are they paired with enforcement when appropriate? • Are new drivers given sufficient training, and are driving tests comprehensive? • Are the police sufficiently trained and equipped to take a strategic and objective approach to enforcement? SET SAFE SPEED LIMITS AND IMPROVE COMPLIANCE • Are speed limits set at a safe level and is there a comprehensive educational and enforcement speed management strategy in place? A series of questions that aim to help understand current practice and opportunities for improvement. 61 62 WORK WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR AND CIVIL SOCIETY • Are the skills and resources of the private sector, NGOs and charities used to their greatest effect within the national road safety efforts? • Do private sector companies have good road safety policies in place for their employees? BUILD CAPACITY TO DELIVER • Do university courses include road safety training? • Are there a wide variety of training courses available covering different road safety topics? Are there experienced practitioners who can provide guidance and supervision to new staff? • Is there a mechanism to ensure continued professional development of road safety practitioners? MAKE YOUR ROADS SAFE • Are planning schemes inclusive of road safety needs and outcomes? • Are star rating targets and minimum technical safety standards set for all new schemes? • Are Road Safety Impact Assessments and Road Safety Audits undertaken for all new road schemes at all levels of scheme development, and once opened are all new roads monitored? • Is there a Work Zone safety manual and policy in place and is this followed in practice? • Are crash data analyses undertaken every year to identify roads/sections/locations that are high risk, and are they treated effectively? • Are maintenance inspections undertaken annually, and iRAP surveys undertaken at least every 5 years, with follow up detailed assessments of high priority sections? • Are the needs of all road user groups met in newly designed roads and considered in the assessment of existing roads? RAISE THE SAFETY OF VEHICLES • Have UN regulations for frontal and side impact, seatbelt/seatbelt anchorages, ESC and pedestrian protection been adopted? • Have NCAP star ratings been adopted and promoted to the public, fleet operators and rental companies? • Are all cars subjected to an annual safety check? • Are roadside roadworthiness inspections undertaken and is there good compliance? IMPROVE THE PROVISION OF PUBLIC TRANSPORT • Do road users have the opportunity to use public transport instead of their own vehicles? • Is public transport perceived as safe and efficient, and can it be safely accessed by pedestrians and cyclists? • Are public transport drivers trained to a high level, and is safety adequately covered in their training? • Are vehicles subjected to frequent safety checks and meticulous maintenance regimes? DEAL WITH CRASHES THAT DO HAPPEN – EFFECTIVELY • Is there a single emergency services number that is directed to the National Control Centre who can co-ordinate response with a dedicated medical dispatch team? • Are emergency response personnel trained adequately and provided with necessary equipment? • Are there sufficient hospitals with appropriate equipment, surgeons, doctors and nurses for trauma care and rehabilitation? • Are there systems in place for the care of those that have been injured, and social assistance for their dependents? 63 64 REFERENCES 1. WHO. Global Status Report on Road Safety. Geneva : WHO, 2018. 2. World Bank. Heartbreak Leads to Road Safety Activism for Mandela Family. [Online] 2013. [Cited: 09 January 2020.] www.worldbank.org/en/news/feature/2013/05/05/heartbreakleads-to-road-safety-activism-mandela 3. WHO. Global Status Report on Road Safety. Geneva, Switzerland : WHO, 2015. 4. UN. Sustainable development goal 3. Sustainable development goals knowledge platform. [Online] [Cited: 09 January 2020.] https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg3. 5. UN. Sustainable development goal 11. Sustainable development goals knowledge platform. [Online] [Cited: 09 January 2020.] https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdg11. 6. WHO. Global road safety performance targets. [Online] [Cited: 09 January 2020.] www.who. int/violence_injury_prevention/road_traffic/12GlobalRoadSafetyTargets.pdf?ua=1. 7. United Nations. Improving Global Road Safety - Secretary General's Report. [Online] 2019. [Cited: 24 January 2020.] https://undocs.org/en/A/74/304 8. Commission for Global Road Safety. Make Roads Safe: A Decade of Action for Road Safety. FIA Foundation. [Online] 2009. [Cited: 16 August 2016.] www.fiafoundation.org/media/46110/ decade-of-action-report-2009-lr.pdf. 9. iRAP. Business case for safer roads. [Online] [Cited: 09 January 2020.] www.vaccinesforroads. org/business-case-for-safer-roads/. 10. PIARC. Implementation of national safe system policies: a challenge. Paris : PIARC, 2019. ISBN: 978-2-84060-585-0. 11. Hill, J. and Starrs, C. Saving Lives, Saving Money - The Costs and Benefits of Achieving Safe Roads. Basingstoke, UK : Road Safety Foundation, 2011. 12. Odero, W., Khayesi, M. and Heda, P.M. Road Traffic Injuries in Kenya: Magnitude, Cause and Status of Intervention. Injury Control and Safety Promotion. 2003, Vol. 10, pp. 53-61. 13. Dahdah, S. and McMahon, K. The True Cost of Road Crashes. Basingstoke, UK : iRAP, 2004. 14. Ward, D. and Billingsley, S. Make Roads Safe - Time for Action. London : Commission for Global Road Safety, 2011. ISBN-13: 978-0-9568671-0-0. 15. Prüss-Ustün, A, Wolf, J., Corvalán, C., Bos, R. and Neira, M. Preventing Disesase through Healthy Environments - A Global Assessment of the Burden of Disease from Environmental Risks. Geneva : World Health Organisation, 2016. ISBN 978 92 4 156519 6. 16. Macaulay, J. and McInerney, R. 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ACRONYMS AfDB African Development Bank BMZ German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development DFID Department for International Development ESC Electronic Stability Control GDP Gross Domestic Product GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GRSP Global Road Safety Partnership HIC High-Income Country iRAP International Road Assessment Programme IRF International Road Federation ITC Industrial Training Centre LIC Low-Income Country MIC Middle-Income Country NCAP New Car Assessment Programme NGO Non-Governmental Organisation NRSC National Road Safety Council PIARC World Road Association SDG Sustainable Development Goal TAC Transport Accident Commission TOI Institute of Transport Economics TUMI Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative UN United Nations VRU Vulnerable Road Users WHO World Health Organisation YOURS Youth for Road Safety 65 66 19. iRAP. Impact investment. 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