Under the FCDO-funded High Volume Transport (HVT) Applied Research Programme, DT Global undertook a limited scoping study to define the needs and scope of potential support within the transport sector by FCDO Ghana or other donors to the Government of Ghana.
The study focused on the north-south divide in Ghana, transport and poverty reduction, and the importance of inland water transport (IWT). It considered three transport modes: IWT, rail and road, and comprised a review of relevant key literature and publications, a limited stakeholder consultation, field visits along selected transport routes, a compilation of transport related issues, recommendations for further research or studies, a validation workshop to discuss and prioritise these recommendations, and the development of outline interventions. This document is the final scoping report.
This limited transport scoping study focused on the north-south transport corridors of Ghana, transport and poverty reduction, and the importance of inland water transport (IWT). It considered three transport modes: IWT, rail and road, and comprised a review of relevant key literature and publications, a limited stakeholder consultation, field visits along selected transport routes, a compilation of transport related issues, recommendations for further research or studies, a validation workshop to discuss and prioritise these recommendations, and the development of outline interventions for further research or study.