This study objective was to gain evidence-based information about the mobility of disabled and elderly people, and changes in travel and mobility due to COVID-19.
Potential impact
A database and new insights into the mobility of elderly and people with disabilities, and input for guidelines to address the mobility issues in responding to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 Challenge
Little research has been carried out on the mobility of people with disabilities and elderly people in low income countries (LICs). However, their limited transport and mobility options have been further reduced by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study focused on the travel behaviour of people with disabilities and the elderly to gain insight into their coping strategies and so to increase the awareness of transport policymakers and decision makers.
Case studies were conducted on eight cities in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Tanzania and Zambia on the mobility and travel behaviour, equity, accessibility and city-wide inclusive strategies for people with disabilities and elderly people.
Information on the mobility of people with disabilities and elderly people was collected in interviews and surveys to gain insight into and to compare their travel before and during the pandemic to identify the mobility challenges during COVID-19.
Comparison of mobility before and during the pandemic has provided evidence-based information for stakeholders and policymakers to formulate guidelines to address these mobility issues, and to identify priority actions to guide response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Study outcome has contributed to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 10 (reducing inequalities) and Goal 11 (sustainable cities and communities).