High Volume Transport

Vital transport research to ensure accessible, affordable and climate friendly transport for all.

Gendered approach of addressing adaptation capacity to hot conditions (T-TRIID)


Extreme weather events cause 6.62 deaths per million population annually in India, of these approximately 50% are due to heat waves. There is limited data available about the adaptation and risks of travel, especially those of women, during heatwaves. Heat action plans are often oversimplified and not tailored to the needs of vulnerable groups.

The objectives of this project are:

Potential Impact

This multidisciplinary approach aims to develop a framework to reduce the vulnerability of women commuters to hot weather and to enhance their adaptation capacity to the heat.


Activities carried out during the research include:


The project aims to assess and develop a measurement method of the adaptability and vulnerability of commuters to hot weather conditions. It will develop strategies, both community and individual-led, to address the risks, especially to women commuters.