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Volume IIMaintenance ofUnpaved RoadsAIPCRPIARC INTERNATIONALROAD MAINTENANCEHANDBOOKPRACTICAL GUIDELINES FOR RURAL ROAD MAINTENANCEVolume II of IVUnpaved roadsFinanced and coordinated by Revised by R C Petts of Intech Associates, UK With the financial support of ODAunder assignment toTRANSPORT RESEARCH LABORATORY, UKas a development of the UN ECA handbooks prepared by joint cooperation of the governments of FRANCE, GERMANY and the UNITED KINGDOM and first published in 1982.@WORLD COPYRIGHT RESERVED 1994Extracts from the text may be reproduced provided the source is acknowledged as follows. PIARC Road Maintenance Handbook English version published by Transport Research Laboratory, UKISBN for complete set of 4 Volumes: 0 9521860 12ISBN for Volume II: 0 9521860 39 FOREWORDThe road transport network of any country plays a vital role in its economy, and the physical condition of its infrastructure is critical. Without adequate and timely maintenance, highways and rural roads alike inexorably deteriorate, leading to higher vehicle operating costs, increased numbers of accidents, and reduced reliability of transport services. When repair work can no longer be delayed it will often involve extensive rehabilitation, and even reconstruction, costing many times more than simpler maintenance treatment carried out earlier. The need to protect the existing network and keep it in good condition is paramount, often taking precedence over new investment. PIARC has been in the forefront in promoting this message and in drawing attention to the dangers of neglect. The matter has become increasingly important in recent years for all the highways of the world, but especially so for those in developing countries where there is constant pressure on slender budgets and, in many, an urgent need to cater for growing traffic loads and volumes. In the late 1970's, the aid ministries of France, the Federal Republic of Germany and the United Kingdom joined forces to produce a "Road Maintenance Handbook" for maintenance foremen and workers in Africa. Published in 1982 under the auspices of the Economic Commission for Africa, the three volumes - in French and English - soon became widely known and used. By the end of the decade their use had spread far beyond Africa, and their straightforward instructions were being used for training purposes as well as for FOREWORD continued on-the-job guidance in many countries. The need to reprint provided the opportunity to review the contents in the light of experience and make them more suitable for the wider audience now commanded. PIARC's Committee on Technology Transfer and Development, formerly the Committee on Roads in Developing Regions, undertook to help with this review, which was generously funded by the UK Overseas Development Administration. A sub-committee was established, embracing the three original donor countries, other developed and developing countries, and the World Bank. Although much of the original text has been retained, the new handbooks incorporate more information on labour and tractor-based techniques, and on the development of manpower management and the all-important question of safety at work. The range of maintenance problems addressed has been extended to strengthen their international appeal. The past ten years have seen major reforms in the general thrust of maintenance policy and in its organisation, management and execution. These changes will continue, and PIARC will play its part along with other institutions in encouraging the process and pressing for further progress. Only a full appreciation of maintenance at the highest levels of policy-making and financial planning can ensure success. But these handbooks have a humbler task-to ensure that the men and women at the operational level are suitably skilled and trained and are using the appropriate tools and techniques, and have interest and motivation in their work. FOREWORD continued PIARC has been proud to nurture this project to the point where the new handbooks are available, but its involvement will reach far beyond that. It will provide the necessary international framework within which the handbooks can be translated and printed in many languages. Its worldwide membership of key figures in the national provision and management of highways will assist with their dissemination, ensuring that they find their way into the most appropriate hands in both the public and private sectors. Collectively, these hands will play a fundamental part in sustaining the vital asset which our roadwaynetworks truly represent. CONTENTSFOREWORD ............................................................i INTRODUCTION ......................................................x Part A - GRADING ...................................................1 1. THE TASK ...........................................................3 2. DEFECTS ............................................................7 3. RESOURCES.......................................................11 3.1 PERSONNEL13 3.2 PLANT AND TOOLS15 3.3 SIGNS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT19 4. MAINTENANCE METHOD ......... 4.1PRELIMINARY TASKS 4.2TEMPORARY SIGNPOSTING 4.3GRADING THE RUNNING SURFACE 4.4GRADING DITCHES 4.5COMPLETION AND REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY SIGNS 4.6WORK REPORT23 23 27 29 55 61 63 CONTENTS CONTINUEDPart B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPING ....................651. THE TASK ..........................................................69 2. DEFECTS……......................................................71 METHOD A: ROUTINE RESHAPING 3. RESOURCES.......................................................73 3.1 PERSONNEL 73 3.2 PLANT AND TOOLS 75 3.3 SIGNS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 77 4. MAINTENANCE METHOD ....................................79 4.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS79 4.2 EXECUTION OF THE WORK81 METHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING5. RESOURCES………………………………………………855.1 PERSONNEL85 5.2 PLANT AND TOOLS87 5.3 SUPPORT AND SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS 89 6. MAINTENANCE METHOD ....................................91 6.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS (as necessary)91 6.2 TEMPORARY SIGNPOSTING93 6.3 EXECUTION OF THE WORK95 6.4 COMPLETION AND REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY SIGNS111 6.5 WORK REPORT113 CONTENTS CONTINUEDPart C - DRAGGING .....................................……………115 1. THE TASK…………………………………………………117 2. DEFECTS………………………………………………….119 3. RESOURCES..……………………………………………121 3.1 PERSONNEL 3.2 PLANT AND TOOLS 3.3 SIGNS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 4. MAINTENANCE METHOD .......................... 4.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS 4.2 WORKING WITH A TRACTOR AND DRAG 4.3 DRAGGING WITH GRADERS 4.4 WORK REPORT121 123 129..........131131 135 141 151 CONTENTS CONTINUEDPart D - PATCHING ..............................................1531. THE TASK .......................................................155 2. DEFECTS ........................................................157 METHOD A: MOBILE GANG 3. RESOURCES....................................................161 3.1 PERSONNEL 161 3.2 PLANT AND TOOLS 163 3.3 MATERIALS 167 3.4 SIGNS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 169 4. MAINTENANCE METHOD ..................................173 4.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS173 4.2 TEMPORARY SIGNPOSTING179 4.3 EXECUTION OF THE WORK183 4.4 COMPLETION AND REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY SIGNS 4.5 WORK REPORT193 197 METHOD B: LABOUR BASED 5. RESOURCES ...................................................201 5.1 PERSONNEL 201 5.2 PLANT AND TOOLS 203 5.3 MATERIALS 205 5.4 SIGNS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT 207 6. MAINTENANCE METHOD .................................209 6.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS 209 6.2 EXECUTION OF THE WORK 211II -vii CONTENTS CONTINUEDPart E - REGRAVELLING (Mechanised) ……………...213 1. THE TASK ......................................................215 2. DEFECTS ........................................................217 3. RESOURCES ...................................................219 3.1 PERSONNEL ...............................................219 3.2 PLANT AND TOOLS .....................................221 3.3 MATERIALS .................................................227 3.4 SIGNS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT ................229 4. MAINTENANCE METHOD ..................................235 4.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS...................................235 4.2 TEMPORARY SIGNPOSTING.........................2414.3 EXECUTION OF THE WORK..........................243TEMPORARY SIGNS257 4.5 WORK REPORT261 CONTENTS CONTINUEDPart F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors) ...263 ...............................................................267 1. THE TASK 2. DEFECTS .........................................................269 3. RESOURCES ....................................................271 3.1 PERSONNEL ................................................271 3.2 PLANT AND TOOLS ......................................273 3.3 MATERIALS .................................................275 3.4 SUPPORT AND SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS 277 4. MAINTENANCE METHOD …………………………..279 4.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS (as necessary)................279 4.2 TEMPORARY SIGNPOSTING............................285 4.3 EXECUTION OF THE WORK.............................287 4.4 COMPLETION AND REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY SIGNS.....................................311 4.5 WORK REPORT...............................................313 INTRODUCTIONTHE HANDBOOKThis is a guide for the maintenance foreman or supervisor assigned to bitumen or unpaved roads in tropical and moderate climates. The objective of the HANDBOOK is to assist him in all aspects of his work whether carried out by direct labour or by contract. Its pocket format enables the volume relevant to the day's work to be easily carried and consulted on site. The HANDBOOK should be his ready reference book. The text is concise and well illustrated. A quick reference should be all that is necessary. This HANDBOOK does not include a course of study or discuss underlying causes of defects. Inspections, material sources, specifications and testing are also outside its scope. Furthermore it is sufficient here to remind the foreman that his plant and vehicles should be well maintained without telling him how to do it. Even though the HANDBOOK is intended for use by the maintenance foreman, it will also be useful reading for the engineer or senior supervisor. This will make him more conscious of his duties towards the foreman and enable him to ensure that the maximum benefit is obtained from the HANDBOOK. Each supervisor must understand his responsibility and the part he has to play. The HANDBOOK can also be used in training centres. With the assistance of country-specific supplementary information, photographic slides, models, and other supporting material, it will be a valuable tool for the trainer and can be distributed to students. Road maintenance requires a range of organisational and technical skills and the work on roads in use by traffic makes the work potentially hazardous to both the workmen and road users. It is therefore essential that appropriate formal and on- the-job training is given to each category of personnel involved in road maintenance activities to achieve efficient and safe operations. The foreman usually has an important role in the initial and ongoing training of personnel. Roads are an enormous national investment and require maintenance to keep them in a satisfactory condition and ensure safe passage at an appropriate speed and with low road user costs. Late or insufficient maintenance will increase the ultimate repair costs and raise road user costs and inconvenience, and reduce safety. Road Maintenance is therefore an essential function and should be carried out on a timely basis. There is a diversity of maintenance activities, the class and type of the road, the cross section to be maintained, the defects recognised, and the resources available. However the general methods proposed here for each activity (with some exceptions) are given under the following headings: - The task - Defects - Resources- Maintenance method Where appropriate options are shown for carrying out the work by: i) Heavy Equipment, ii) Tractor based methods, or iii) Labour based methods. The decision on which method to be used should be made by the engineer or senior supervisor based on considerations of resources available, cost, policy etc. Maintenance operations are usually grouped in each country according to planning, organisational and funding arrangements. They can normally be categorised as either ROUTINE or PERIODIC. For the purposes of this HANDBOOK the following grouping is used. ROUTINE:Operations required to be carried out once or more per year on a section of road. These operations are typically small scale or simple, but widely dispersed, and require skilled or un-skilled manpower. The need for these can, to a degree, be estimated and planned and can sometimes be carried out on a regular basis. PERIODIC:Operations that are occasionally required on a section of road after a period of a number of years. They are normally large scale and require specialist equipment and skilled resources. These operations are costly and require specific identification and planning. In this handbook PERIODIC also includes certain improvement works such as thin bituminous overlays. From time to time urgent or emergency works of any nature may be required and these are dealt with as the need arises. The HANDBOOK consists of 4 separate volumes: VOLUME I - MAINTENANCE OF ROADSIDE AREAS AND DRAINAGE PART A - List of Terms PART B - Works Management and Safety PART C - Roadside Areas PART D - Drainage General IndexVOLUME 11- MAINTENANCE OF UNPAVED ROADSPART A - Grading PART B - Labour Based Reshaping PART C - Dragging PART D - Patching PART E - Regravelling (Mechanised) PART F - Regravelling (Labour and Tractors)VOLUME III - MAINTENANCE OF PAVED ROADSPART A - General Repairs PART B - Surface Dressing (Mechanised) PART C - Resealing OptionsPART D - Thin Overlays VOLUME IIVOLUME IV - MAINTENANCE OF STRUCTURES AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES PART A - Bridges PART B - Traffic Control Devices Each Part A, B, C, D, E, and F describes tasks concerning unpaved roads*. An unpaved road can be a track which has developed with use over a number of years or it can be a purpose built road that has a properly designed and engineered alignment, cross section and drainage. Earth roads are constructed using the natural soil found on the route. Gravel roads are surfaced with a layer of material which is stronger than the natural in situ soil. With proper maintenance, an unpaved road can provide a good level of service for traffic volumes up to several hundred vehicles per day. The two main purposes of maintenance are to repair or reduce the damage caused by the combination of the weather and traffic, and to provide a smooth passage for vehicles. The first objective of unpaved road maintenance is to keep the road in such a condition that it sheds water quickly. If the road does not shed water, the surface will become soft, and ruts and pot-holes will quickly appear. In this way earth roads can soon become impassable. NOTE - Terms with an asterisk are defined in List of Terms (See Volume I - Part A). PART A - GRADING Maintenance is needed to restore a good camber* on the road to enable water to drain off quickly. This is best achieved by regular grading. On gravel roads, grading is also needed to restore gravel from the shoulders which has been lost from the road surface, to fill pot-holes and corrugations. PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPING The road camber can also be restored by labour based reshaping. This is a viable option when grading equipment is too expensive or not available. PART C - DRAGGING In dry areas, dragging the road surface may be effective in providing a smooth passage for vehicles and in controlling the formation of corrugations. The object is to correct minor defects on the road surface. Dragging may be carried out with a motorgrader, towed grader or with a drag towed by atractor or other vehicle.PART D - PATCHING Holes in the road may need to be patched. Patching can be carried out by a mobile gang or by labour based road attendants. NOTE - Terms with an asterisk are defined in List of Terms (SeeVolume I - Part A). PART E - REGRAVELLING (Mechanised) As the surface of a gravel road wears away, new gravel must be added before rapid deterioration of the surface starts. Regravelling may also be needed to correct other defects when these become severe, and may also be used to improve an engineered earth road to a gravel road. PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors) This option avoids the need for heavy equipment. Tractor haulage of gravel can be economical for distances up to about 10 km with labour used to excavate, load, unload andspread the gravel.NOTE: In many countries women carry out road maintenance tasks and supervisory duties. The use of male descriptions and diagrams in this handbook is for convenience only. The guidelines are applicable whether the work is carried out or supervised by men or women. Part AGRADING PART A - GRADING1. THE TASK The task is to improve earth and gravel roads by grading the existing surface material. Grading is normally a ROUTINE MAINTENANCE task. It is carried out by self propelled or towed graders. The object is to restore the camber* by returning material from the sides and shoulders towards the centre of the road. This will enable water to drain off easily. A road with a flat or dished surface will collect water. Traffic and water together will quickly cause potholes and rough spots.See List of Terms,Volume 1. PART A - GRADINGRollers should be used to compact* the road after grading whenever possible as this will improve the initial quality of the reshaped surface. Work is best scheduled to follow a period of rain, as the moisture in the material will greatly help compaction by rollers or traffic. For some materials the addition of water can be justified. Grading can also be used to restore the shape of shoulders, ditches and turnouts (see also Volume I).* See List of Terms,Volume 1. PART A - GRADING2. DEFECTSGrading is used to correct¨ Loss of shape¨ Ruts¨ Potholes PART A - GRADING¨ Corrugations¨ Erosion Gullies¨ Silted or Blocked Ditches PART A - GRADING3. RESOURCESThese comprise personnel, plant and tools, signs and safety equipment. Grading is a fast moving activity often carried out at long distances from the equipment base. Although it may be carried out by individual graders or towed graders, it is best organised using mobile units of 2-3 grading machines with arrangements for temporary overnight accommodation. This reduces travelling time between base and worksites and eases supplies and mechanical support problems. The number and types of grading machines, rollers, watering equipment, and mobile accommodation depend on the: mroad condition (light or heavy grading), ¨ moisture conditions, ¨ compaction requirements, ¨ organisational requirements, ¨ accommodation arrangements, ¨ resources available. PART A - GRADING3.1 PERSONNEL The categories and numbers of personnel depend on the equipment resources used. Each grading gang should include:¨ Supervisors1 foreman.¨ Plant Operators and Drivers1 operator for each motor grader, 1 driver for each tractor, 1 operator for each towed grader, 1 light vehicle driver, 1 operator for each motorised roller,1 driver for each water tanker.¨ Work Force1 machine attendant for each item of plant and equipment, 1 mechanic for daily servicing and minor repairs. PART A - GRADING3.2 PLANT AND TOOLSMotor GradersMotor graders of 100 hp (75 kW) or more can be used for light or heavy grading. Heavy Tractors and Towed Graders 100 hp (75 kW) 4WD* tractors and heavy (5 tonne) towed graders can be used for light or heavy grading. Light Tractors and Towed Graders 50 hp (38 kW) tractors and light (2 tonne) towed graders can be used for light grading.Rollers1 or 2 rollers, if available. Rubber tyred rollers are preferred. They can be self propelled or tractor drawn." See List of Terms, Volume I. PART A - GRADING¨ Water When water tankers are needed and available, the number required will depend on the distance that water has to be hauled. These should be fitted with a spray bar. ¨ Water Pump A separate water pump will be needed if none is fitted to the water tankers. The pump should be of sufficient capacity to fill the tankers quickly. ¨ Caravan If the mobile units stay away from base overnight and no accommodation is available, caravans or tents could beused.¨ Other Vehicles Transport for the supervisor. ¨ Tools Camber board* made as shown from 20 mm treated plywood or hardwood to give a 1 in 20 (5%) slope and carried on the grading machine. A selection of hand tools will be required by the machine attendants (see Part D, Page II - 165).* See List of Terms, Volume I. PART A - GRADING3.3 SIGNS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT The following items should be used where possible. ¨ Traffic Signs - 2 "Men Working" signs, - 2 "End of Restriction" signs. These should be clean and in good condition. ¨ Clothing Yellow or orange coloured safety vests or safety harnesses should be worn by the machine attendants. PART A - GRADING¨ VehiclesThe grading equipment should be painted yellow or orange and should carry red and white striped marker boards front and rear.¨ LightsThe grading equipment should work with headlights switched on and, where possible, yellow flashing warning lights.¨ FlagsIf yellow flashing warning lights are not available, vehicles and equipment should carry a yellow or orange flag. TYPICAL WORKSHEET GRADINGWorksheet No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .District:………………………………………………………………………... Zone: .......................…………………. Gang: ……………………………. Road Zone…………………from ……………………to……………………Section from km . . . . . . . . . to km . . . . . . . . . in . . . . . . . . …. m widthLight GradingHeavy GradingEQUIPMENT TO BE USED:Motorgraders: : ........................................... ………………………….. Tractors: ................................................ ……………………………… Towed Graders:………………………………………………………….. Tankers/Bowsers: ........................................…………………………. Rollers: ...............................................………………………………… Caravans: .............................................……………………………….Watering Compaction PART A - GRADING4. MAINTENANCE 4.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS ¨ The worksheet will indicate the location and extent of the work to be carried out, the time, equipment andpersonnel required for the job.II-23 PART A - GRADINGBefore setting out to start the job, a check should be made to ensure that everything needed is ready. ¨ Plant and machinery must be checked mechanically, greased and fuelled. The oil and water levels must be checked. ¨ Arrangements must be made to refuel the plant on the job if necessary. This may be with a refuelling truck visiting the working site, or with an arrangement to refuel at a maintenance or temporary camp. ¨ Traffic signs and camber board must be obtained, loaded on the grading equipment and taken to site. These must be properly stored/secured on the grading equipment. ¨ If the grading crew is staying away overnight, arrangements must be made for accommodation, supplies, etc. NOTE: SHOWN FOR DRIVING ON THE RIGHT PART A - GRADING4.2 TEMPORARY SIGNPOSTING Before work starts, warning signs must be placed at each end of the work area to ensure the safety: ¨ of the road users, ¨ of the personnel and plant to be deployed on the site. Signs must be placed in the following order:- ¨ "Men Working" signs should be placed at the approaches to the work area. ¨ "End of Restriction" signs should be placed at the end of the work area. Work should not be carried out at night.II-27 - -- ,-. ~/ ~- t, ~- PART A - GRADING4.3 GRADING THE RUNNING SURFACE¨ PreparationPatching (Part D) of large potholes or depressions should be carried out in advance of the grading. Areas of standing water should be drained. This preparation will ease the work and make the resulting surface last longer.¨ Scarifying*It may be necessary to scarify the existing surface to cut to the bottom of any surface defects and loosen the material for reshaping.¨ Machine AttendantsThese help direct traffic and grader turning, and remove large stones and other unwanted material from the path of the grader.¨ GradingThe grader works on one side of the road at a time and works in passes* about 200 metres long to convenient and safe turning points.*See List of Terms, Volume I. HEAVY GRADINGLIGHT GRADING200 m approxHEAVYGRADING PART A - GRADINGLight Grading will normally require 4 passes to reshape the road. Heavy Grading will require additional passes to achieve the required camber. Work should be completed on one side of the road at a time. An even number of passes should be used to avoid a flat finished crown*. Normally initial cutting passes* are required to bring material in from the edges of the road. Spreading passes redistribute the material away from the crown.* See List of Terms, Volume I. PART A - GRADINGThe initial passes* cut to the bottom of the surface irregularity and deposit a windrow* just beyond the centre line. The water tanker sprays the windrow with water, if required. The windrow is spread back across the road depositing all the material to give the correct camber*. A second application of water may be required to obtain the correct moisture content for compaction.* See List of Terms, Volume 1. PART A - GRADINGThe aim should be to develop a proper crown* on the road. The road should be cambered to fall away from the crown at a rate of about 6 to 7 cm for each metre from the centre of the road before compaction. This should achieve a crossfall of about 4 to 6 cm per metre (4 to 6%) after compaction. If there is insufficient camber*, water will not drain easily from the surface of the road, potholes will form and the road will deteriorate quickly. This is particularly important on gradients, where the rain water tends to run along the roadforming erosion channels.* See List of Terms, Volume 1. PART A - GRADING¨ Do not make a final pass down the centre of the road with the grader blade horizontal. This flattens the centre of the road and causes water to pond leading to rapid deterioration of the surface. ¨ Do not leave a windrow on the road overnight as this is a danger to traffic.II-37 PART A - GRADING¨ CompactionWhen compaction* plant is being used, it must follow close up behind the grader, but only on sections where grading has been completed. About eight passes* of a roller will be needed to achieve full compaction, working towards the centre of the road. ¨ Shoulders are treated as part of the running surface.¨ Junctions and Bends Graders must not stop near junctions or bends where they will be a danger to traffic* See List of Terms, Volume 1.II-39 PART A - GRADING¨ Check theCamberCamber should be checked with a camber board at about 100 metre intervals along the road. To use the camber board* place it on its edge across the road with the shorter end pointing towards the centre line. Check the level bubble. If it is central, the camber is correct. If it is not central, the camber is either too steep or too flat and further grading and compaction are required.* See List of Terms, Volume I. PART A - GRADING¨ On bends the surface must be straight (at 4-6%) from shoulder to shoulder with the outer shoulder higher. This is called superelevation. Any crown on a bend can be very dangerous to traffic. PART A - GRADINGThe superelevation must be retained for the complete length of the bend. On the transition at each end of the bend into the straight sections, the superelevation should be gradually reduced until the normal cross section shape with 1 in 20 (5%) camber* is obtained again.See List of Terms, Volume 1.11-45 PART A - GRADING¨ The shape of the road must be maintained over culverts to avoid a hump. Material should be brought in if necessary from either side of the culvert to maintain a cover to the top of the culvert of at least 3l4 culvert diameter. mBridge decks should be kept free from gravel. Loose material should be swept away by the attendants. It is important to have smooth approaches to the bridge. They should be smoothed out using the back of the blade with the grader working in reverse, or by hand. 11-47 PART A - GRADING¨ For most grading work, the cutting blade is set to bevertical.¨ For cutting hard surfaces, the cutting blade should be set back at the top to give the most effective cuttingangle.¨ For spreading, the cutting blade should be set forward at the top. II-49 PART A - GRADING¨ To form a windrow* Point all wheels straight ahead and angle the blade. The angle should be sharp enough to let surface material roll freely off the end of the blade. Travel forward slowly in low gear keeping the blade level and 5-10 cm into the surface material. On graders with this facility lean the front wheels in the same direction as the windrow to help counter side thrust on the blade. The windrow must be formed outside or between the rear wheels.* See List of Terms, Volume 1. PART A - GRADING¨ Handling a windrow Angle the blade to left or right according to the job requirement. The angle should allow material to roll freely off the end of the blade. To move or mix material: Travel forwards slowly in low gear. Pick up material from one side of the machine and pass it to the other. TRY TO MATCH THE GEAR AND SPEED TO THE WORK TO BE DONE. To get more power: Angle the blade towards the windrow. Lean the front wheels against the side thrust. THE REAR WHEELS SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWEDTO RUN OVER THE WINDROW. 11-55PART A - GRADING4.4 GRADING DITCHES Before the road surface is graded, the side ditches must be cleaned. ¨ Narrow flat-bottomed ditches are not well suited to maintenance by grader. These are best cleaned out by hand. This work is described in Volume I. ¨ Graders should be used to maintain V-shaped ditches and wide flat-bottomed ditches. ¨ Material from the ditch should not normally be graded onto the running surface. In certain circumstances the engineer may instruct the recovery and mixing of the ditch material, where the running surface lacks suitable fines present in the ditch. 11-57PART A - GRADING¨ The first pass* cleans the side slope near the road and windrows the material to the bottom of the ditch. ¨ On wide flat-bottomed ditches, the second pass cleansthe ditch bottom.¨ The next pass cleans the ditch back slope and removesthe material to the top of the ditch.¨ If possible, a third pass is used to push the material away from the edge of the ditch, to prevent it washingback.* See List of Terms, Volume I PART A - GRADING¨ The completed ditch should be at least 1 metre deep. ¨ Turnouts should be constructed and maintained with a grader. These should lead the water away from the edge of the road and follow closely the natural contours of theground.¨ Turnouts should be spaced more closely as gradients become steeper. ¨ The discharge of water should be "little and often" to minimise erosion risk on adjoining land. II-59 11-61PART A - GRADING4.5COMPLETION AND REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY SIGNS ¨ Remove the traffic signs and load them back on the grader. ¨ Move on to next job. ¨ Clean the traffic signs on return to the depot TYPICAL WORK REPORTGRADINGWork Report No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .District: .................................................Gang: Zone:.....................................................Road No:...............Section: . . . . . . . . . . from km . . . . . . . . . to km . . . . . . . . .QUANTITY OF WORK ACHIEVED:WEATHER CONDITIONS:Light grading . . . . . . . ......................................kms Heavy grading . . . . . ...............................................kms Watering. . . . . .............................................kmsCompaction.................................................kmsSunny Cloudy Rain EQUIPMENT USED:DIESEL USED: .....................................................Hrs.......................................litres .....................................................Hrs.......................................litres .....................................................Hrs.......................................litres .....................................................Hrs.......................................litres .....................................................Hrs.......................................litres .....................................................Hrs.......................................litres MANPOWER USED: ..................................... COMMENTS: Foreman: ............................................. PART A - GRADING4.6 WORK REPORT ¨ The report must be filled in each day, detailing: - the work carried out, - the resources used. II-64 Part BLABOUR BASEDRESHAPINGII-65 PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGLABOUR BASED RESHAPING Grading, as described in Part A, is the most commonly used technique for reshaping of earth and gravel roads. However in certain circumstances, the high cost or non- availability of the specialist grading equipment make Labour Based Reshaping a more appropriate option. Limited reshaping can be carried out as a ROUTINE MAINTENANCE activity. Large scale reshaping will normally be carried out as a PERIODIC MAINTENANCE activity. In some road maintenance systems an individual attendant or lengthman lives close to a road and is responsible for the ROUTINE MAINTENANCE activities on that road. On low traffic volume roads (less than 50 vpd) it is often appropriate for Reshaping to be carried out by these Labour Based methods. The procedures are described as METHOD A: ROUTINE RESHAPING. Large scale PERIODIC MAINTENANCE reshaping will usually require the deployment of a labour force and is described as METHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING. PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPING1. THE TASK The task is to restore the shape of earth and gravel roads by Labour Based methods. The object is to restore the camber* by returning material from the road sides and shoulders towards the centre of the road. This will enable water to drain off easily. A road with a flat or dished surface will collect water, and traffic will quickly cause potholes and rough spots. It may also be necessary to carry out work on the mitre drains and culverts (Volume I) to ensure that water can drain away from the reshaped camber.* See List of Terms, Volume I. PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPING2. DEFECTS Labour Based Reshaping is used to correct ¨ Loss of Shape ¨ Ruts ¨ Potholes ¨ Corrugations ¨ Erosion Gullies ¨ Silted or Blocked Side Ditches PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD A: ROUTINE RESHAPING 3. RESOURCES 3.1 PERSONNEL ¨ Supervisor-1 foreman or overseer visiting regularly.¨ Workforce -1 or 2 attendants or lengthmen for each section ofroad.II -73 PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD A: ROUTINE RESHAPING 3.2 PLANT AND TOOLS 1 pickaxe, 1 shovel, 1 hoe or mattock, 1 rake, 1 hand rammer with metal shoe, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 ditch and slope template and spirit level, 1 camber board and spirit level.II-75 PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD A: ROUTINE RESHAPING 3.3 SIGNS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT On low volume roads the following should be provided. ¨ Traffic Signs 2 "Men Working" signs, 2 yellow/orange flags to be placed on the road shoulder. ¨ Clothing Yellow or orange coloured safety vest or safety harness to be worn by the attendant. TYPICAL WORKSHEETRESHAPINGWorksheet No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date:District:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Road No:. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Section from km: km:………………………Roadway width...................................................................................mDitch and Slope width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mDitch depth ...........................................................................................cmCross fall………………………………………………………………..% PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD A: ROUTINE RESHAPING 4. MAINTENANCE METHOD 4.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS ¨ The handtools are assigned to the attendant who keeps them at his home for use as necessary. ¨ The worksheet will indicate the location and extent of the work to be carried out and the time required for the job. PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD A: ROUTINE RESHAPING 4.2 EXECUTION OF THE WORK The attendant or lengthman transports the tools and safety items to the site using the wheelbarrow. The warning signs or flags are placed either side of the worksite. The attendant or lengthman trims the surfacing material with the pickaxe, hoe or mattock and rakes it to form the required camber and crossfall. The shape is checked with the camber board and spirit level. If gravel stockpiles are provided, any local depressions are filled with material transported in the wheelbarrow. The loose material is compacted with the hand rammer. PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING This method is appropriate when complete reshaping of the road cross section is required and the material in the side drains or at the side of the road is suitable for constructing the running surface. The method may also be used to reshape the road prior to (re)gravelling (Part E or F). Major Reshaping may be carried out on low traffic volume roads which are still open to vehicles. However it is preferable to close the road and divert traffic, at least during working hours. For Major Reshaping of high traffic volume roads, the road should be closed and diversions provided during working hours.II-83 PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING5. RESOURCES5.1 PERSONNELSupervisor- 1 foreman or overseer, - 1 headman for each 10 to 20 workmen (usually fromthe local workforce).¨ Workforce 20 to 40 workmen. ¨ Support (as necessary) water carriers, storeman, watchmen, handtool sharpening and repairs. PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING5.2 PLANT AND TOOLSApproximate requirements - number will depend on conditions. - 1 pickaxe for every 10 workmen, - - 1 hoe for every 2 workmen, - - 1 mattock for every 10 workmen, - - 1 shovel for every 2 workmen, - - 1 rake for every 5 workmen, - - 1 hand rammer for every 10 workmen, - - 1 wheelbarrow for every 10 workmen, - - 1 bush knife for every 10 workmen, - - 2 crowbars, - - 4 files (for sharpening tools), - - axe, - - saw, - - grass slasher, - - 10 ranging rods and adjustable profiles, - - 1 tape measure (30 metre), - - 1 camber board and spirit level, - - 1 ditch and slope template, - - 2 mason's hammers, - - wooden pegs, - - balls of string/sisal twine, - - if available, a hand or animal drawn roller.II-87 PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING ¨ 5.3 SUPPORT AND SAFETY ARRANGEMENTS Arrangements should be made, for the following: ¨ Recruitment of workmen if employed casually, ¨ Setting up temporary, site camp supervisor's accommodation and facilities, handtool storage, water supply. ¨ Payment of wages, ¨ Signs and Safety Equipment when working on a low traffic volume road open to traffic, the signs and safety equipment detailed in Part D (Patching, Method A, Page II - 169) should be used. when closing the road and providing a diversion, the signs and safety equipment detailed in Part E (Mechanised Regravelling, Page II - 229) should be used.II - 89 TYPICAL WORKSHEETRESHAPINGWorksheet No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .District: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Road No:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Section from km: km:Roadway width .......................................mDitch and Slope width . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mDitch depth ..............................................................................cmCross fall ........................................…………………………………….% PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING6. MAINTENANCE METHOD6.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS (as necessary) ¨ Recruit or inform local work force. ¨ Set up temporary site camp for supervisor. ¨ Set up water supply arrangements. ¨ Plan payment arrangements. ¨ The worksheet will indicate the location and extent of the work to be carried out, along with the time required for the job.II - 91 NOTE: SHOWN FOR DRIVING ON RIGHT PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING 6.2 TEMPORARY SIGNPOSTING When working on a low traffic volume road open to traffic, the signs and safety equipment should be deployed as shown in paragraph 4.2 of Part D (Page II -179). When closing the road and providing a diversion, the signs and safety equipment should be deployed as shown in paragraph 4.2 of Part E (Page II - 243). On low-traffic roads, the Maintenance Engineer may approve the use of a simpler system of traffic control.II - 93 1sti3rd! 5th !6th~4th~2ndlPASSES BYROLLERROLLER PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING 6.3 EXECUTION OF THE WORK The Method comprises the following steps: ¨ SETTING OUT ¨ EXCAVATION OF DITCH AND SLOPE ¨ EXCAVATION OF BACKSLOPE ¨ CAMBER FORMATION AND FINAL COMPACTION PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING SETTING OUT mThe PROFILE method of setting out enables a smooth vertical alignment to be re-established on a severely deteriorated road surface. aThe alignment will consist of straight gradients and vertical curves. The centre line of the road is pegged every 10 metres. mA ranging rod is fixed at each 10 metre peg. Each ranging rod is fitted with a profile board. The profile board can slide up and down the ranging rod and be clamped at any height. PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINIMETHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING mSetting out is arranged in sections of 60 to 100 metres, which approximate to either straight gradients or verticalcurves.II-99 PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINIMETHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING Check that the amount of earthworks at each centre line (finished level) peg is acceptable, or repeat the procedure using different assumptions. PART B - LABOUR BASEDRESHAPINGMETHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING Once the centre line level pegs are fixed, set out the pegs for the edge of the roadway and both sides of the ditch using the tape measure, camber board and spirit level for the required road cross section. Pegs should be driven in to the required finished cross section level, or a fixed height above. PART B - LABOUR BASEDRESHAPINGMETHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING EXCAVATE DITCH AND SLOPE mMaterial is excavated from the ditch and slope area and used to form the camber until the required shape of ditch and slope is achieved. Check shape with the ditch and slope template, and spirit level. mIf too much material is excavated discard the surplus material well beyond the side drain. mIf the filling placed is greater than 15 cm deep, then it is preferable to spread and compact the fill material with rakes and hand rammers or a hand/animal drawn roller in 15-20 cm layers. PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINGMETHOD B: MAJOR RESHAPING EXCAVATE BACKSLOPE If insufficient material is excavated to form the camber, dig additional material from the backslope or from beyond the side drain. PART B - LABOUR BASEDRESHAPINGMETHOD B: MAJORRESHAPINGCAMBER FORMATION AND FINAL COMPACTIONmContinue adding material to the camber to achieve the required profile after compaction. nStringlines stretched directly and diagonally across the running surface between the setting out pegs can be used to check the shape. nCompact the fill material to the final profile, preferably using a hand or animal drawn roller. PART B - LABOUR BASEDRESHAPING6.4 COMPLETION AND REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY SIGNS On completion of the work the temporary signs and safety equipment are removed as described in Parts D (Pages II - 193 and II - 195) or E (Pages II - 257 and II -259) as applicable. TYPICAL WORK REPORTRESHAPINGWork Report No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .District: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gang: . . . . . . . .. . . .Zone: ..........................................................................Road No:Section: . . . . . . . . . . . . . from km krnQUANTITY OF WORK ACHIEVED: Reshaping: .............................................mWEATHER CONDITIONSRain 0MANPOWER USED: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .COMMENTS ..........................Foreman: . . . . . PART B - LABOUR BASED RESHAPINI6.5 WORK REPORT The report must be filled in each day, detailing The work carried out, The resources used. Part CDRAGGING PART C - DRAGGING1. THE TASKThe task is to improve earth and gravel roads by dragging the existing surface material. Dragging is normally a ROUTINE MAINTENANCE task. The object of regular and frequent dragging is to smooth out minor defects in the road surface and remove loose material from the surface. This results in a better running surface for traffic. On some roads a thin layer of sand is used to cover the road base material and protect it from traffic wear. Frequent dragging is used to redistribute the sand disturbed by the traffic. Dragging can be carried out using self propelled or towed graders. Towed graders weighing 1 tonne or more are suitable for this task. Alternatively, specially made drags* can be used, towed behind agricultural tractors. On low-volume roads, frequent dragging may be used to reduce the need to grade the road. Grading is normally required after a number of dragging operations to mix the accumulated loose material back into the road surface.See List of Terms, Volume 1. PART C - DRAGGING2. DEFECTS Dragging is used to correct Minor surface deformation. Dragging will not remove corrugations once they have formed, nor will it restore camber* or lost material. Grading is needed to correct these problems." See List of Terms, Volume 1. PART C - DRAGGII3. RESOURCES3.1 PERSONNEL Plant Operators and Drivers 1 tractor driver and/or 1 grader operator for eachmachine.Work Force1 machine attendant for each tractor or motor grader. PART C - DRAGGING3.2 PLANT AND TOOLS m1 Motor Grader plus additional motor graders if available. For each towed grader or drag: x1 Agricultural Tractor (It is sometimes possible to use draught animals totow the drag).WITH n1 Towed Grader OR m1 Drag PART C - DRAGGINGTYPES OF DRAG (Listed in order of increasing effectiveness)Brushwood DragSmall branches tied together. Tyre Sledge Old truck or tractor tyres chained together. Cable Drag Bundles of steel cables bound together and fixed in a frame, weighted with concrete blocks to enable it to cut into the surface. Care must be taken that pieces of the steel cable which may break off the drag are not left lying on the road. ART C - DRAGGINGBeam Drag rolled steel joists) or steel rail(s), weighted with concrete blocks, and towed at an angle to the road. Frame Drag steel "A" frame using old grader blades. mTolard three to five blades at different angles under a box weighted with concrete blocks. PART C - DRAGGING3.3 SIGNS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT The following should be used where possible.ClothingYellow or orange coloured safety vest or safety harness to be worn by the machine attendant.VehiclesThe grader or tractor and drag should be painted yellow or orange and should carry red and white striped marker boards front and rear.LightsThe grader or tractor should work with headlights switched on and, where possible, should carry yellow flashing warning lights.FlagsIf yellow flashing warning lights are not available, vehicles and equipment should carry yellow or orange flags. TYPICAL WORKSHEETDRAGGINGWorksheet No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District: ................................................. Zone:.......................................................Gang: Road No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from km . . . . . . . to km . . . . . . . . . . . . .Section from km . . . . . . . . . to kmEQUIPMENT TO BE USED: Motorgraders: . . . . . . . . . . Tractors: .............................. Drags: .................................................. TowedGraders: ............................................ . . . . . . in . . . . . . . . . m width PART C - DRAGGINI4. MAINTENANCE METHOD4.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS mThe worksheet will indicate the location and extent of the work to be carried out and the time, equipment and personnel required for the job' PART C - DRAGGINGBefore setting out to start the job, a check should be made to ensure that everything needed is ready. nPlant and machinery must be checked mechanically, greased and fuelled. mDrags must be checked to ensure that they are complete and that any weights required are loaded. PART C - DRAGGINI4.2 WORKING WITH A TRACTOR AND DRAG The Machine Attendant directs traffic and helps the driver when turning the tractor and drag, removes unwanted material from path of tractor and clears the drag. mIf the work is being done with a tractor, it should work in the same direction as the traffic. The driver should not stop at junctions or on bends. PART C -DRAGGINGmThe tractor tows the drag at up to 5 km/hr depending on the type of drag and on the type and condition of the road surface. nThe length of pass will be given on the worksheet and should be as long as possible. mThe number of passes needed will depend upon the conditions and the width of the road. mThe equipment should work in the same direction as the traffic flow.II - 137 PART C - DRAGGINGmDO NOT drive too fast or the drag will jump over the surface irregularities and raise a lot of dust, it will also cause a hazard to traffic. mPieces of thorn scrub or steel cable which break off the drag must not be left on the road surface. PART C - DRAGGING4.3 DRAGGING WITH GRADERSmWhen the work is to be done by motor grader or towed grader, it is most efficient if several graders can work together on the same section of road, one behind the other. In this case, graders work in the same direction along the road for several kilometres. On narrow roads two grader passes may be sufficient. Great care is required to warn approaching vehicles and allow them to pass the grading machines safely. If necessary a light vehicle should travel ahead of the graders with warning lights and signs. mThe object is to remove the loose material from the surface of the road and spread it evenly. There are two basic methods of working. The first spreads material from the centre line to both edges of the road (Method A). The second spreads material from one side of the road to the opposite edge (Method B). PART C - DRAGGINIMETHOD A mThe grader starts from the centre of the road and works towards the edge. Shoulders are treated as part of the running surface. aThe first and second passes cut to the bottom of the surface irregularity and deposit a windrow at the edge of the road. Two passes may be required each side for wide roads. mThe other side of the carriageway is now graded in a similar way to complete the work and leave a smooth even surface between windrows. PART C -DRAGGINGMETHOD B mThe grader starts from one edge of the road and works towards the other edge. Shoulders are treated as part of the running surface. mThe first and second passes cut to the bottom of the surface irregularity and deposit a windrow at the centre of the road. Two passes may be required each side for wide roads. mThe third and fourth passes cut to the bottom of the surface irregularity and move the windrow to the edge of the road. PART C - DRAGGINGFor both methods of dragging with a grader: mSlots should be cut through the windrows by the machine attendant at approximately 10 metre intervals along the edges of the road. These will enable water to drain from the road surface in the event of unexpected rain. mAs loose material will have been removed from the surface of the road and a hard surface should remain, rolling should not be necessary with this type of dragging. PART C - DRAGGINGWindrows must not be left at the edge of the road during the wet season. They tend to dam up the water leading to erosion of shoulders and side slopes. The windrows should be mixed back into the running surface with a full grading operation before the wet season is established (Part A). mDO NOT make a final pass* down the centre of the road with the grader blade horizontal. This flattens the centre of the road and causes water to pond. This leads to rapid deterioration of the surface.See List of Terms,Volume I. TYPICAL WORK REPORTDRAGGINWork Report No: . . . . . . . . . . . . .Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .District: .................................................Gang: Zone:.....................................................Road No:.Section: . . . . . . . . . .QUANTITY OF WORK ACHIEVED:Dragging: ..........................................................................................kmsWEATHER CONDITIONS:Sunny 0Cloudy 0Rain Elfrom km . . . . . . . . . .to km . . . . . . . . .EQUIPMENT USED:.....................................................Hrs .....................................................Hrs .....................................................HrsMANPOWER USED: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .COMMENTS: ..........................................DIESEL USED:..........................................litres ..........................................litres ..........................................litresForeman: ............................................. PART C - DRAGGING4.4 WORK REPORT The report must be filled in each day, detailing: the work carried out, the resources used. Part DPATCHING PART D - PATCHING1. THE TASKPatching is sometimes required between grading or reshaping operations, or before grading when the potholes or depressions are large. Patching may either be used to repair worn or eroded areas or can be used to restore areas which become soft when wet. This maintenance activity consists of replacing or adding new gravel surfacing material over relatively small areas. Patching may be carried out by a mobile gang or by labour based methods. Patching is normally used to refer to resurfacing work involving less than 1 or 2 truck or trailer loads of material per day. Large scale work is usually called Spot Regravelling or Gravelling (Parts E or F). PART D - PATCHINI2. DEFECTSPatching is used to correctPotholesRutsSoft SpotsErosion Gullies PART D -PATCHINIPatching is not a satisfactory method of repairing corrugations. Grading (Part A) or labour based reshaping(Part B) should be used to repair these defects.Where there are large numbers of potholes, the section will need scarifying* with a self propelled grader and possibly regravelling (Part E or F). Patching may be used instead of grading on selfcementinggravels or gravels with large lumps.* See List of Terms,Volume f. PART D - PATCHINIMETHOD A: MOBILE GANG 3. RESOURCES 3.1 PERSONNEL Supervisors1 foreman.Plant Operators and Drivers1 driver.Workforce - 2 to 6 labourers, - 2traffic controllers. _ ..9 PART D - PATCHINGMETHOD A: MOBILE GANG 3.2 PLANT AND TOOLS Vehicles 1 small truck. OR 1 tractor and trailer(s). If two trailers are available, one trailer can be loaded while the other is hauled to the worksite. Compactors 1 hand controlled vibrating roller, and fuel (plus ramps"to help load onto truck or trailer).OR 1 hand rammer with metal shoe for each labourer used on compaction work.See List of Terms,Volume I. PART D - PATCHING• Tools 1 broom for every two labourers, 1 pickaxe for every two labourers, 1 shovel for every two labourers, 1 hoe or mattock for every two labourers, 1 rake for every two labourers, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 hand rammer with metal shoe for each labourer used on compaction work (if no vibrating roller is available), 1 drum for water (200 litre), 1 bucket or watering can. PART D - PATCHINGMETHOD A: MOBILE GANG 3.3 MATERIALS mGravel for patching should be stockpiled at the quarry or maintenance camp, or dumped at the side of the road near where it will be used (so that it does not block the road or drainage system). The gravel must be at least as good a quality as the material already surfacing the road. Its use must be approved by the Maintenance Engineer and must meet Departmental specifications. mWater must be carried from the depot if it is not obtainable near the site. In either case, a container will be needed. PART D - PATCHINGMETHOD A: MOBILE GANG 3.4 SIGNS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT The following items should be provided where possible. Traffic Signs -2 Reversible "Stop/Go" signs, -2 "Speed Limit" signs (50 km/hr), -2 "Men Working" signs, -1 "Road Narrows From Right" sign, -1 "Road Narrows From Left" sign, -2 "End of Restriction" signs.Barriers2 lane closure barriers.Traffic Cones As many as are required; at least 10 will usually be needed. PART D - PATCHINGClothingYellow or orange coloured safety vests or safety harnesses to be worn by the supervisor and all the work force.VehiclesAll vehicles and equipment should be painted yellow or orange and should carry red and white striped marker boards front and rear.LightsAll vehicles and equipment should work with headlights switched on and, where possible, should carry yellow flashing warning lights.FlagsIf yellow flashing warning lights are not available, each vehicle and item of equipment should carry yellow or orange flags. TYPICAL WORKSHEETPATCHINGWorksheet No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .District: Zone: .Date: .................. Gang: .................Road No:. ..............Materials: . . . . . . . . .trucks of . . . . . . . . . .trailers of . . . . . . . . .m3= .............m3m3= ..............m3 PART D - PATCHINGMETHOD A: MOBILE GANG 4. MAINTENANCE METHOD 4.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS nThe worksheet will indicate the location and extent of the work to be carried out and the time, equipment andpersonnel required for the job. PART D - PATCHINGBefore setting out to start the job, a check shouldbe made to ensure that everything needed is ready.wThe Truck or tractor and trailer must be fuelled, checked mechanically and have waterand oil levels checked.mTraffic signs, barriers and cones must be obtained and loaded onto the truck or trailer. o' PART D - PATCHINGTools and equipment must be obtained and loaded onto the truck or trailer. The roller may be loaded with thehelp of ramps* or a hoist.mThe drum must be on site.with water if none is available mArrangements must be made to load gravel onto the truck or trailer either at the depot or at a quarry.See List of Terms,Volume 1. NOTE: SHOWN FOR DRIVING ON THE RIGHT PART D - PATCHINGMETHOD A: MOBILE GANG4.2 TEMPORARY SIGNPOSTINGBefore work starts, warning signs, barriers and cones must be placed around the work area. Work should be carried out on one side of the road at a time, allowing traffic to pass on the other. Signs must be placed in the following order: "Men Working" signs should be placed 200 metres in front of the work area. "Road Narrows" signs should be placed 100 metres in front of the work area. "Speed Limit" signs should be placed at the start of the work area. Barriers should be placed at each end of the work area. Cones should be placed in a taper at the approaches to the work area and at a maximum spacing of 10 metres along the middle of the road next to the work area. "End of Restriction" signs should be placed 50 metres beyond the work area. PART D - PATCHINImTraffic controllers should stand next to the barriers in the centre of the road to operate the reversible "Stop/Go" signs. The controller closest to the oncoming traffic should decide when to stop the flow and allow traffic to travel in the other direction. Traffic should be stopped in both directions when works vehicles enter, leave or turn at the worksite. On low-traffic roads, the Maintenance Engineer may approve the use of a simpler system of traffic control. PART D - PATCHINGMETHOD A: MOBILE GANG 4.3 EXECUTION OF THE WORK m The material is off-loaded manually. OR Tipped onto the shoulder adjacent to where the patching isrequired. Material must never be dumped onto the road.mLoose material and standing water is brushed from the pothole or rut to be patched. PART D - PATCHINImLarge or deep potholes should have their sides cut back to be vertical and to reach sound material. mThe moisture content of the material can be checked quickly by squeezing it in the hand. If the material is wet enough to stick together, it is suitable for use. If water runs out of the material, it is too wet and should notbe used.xIf the material is dry, the area to be patched should be sprinkled with water and water should also be added to the patching material. PART D - PATCHINGmThe area is filled with gravel to a depth of about 10 centimetres. mif the material is dry, it should be sprinkled with water to help compaction. mThe layer is then compacted using the roller or handrammer.mIn this way the thickness of the patch is built up in layers. PART D - PATCHINGmFinally, the patched area is filled evenly with the gravel to approximately 3 centimetres above the level of the surface and is spread and raked to the correct shape. 3 centimetres is approximately the thickness of a rake handle. mThe patch is then compacted using the roller or hand yammer to give a surface which is slightly above the level of the surrounding road. mBoth large or small areas to be patched are repaired in the same way, the yammer is used for the smaller potholes. The roller is used for larger areas although the hand yammers will still be required for the corners and short edges. A PART D - PATCHINGmPatching work started must not be left unfinished overnight. At night the site should be made safe for traffic and all signs and obstacles removed from the road. PART D - PATCHINGMETHOD A: MOBILE GANG 4.4 COMPLETION AND REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY SIGNS Load tools, equipment and unused materials back onto thetruck or trailer.Remove the signs, cones and barriers and load them onto the truck or trailer in the following order:1 "End of Restriction" signs,Traffic cones, "Speed Limit" signs,Barriers,"Road Narrows" signs, 6 "Men Working" signs. Equipment and traffic signs must not be left at the road side for use the next day. PART D - PATCHINGmEnsure that the site is left clean and tidy with no stockpiles of material left on the road. Move onto the next job. mInspect traffic signs and clean if necessary. TYPICAL WORK REPORTPATCHINGWork Report No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . District: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zone:......................WEATHER CONDITIONS:SunnyMATERIALS USED:Gravel: ..................EQUIPMENT USED:MANPOWER USED: . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .COMMENTS: .......................................... ...............................................................HrsDate: .................. Gang: ................. Road No:. ............. from km . . . . . . . . . . to km . . . . . . . . .CloudyDIESEL USED:Rain 0.........................................Hrs............................................................litres.......................................litres........................................Hrs...........................................................litresForeman: ....................................... PART D - PATCHING4.5 WORK REPORTThe report must be filled in each day, detailing: the work carried out, the resources used. PART D - PATCHINGPATCHING METHOD B: LABOUR BASED In some road maintenance systems an individual attendant or lengthman lives close to a road and is responsible for the ROUTINE MAINTENANCE activities on that road. On low traffic volume roads (less than about 50 vpd*) it is often appropriate for patching to be carried out by these labourbased methods.vpd: vehicles per day PART D - PATCHINGMETHOD B: LABOURBASED5. RESOURCES5.1 PERSONNEL Supervisor 1 foreman or overseer visiting regularly. Workforce - attendant or lengthman. PART D - PATCHINIMETHOD B: LABOUR BASED5.2 PLANT AND TOOLS1 broom,1 pickaxe,1 shovel,1 hoe or mattock,1 rake,1 hand rammer with metal shoe,1 wheelbarrow,1 bucket or watering can.II - 203 PART D - PATCHINGMETHOD B: LABOUR BASED5.3 MATERIALSnGravel for patching should be obtained from the quarry by truck or tractor and trailer. This is most efficiently done when major regravelling works are being carried out in the area of the road. mThe gravel should be stockpiled at convenient locations for the attendant to use on his section of road. The stockpiles must not obstruct the road, the shoulder or the drainage system. mWhere there is no space in the road reserve the stockpile should be placed downhill of a turnout drain to avoid blocking the drainage system. mIf possible a one truck or trailer load stockpile should be left every 100 to 200 metres along the road.II - 205 PART D -PATCHINGMETHOD B: LABOUR BASED 5.4 SIGNS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT On low traffic volume roads the following should be provided. Traffic Signs2 "Men Working" signs,OR 2 yellow/orange flags for placing on the shoe Clothing Yellow or orange coloured safety vest or safety harness to be worn by the attendant.u - 207 TYPICAL WORKSHEETPATCHINGWorksheet No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District: .............................................. Road No:. ............................................Section: . . . . . . . . . . from km krnMaterials: . . . . . . . . , trucks of . . . . . . . . . .m3= .............m'trailers of . . . . . . . . .m3= . . . . . . m3 PART D - PATCHINGMETHOD B: LABOUR BASED 6. MAINTENANCE METHOD 6.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS nThe handtools are assigned to the attendant who keeps them at his home for use as necessary. mThe worksheet will indicate the location and extent of the work to be carried out and the time required for the job.II-209 PART D - PATCHINGMETHOD B: LABOUR 6.2 EXECUTION OF THE WORK mThe attendant should use the wheelbarrow to carry the tools and safety items to the site. mThe warning signs or flags must be placed either side of the worksite. mThe attendant should use the wheelbarrow to transport the gravel material from the stockpiles tothe patching site.mThe patching should be carried out as shown for the mobile gang. mThe warning signs or flags must be removed afterthe work.mThe work report must be filled in for each day's Part EREGRAVELLING(mechanised) PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)1. THE TASKThe surfacing material of unpaved roads is worn away by traffic, eroded by rain and blown away as dust. Before all the gravel surfacing has worn away the road requires regravelling. Regravelling is normally a PERIODIC MAINTENANCE task. It is important that the Maintenance Engineer plans regravelling work well in advance so that work is carried out before serious defects appear. Before regravelling is carried out, it is important to make any necessary repairs or improvements to the camber" and drainage system of the road. If this is not done, the new gravel surface will deteriorate very quickly. Regravelling is normally carried out with one layer 15 cm thickness. Usually a continuous layer of gravel is laid on the existing running surface, however on some occasions only short stretches showing severe defects are covered under a spot regravelling operation. "Mechanised" regravelling using heavy plant is described in this Part (E). Part F describes regravelling carried out by labour and tractor methods.See List of Terms,Volume). PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)2. DEFECTSRegravelling is used to correct m Loss of surfacing material Regravelling is needed before the subgrade* is exposed on the road surface. This will be seen particularly in ruts anddepressions.Regravelling is also used to correct• Loss of shapeRuts PotholesErosion GulliesWhen these are severe. In these cases grading (Part A) or reshaping (Part B) is carried out before the regravelling operation.See List of Terms,Volume 1. PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)3. RESOURCES3.1 PERSONNEL Supervisors - 1 foreman at the road site, - 1 foremanat the quarry or stockpile.Plant Operators and Drivers-1 bulldozer operator, -1 loader operator, -1 driver for each tipper truck, -1 grader operator, -1 operator for each roller,- 1 driver for each water tanker.Workforce -1 machine attendant for each item of plant and equipment,-mechanics for daily servicing and minor repairs. PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)3.2 PLANT AND TOOLS The numbers of each type of plant will depend on the gravel haul distance and plant availability. Bulldozers 1 bulldozer. Loaders 1 wheeled or tracked loader. Trucks tipper trucks, depending on haul distance and availability (typically 4 to 6).Graders1 grader, preferably of at least 135 hp (100 kW). PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)Rollers-1 or 2 rollers.Water Tankers-1 water tanker, if the gravel being laid is dry. More tankers will be needed if water has to be brought along distance.Pumps -1 pump of sufficient capacity to load the tankersquickly.Other Vehicles-2 light vehicles for transport of the two supervisors.II - 223 PART E - REGRAVELLING(mechanised)SupportA low loader will be required to transport some of the equipment items between successive quarry and work sites. Transport for fuel will also be required. Arrangements must also be made for lubrication, servicing and minor repairs, and site refuelling.OptionsFor small regravelling jobs or short hauls (up to about 10 km), it may be appropriate to work with simpler plant than described in this Part of the handbook. Gravel can be quarried and loaded by hand and hauled to the site using tractors and trailers. See Part F for this option.ToolsA camber board made as shown from 20 mm treated plywood or hardwood to give a 1 in 20 (5%) slope. A selection of handtools will be required for the machine attendants (see Part D, Page II - 165).II - 225 PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanise3.3 MATERIALS mGravel obtained from a quarry or gravel pit must be of a quality that meets the Departmentalspecifications and also be approved by themA source of water will be needed as near as possible to the site.II - 227 PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)3.4 SIGNS AND SAFETY EQUIPMENT Whenever possible during regravelling, a diversion should be opened for traffic and the following safety items should be provided. Traffic Signs - 2 "Men Working" signs, - 1 "Turn Left" arrow, - 1 "Turn Right" arrow, - 4 "Keep Left/Right" arrows, - 2 "End of Restriction" signs.Barriers- 2 lane closure barriers.Traffic Cones As many as are required, but at least 10 will usually beneeded.II - 22s PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechaniseClothingYellow or orange coloured safety vests or safety harnesses are to be worn by the supervisor and all the work force.VehiclesAll vehicles and equipment should be painted yellow or orange and should carry red and white striped marker boards front and rear.LightsAll vehicles and equipment should work with headlights switched on and, where possible, should carry yellow flashing warning lights.FlagsIf yellow flashing warning lights are not available, each vehicle and item of equipment should carry a yellow or orange flag. PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)Although the road will be completely closed, it is still necessary for workmen to wear safety vests and for vehicles to carry warning lights for the safety of site operations.No DiversionIf it is not practical to provide a diversion, then working must be restricted to one side of the road at a time and safety equipment as listed under Gravel Patching in Part D (Pages II - 169 and II - 179) will be required. This includesboth safety vests and warning lights on vehicles.II - 233 TYPICAL WORKSHEETREGRAVELLINGWorksheet No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zone:......................Section: . . . . . . . . . .from kmDate: .................. Gang: ................. Road No:............... to km.........Length: from km . . . . . . . . . to km . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . mWidth: ............................................,.........................................._..........................mThickness (compacted): ........................................=........................CMGravel: . . . . . , . . . . . . . trucks of . . . . . . . . . . .m3=...............m3Water: . . . . . . . . . . tankers of . . . . . . . . . . litres= . . . . . . . . litres PART E - REGRAVELLING(mechanised)4. MAINTENANCE METHOD4.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS The Worksheet should indicate the location and extent of the work to be carried out and the time, equipment and personnel required for the job. mWhere Spot Regravelling is specified, the extent of the sections to be regravelled should be marked out on site.II - 235 PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)Before the start of the job, a check should be made to ensure that everything needed is ready. mArrangements must be made to take gravel from the borrow pit or quarry and test it for approval. This should be done well in advance of the work. Arrangements must be made to obtain water close to the site. This should be done well in advance of the work. mThe condition and "availability" of the equipment must be checked and the numbers of each type of equipment must be decided. mTrucks and plant must be fuelled, greased, checked mechanically and have water and oil levels checked. Arrangements must be made for refuelling on site if required. This may either be with a refuelling truck visiting the working site, or by arrangement to refuel at a maintenance camp. Arrangements must be made for the necessary mechanical support on site.AccommodationIt may be necessary to make arrangements for accommodation for personnel close to the work site. mAt the beginning of the job, traffic signs, barriers and cones must be obtained and loaded onto a truck.II - 237 PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)Site PreparationWherever possible, before the regravelling work starts, the grader should open a diversion adjacent to the road. If traffic is diverted from the work site, it will enable the job to becarried out more efficiently and safely.m No DiversionIf the site conditions are such that it is not practical to build a diversion, then signs must be placed as shown for Gravel patching (Part D), Pages II - 169 and II - 179, and working must be restricted to one side of the road at a time. On low-traffic roads, the Maintenance Engineer may approve the use of a simpler system of traffic control.II-239 NOTE: SHOWN FOR DRIVING ON THE RIGHT PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)4.2 TEMPORARYSIGNPOSTINGAfter the diversion has been completed and before work starts, warning signs, barriers and cones must be placed around the work area. Signs must be placed in the following order: m"Men Working" signs should be placed 200metres in front of the work area.m"Turn Left/Right" arrows should be placed 100 metres in front of the work area. zCones should be placed diagonally across the road to lead into the diversion. m"Keep Left/Right" arrows should be placed at the ends of the lines of cones. mBarriers should be placed behind the lines of m"End of Restriction" signs should be placed 50 metres beyond the ends of the diversion. At night yellow lamps should also be used to mark the extent of the works at the diversions. PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanise4.3 EXECUTION OF THE WORK m Quarry or Borrow Pit Before the regravelling work starts, gravel should be stockpiled at the quarry or borrow pit. It may also be helpful to start hauling the material to site. Plan the quarry excavations and stockpiles so that: -the quarry can be fully exploited with removal of the maximum amount of gravel, -the overburden is stockpiled so that it will not hinder future extension, and that it can be used to reinstate the quarry, -the best material is taken, where gravel quality is variable within the quarry, -material is stockpiled to minimise segregation, -environmental damage by poor drainage and erosion is minimised both during and afterexploitation of the quarry.The quarry layout should: permit efficient excavation and stockpiling of gravel, allow the trucks to enter and leave without obstructions. nrepair the quarry access road, if necessary, to ensure safe passage of trucks.II - 243 PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)After signs have been placed, the existing road surface must be graded as described in Paragraph 4.3 of Part A of this Volume. The road surface must be graded-off to provide a firm regular surface on which to work and the edges should be "boxed" to provide support for the new gravel. The graded surface should be watered and compacted. The camber* should be checked with a camber board and the road level should fall 4 to 6 cm for each one metre width of road (4-6 %). The drainage system should be checked and repaired if necessary (see Volume I, Part D), otherwise the performance of the gravel surface will be affected. At the quarry or borrow pit, the bulldozer should have stockpiled sufficient gravel for the work. The excavating and stockpiling of gravel should create low, broad heaps to prevent segregation of the coarser material. When the initial grading of the road is complete, the loader should start to load the tippers with gravel for transport to the regravelling site." See List of Terms,II - 245 PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)Tippers should always circulate continuously between the quarry and the site. mDumping should start at the far end of the site so that the heaps of gravel do not impede tippers delivering later loads. mMaterial should be dumped on one side of the road only. Loads should be placed at the correct spacing as instructed by the Maintenance Engineer, necessary to give the required thickness of gravel over the complete road width. nIf the road is not closed, material should be dumped on the shoulder. mThe tankers should have filled up with water using the pump and then have driven to the site.II - 247 PART E - REGRAVELLING(mechanisemSpreading of the gravel can start when there is a working length of at least 200 metres of dumpedmaterial.mInitially the road is sprayed with mThe regravelling material is then spread right across the road using the grader.II - 249 PART E - REGRAVELLING(mechanised)mThe material is alternately spread by the grader and watered with the tanker until its moisture content is correct for compaction*. The amount of water to be added must be determined by moisture content tests on site or by the Maintenance Engineer. The tankers circulate continuously between the site and the source of water. mThe new material is now graded as described in Paragraph 4.3 of Part A (Page II - 29) of this Volume to produce a camber" of 4 to 6 cm for each one metre width of road (4 to 6 %).See List of Terms,Volume 1. PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)mThe camber* should now be checked with the camber board at approximately 100 metre intervals along the road. mTo use the camber board Place it on its edge across the road with the shorter end pointing towards the centre line. Check the level bubble If it is central, the camber is correct. If it is not central, the camber is either too steep or flat and further grading and compaction are required. mIf the camber does not fall 4 to 6 cm for each one metre width of straight road, the grading must be repeated.* See List of Terms,Volume I.II - 253 PART E - REGRAVELLING(mechanisEmWhen the correct camber* has been achieved, rolling can start. Water should not be added during rolling as the material may stick to the wheels or drums. Rolling should start at the edge of the road and work towards the middle. The roller should aim to progress from section to section at the same rate as the grader. About eight passes of the roller will be needed to achieve full compaction. It is possible to regravel without the use of water and compaction, but it is difficult to achieve satisfactory results.See List of Terms,Volume 1.II - 255 PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)4.4COMPLETION AND REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY SIGNS The work proceeds along the road in sections. As each section is completed, the traffic signs, cones and barriers are moved along the road. This opens the road at the completed end for traffic, and closes it at the other end to allow new gravel to be dumped. As work proceeds, it will be necessary to open new diversions and move the diversion signs. When the work is finally completed, Remove the traffic signs, cones and barriers and load them onto the truck in the following order: 1 "End of Restriction" signs, Barriers, "Keep Left/Right" arrows, 4Cones 5 "Turn Left/Right" arrows, 6 "Men Working" signs.II - 257 PART E - REGRAVELLING(mechanisemEnsure that the site is left clean and tidy with no stockpiles of material left on the road. mMove on to the next job. mInspect traffic signs and clean if necessary.II - 259 TYPICAL WORK REPORTREGRAVELLINGWork Report No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . District: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zone: Section: . . . . . . . . . . WEATHER CONDITIONS: Sunny LJ QUANTITY OF WORK ACHIEVED: Length: from km . . . . . . . Width: .........................................................................._...........................m Thickness (compacted): ................................................=....... cmGravel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . trucks of . . . . . . . . . . . m3= . . . . . . . m3Date: .................. Gang: ................. Road No:. .............. from km . . . . . . . . . . to km . . . . . . . . .. . to km........................._..................mEQUIPMENT USED:MANPOWER USED: . . . . ..........................................Hrs .........................................Hrs . Hrs...... .........................................Hrs .........................................Hrs.........................................HrsCOMMENTS: ..........................................Foreman:.............................DIESEL USED:litres litres litres litreslitres..........................................litres PART E - REGRAVELLING (mechanised)4.5 WORK REPORT The report must be filled in each day, detailing: the work carried out, the resources used. II - 262 Part FREGRAVELLING(Labour and Tractors) II - 263 PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour andTractors)LABOUR AND TRACTOR REGRAVELLING Mechanised Regravelling, as described in Part E, is the most commonly used technique for the renewal of a gravel running surface. However in certain circumstances, the high cost or non availability of the specialist equipment make Labour and Tractor Regravelling a more appropriate option. In this case use is made of local labour to excavate and load gravel at the quarry, and unload and spread the material at the road site. Haulage is carried out by agricultural tractors of 45 hp (34 kW) or greater, and gravel trailers. Compaction is provided by tractor drawn rollers, or by the use of the loaded trailers. This method is usually appropriate for gravel hauls up to about 10 km. In areas where animal traction is established, the gravel may usually be hauled economically for distances up to about 3 km using small carts. For haulage distances greater than 10 km trucks are usually more economical. However these may be loaded manually.II - 265 PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)1. THE TASKThe surfacing material of unpaved roads is worn away by traffic, eroded by rain and blown away as dust. Before all the gravel surfacing has worn away the road requires regravelling. Regravelling is normally a PERIODIC MAINTENANCE task. It is important that the Maintenance Engineer plans regravelling work well in advance so that work is carried out before serious defects appear. Before regravelling is carried out, it is important to make any necessary repairs or improvements to the camber and drainage system of the road. If this is not done, the new gravel surface will deteriorate very quickly. Regravelling is normally carried out with one layer of 15 cm thickness. Usually a continuous layer of gravel is laid on the existing running surface, however on some occasions only short stretches showing severe defects are covered under a spot regravelling operation. This Part describes Regravelling using Labour and Tractor methods. Mechanised regravelling using heavy plant is described in Part E (Page II - 213).II - 267 Regravelling is used to correct n Loss of surfacing materialPART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)2. DEFECTSRegravelling is needed before the subgrade* is exposed on the road surface. This will be evident particularly in ruts and depressions. Regravelling is also used to correct• Loss of shapeRuts PotholesErosion GulliesWhen these are severe. In these cases reshaping (Part B) is carried out before the regravelling operation.See List of Terms,Volume I.II - 269 ;EGRAVELLING PLANNING GUIDELINESAssumes good haul routes, 45 - 75 HP (34 - 56 kW) tractors, 3 m' trailers and the~roductivities shown on Page II - 286):1 Q E= E... YO0-11-22-33-44-55-66-77-88-99-10„- NQUANTITYEQUIVALENT LENGTH OF GRAVELLED ROADAPPROX. LABOURO sOFMETRES/DAYFORCE REQUIREDGRAVEL(EXCAVATION,m UHAULED0.4m'/m RUN0.66m'/m RUN0.9m'/m RUNLOADING,M a:m'/DAYCOMPACTEDCOMPACTEDCOMPACTEDUNLOADING AND(LOOSE)*..*t*SPREADING ONLY)2 I 126I 252I 156I 112 -I--63 -- 9021081339654 - 773~ ~ 162-216324~200~ 14481 - 115278156967039 - 56314410459_834~ 156-117-234-~31219313978 - 111390 ~ ~180111~~8045 - 64412024014810760 - 85515030018573475 - 1074108 ~216 (133~96 ~54 - 77513527016712067 - 96676232420014481 1754841681047542 - 6051052101309453 - 75612625215611263 - 90714729418113173 - 105472144896436 - 515901801118045 - 6461a32161339654-77712625215611263 - 90472144896436 - 515907801118045 - 6461OS2161339654 - 77712625215611263 - 90460120745430 - 43675150936738 - 546907 801118045 - 647105~ 2101309453 - 754t 96594324-344 0 metres wide and 10 cms thick 5 4 metres wide and 12 cms thick 6 0 metres wide and 15 cms thick REGRAVELLING PLANNING GUIDELINES(Assumes good haul routes, 45 - 75 HP (34 - 56 k1A) tractors, 3 m9 trailers and theproductivltles shown on Page II - 286)utu. NQUANTITYEQUIVALENT LENGTH OF GRAVELLED ROADAPPROX. LABOURO mOFMETRES/DAYFORCE REQUIREDa a EW ~GRAVEL(EXCAVATION,= h_~ aHAULEDO,qm3/m RUN0.65ms/m RUN0.9ms/m RUNLOADINGo~ ~m3/DAYCOMPACTEDCOMPACTEDCOMPACTEDUNLOADING AND(LOOSE)......SPREADING ONLY)0 - 72126252156112i63 - 901 - 221082161339654 - 77316232420014481 - 1152 - 3278156967039 - 56311723414410459 - 83415631219313978 - 1113 - 43901801118045 - 64412024014810760 - 85515030018513475 - 1074 - 541082161339654 - 77513527016712067 - 96616232420014481 - 1155- 64841681047542 - 6051052101309453 - 75612625215611263 - 90714729418113173 - 1056 - 7472744896436 - 615901801118045 - 6461082161339654 - 77712625215611263 - 907 - 8472744896436 - 515901807118045 - 6461082161339654 - 77772625215611263 - 908 - 9460120745430 - 43575150936738 - 546901801118045 - 6471052101309453 - 759 - 1044896594324 - 34560120745430-43672744896436 - 5178416810475 i42 - 60ie.g4 0 metres wide and 10 cms thick 5.4 metres wide and 12 cms thick6.0 metres wide and 15 cms thick PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and3.1 PERSONNEL Supervisors3. RESOURCES- 1 foreman or overseer at the quarry, - 1 overseer at the road site. Plant Operators and Drivers -1 driver for each tractor. Workforce -depending on number of tractors, haul distance and labour productivity. Support (as necessary) -mechanics for daily servicing and repair, -water carriers, -storeman, -watchmen, - handtool sharpening and repairs.II-271 PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)3.2 PLANT AND TOOLSTractors The number of tractors required will depend on the gravel haul distance and plant availability. The Table on Page II - 270 gives guidelines on the number of working tractor and labour resources required for hauling gravel over various distances. Additional tractors may be required for hauling rollers, water and fuel. Trailers -2 trailers per tractor if possible. This allows one trailer to be filled while the other is hauled to the road site. 3 m3 capacity trailers are most suitable for 45 to 75 hp (34 to 56 kW) tractors. Other Items -1 towed deadweight roller or hand operated vibrating roller, -1 towed water bowser, -1 towed fuel bowser, -light vehicles) for the transport of the twosupervisors.II - 273 PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour andTractors)•Tools Typical handtool requirements for a workforce of up to100 labourers.70 shovels, 20 hoes, 50 mattocks, 50 pickaxes, 10 bushknives, 5 wheelbarrows, 8 crowbars, 20 rakes, 4 sledgehammers, 2 tape measures (30 m), 10 buckets, 5 water containers, 1 camber board and spirit level, 2 mason's hammers, wooden pegs, balls of string/sisal twine, 4 fifes (for sharpening tools). 3.3 MATERIALS •Gravel obtained from a quarry or gravel pit must be of a quality that meets the Departmental specifications and also be approved by the Maintenance Engineer.II - 275 PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)3.4 SUPPORT AND SAFETY ARRANGEMENTSArrangements should be made, as necessary, for the following:m Recruitment of workmen if employed casually. wSetting up temporary site camps supervisors' accommodation and facilities, secure handtool storage, water supply. mPayment of wages. Signs and Safety Equipment. When working on a low traffic volume road open to traffic, signs and safety equipment detailed in Part D (Patching, Method A), Page II - 169 and II - 179 should be used. When closing the road and providing a diversion, the signs and safety equipment detailed in Part E (Mechanised Regravelling), Pages 11 - 229/231/233 andII - 241 should be used.II - 277 TYPICAL WORKSHEETREGRAVELLINGWorksheet No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . District: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zone:......................Date: .................. Gang: .................RoadNo:. ..............from km . . . . . . . . . .to km . . . . . . . . .Length: from km . . . . . . . . . to km........................._..................mWidth: .........................................................................._ ................................mThickness (compacted): ................................................= .............................CMGravel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . trucks of . . . . . . . . . . . m3= . . . . . . . m3Water: . . . . . . . . . . tankers of . . .. . . . . . litres= . . . . . . . . litres PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)4. MAINTENANCE METHOD4.1 PRELIMINARY TASKS The Worksheet will indicate the location and extent of the work to be carried out and the time, equipment and personnel required for the job. mWhere Spot Regravelling is specified, the extent of the sections to be regravelled should be marked out on site.II - 279 PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)Before the start of the job, a check should be made to ensure that everything is arranged as necessary. Identify gravel source, test material and make any acquisition arrangements. mEnsure adequate quantities of gravel are available for the job. mRecruit or inform local labour force. mSet up temporary site camp for supervisors. mSet up water supply arrangements. Plan payment arrangements. mTractors must be fuelled and have their water and oil levels checked. All items of plant must be greased and checked mechanically. mArrangements must be made for refuelling on site and PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)Site PreparationWherever possible, before the regravelling work starts, a diversion should be constructed adjacent to the road. It can normally be of earth road standard. If traffic is diverted from the work site, it will enable the job to be carried out more efficiently and safely.II - 283 NOTE: SHOWN FOR DRIVING ON THE RIGHT PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)4.2 TEMPORARY SIGNPOSTING When working on a low traffic volume road open to traffic, the signs and safety equipment should be deployed as shown in paragraph 4.2 of Part D (Page II - 179). When closing the road and providing a diversion, the signs and safety equipment should be deployed as shown in paragraph 4.2 of Part E (Page II - 241). On low traffic volume roads, the Maintenance Engineer may approve the use of a simpler system of traffic control.II - 285 TYPICAL PRODUCTIVITY TARGETSACTIVITYTASK RATERESHAPING ROAD20 - 50 m/MANDAYCLEARING BUSH200 - 1000 m2/MANDAYEXCAVATING OVERBURDEN +LOADING ONTO2 - 4 m3/MANDAYWHEELBARROW IF NECESSARYHAULING OVERBURDEN BYQUANTITYNO OF TRIPS/DAYWHEELBARROW0 - 40m10.5 M31MANDAY21040 - 60m8.0 M31MANDAY16060 - 80m6.5 m3/MANDAY13080 - 100m5.5 m3/MANDAY110EXCAVATING GRAVEL1.6 - 2.4 m3/MANDAY (INSITU)2 - 3 m3/MANDAY (LOOSE)LOADING GRAVEL8 - 10 m3/MANDAY (LOOSE)OFFLOADING AND SPREADING12 - 16 m3/MANDAY (LOOSE)* NOTES:Targets for hauling and tipping only: excludes loading and spreading. Assumingwheelbarrow volume equivalent to 0 05 cum of compacted/insitu material (0.07cum loose) when struck level with top of bodywork. 2 wheelbarrows assigned to each hauling labourer Good haul route (Reduce targets for poor haul route). PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)4.3 EXECUTION OF THE WORK The following steps are normally required: r DAILY PLANNING r PREPARATION OF ROAD SURFACE r PREPARATION OF QUARRY/ACCESS ROAD r GRAVEL EXCAVATION AND STOCKPILING r LOADING r HAULING r OFF LOADING AND SPREADING r COMPACTION rSTOCKPILING GRAVEL FOR ROUTINEMAINTENANCEWhen using a large labour force, it is essential to break the work down into simple manageable operations to achieve satisfactory productivity and quality.II - 287 REGRAVELLING: TYPICAL TARGET TRACTOR TRIPS PER 20 a. 15 4 O U c 0 4 10 N .L425a, ~20 v 0. E. O15L 4. h 10 a. 'G E- w O O S z045-55 HP TRACTOR0-1 1-2 2-33-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-99-10Hauling Distance in km a POOR HAUL ROUTE El GOOD HAUL ROUTE56-75 HP TRACTOR0-1 1-2 2-33-4 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 9-10Hauling Distance in km ® POOR HAUL ROUTE 0 GOOD HAUL ROUTE PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour andTractors)DAILY PLANNING The deployment of tractors and trailers and the number of labourers for each activity depend on: - quantity of gravel already stockpiled, - the haul distance, - number of serviceable tractors and trailers, - tractor power, - haul route condition.II - 289 TYPICAL REGRAVELLING LABOUR REQUIREMENTS90so~,7060aL Q L L 7500 L N40'3z 30 20 10 0204060RO100 120Target Volume m3/clay (loose) PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)The plans for each day should be prepared at the end of the preceding day's work. Tasks should be set based on local experience, however the typical targets shown on Page II - 286 may be used as a guideline. PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)PREPARATION OF SURFACE After signs have been placed, the existing surface should be reshaped to the correct camber as described in Part B of this Volume. If possible, the reshaped surface should be compacted. The camber* should be checked with a camber board and spirit level. The road level should fall 4 to 6 cm for each one metre width of road (4 to 6 %). The drainage system should be checked and repaired if necessary (see Volume I). Otherwise the performance of the gravel surface will be affected.See List of Terms, Volume 1.II - 293 PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)PREPARATION OF QUARRY AND ACCESS Plan the quarry excavations and stockpiles so that: the quarry can be fully exploited with removal of the maximum amount of gravel, the overburden is stockpiled so that it will not hinder future extension, and that it can be used to reinstate the quarry, the best material is taken, where gravel quality is variable within the quarry, environmental damage by poor drainage and erosion is minimised both during and after exploitation of the quarry. The quarry layout should: permit efficient excavation and stockpiling of gravel, allow the tractors and trailers to enter and leave without obstructions. Repair the quarry access road, if necessary, to ensure safe passage of tractors and trailers.II - 295 PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tract< Gravel should be excavated and stockpiled at least one day before it is required to be hauled. Gravel should be excavated and stockpiled alongside to allow easy loading and avoid multiple handling. Where possible excavate bays, using gang tasks, so that trailers can be backed in for loading. Ramps into loading bays must not be too steep for tractors hauling loaded trailers.u - 2s7 PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)zIn hillside quarries, excavate material to ease loading and ensure safety of workmen. mWorkmen must have enough room to work safety and comfortably. nSufficient room must be allowed for turning tractors andtrailers.II - 299 TRAILER LOADING HEIGHTYES PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)LOADING Where possible trailers should be parked at the same height as, or preferably below, stockpiles for ease of loading. The loading gang should be divided into groups of 4 to 6 workmen. These groups load the empty trailers in the order in which they arrive at the quarry. All trailers must be loaded to the correct load line. PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)HAULING nGravelling should commence from where the quarry access joins the road to be regravelled. mInitially the road should be gravelled away from the quarry access in both directions simultaneously. With short hauls this will reduce congestion at the unloading sites. mWhen hauls exceed about 1 km, gravelling should continue only in one direction at a time. The advantages are: the tractors and trailers compact the material as they haul over the already laid gravel, damage to existing road camber is minimised, gravelling traffic does not interfere with reshaping activities, gravelling can recommence sooner after rainfall. Ideally one tractor works with two trailers to maximise use of the tractor,II - 303 PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)OFFLOADING AND SPREADING~It is important to off load the trailers as quickly as possible. wUsually no more than 4 workmen can comfortably work on a trailer at a time. mThe material from one trailer is unloaded and spread within a "box" marked out by pegs and string/sisal twine. The pegs are set at the finished road level with the aid of the camber board and spirit level. mAny gravel lumps or stones larger than 5 cm should bebroken down using sledge hammers, or removed.II - 305 PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)COMPACTION mIf available, the gravel layer should be watered using the towed water bowser before compaction. mIf available, compaction should be carried out with a tractor drawn deadweight roller or a hand operated vibrating roller. mIf compaction equipment is not available, some consolidation can be achieved by driving the loaded trailers over the freshly laid material. The drivers should be instructed to drive on different parts of the roadway with each pass.II-307 PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour anySTOCKPILING GRAVEL FOR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE If attendants or lengthmen are used for follow up routine maintenance, gravel stockpiles should be provided for patching activities. Where possible, gravel stockpiles of one trailer load should be placed at 100 to 200 m intervals along the road. mThe stockpiles should be placed well clear of the road and outside the side drains. Where there is no space in the road reserve, the stockpile should be placed in the side drain immediately downhill of a turnout drain to avoid blocking the drainage system.II - 309 PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tractors)4.4COMPLETION AND REMOVAL OF TEMPORARY SIGNS On completion of the work the temporary signs and safety equipment are removed as described in Parts D, (Page I - 193) or E, (Page 11 - 257) as applicable. TYPICAL WORK REPORTREGRAVELLINGWork Report No: . . . . . . . . . . . . . District: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zone:......................Section: . . . . . . . . . .WEATHER CONDITIONS:Sunny L__1Date: .................. Gang: ................. RoadNo:. .............. from km . . . . . . . . . .to km . . . . . . . . .CloudyElQUANTITY OF WORK ACHIEVED: Length: from km . . . . . . . . . to km . . . . . . . . . . . Width: .........................................................................._..........................m Thickness (compacted): Gravel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . trailers of . . . . . . . . . . m3= . . . . . . . m3Water: . . . . . . . . . . tankers of . . . . . . . . . . litres= . . . . . . . . litres._...................mEQUIPMENT USED:.........................................Hrs .........................................Hrs .........................................Hrs .........................................Hrs .........................................Hrs.........................................HrsMANPOWER USED: .....................................COMMENTS: . . . . . . . . .Foreman: .............................................DIESEL USED:litres litres litres litres litreslitres PART F - REGRAVELLING (Labour and Tracts4.5 WORK REPORT mThe report must be filled in each day, detailing - the work carried out, - the resources used. Notes and Sketches User of this Handbook:NAME: ADDRESSDATE: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The contents of this handbook draw on many sources, past and present, and it would be impossible to acknowledge them all individually. Much of the material is an updating of the UN/ECA Maintenance Handbook for Africa, compiled by experts from France, Germany and the United Kingdom, and published in 1982. Its three volumes encapsulated the broad experience of highway engineers, maintenance managers, consultants and researchers from many different countries. The present revision was undertaken by Mr R.C. Petts of Intech Associates, in close association with the Overseas Centre of the Transport Research Laboratory. The work was funded by the UK Overseas Development Administration and supported and guided by a subcommittee drawn from the PIARC Committee on Technology Transfer and Development (C3). It benefited from the collective wisdom of that committee and the countries represented within it. These included Australia, Algeria, Belgium, Brazil, Burkino Faso, France, Germany, India, Italy, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Senegal, Spain, Turkey, the United States of America, the United Kingdom and the World Bank. On behalf of the subcommittee I would like to record our sincere thanks to all those who contributed, in whatever way, to the production of this second version of the Maintenance Handbook and to making it more valuable to a wider international audience. I am sure it will fulfil its intended purpose of strengthening the capabilities of maintenance workforces and giving them a stronger sense of professional pride in the vital work they are doing. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS continued Any revision of this kind is an ongoing process, and comments or suggestions for further improvements should be made known to the PIARC Central Office at 27 rue Guenegaud, 75006, PARIS, France. Fax: +33 (1) 46 33 84 60. J. Stuart Yerrell Chairman, Subcommittee C3-6d WHAT IS PIARC?Founded in 1909 following the 1St International Road Congress held m Paris in 1908, the Permanent International Association of Road Congresses (PIARC) is the oldest of the international associations concerned with roads and road engineering. The general aim of the Association is to improve international cooperation and to foster progress in- a the formulation of road transport policies, a the planning, construction, improvement and maintenance of roads, a the operation and management of road systems, within the context of wider polices towards transport. To achieve these aims PIARC: aorganises a World Road Congress every four years and various technically oriented events, xcreates and co-ordinates Committees, wpublishes a number of documents including a periodical bulletin It is assisted in its task by National Committees. PIARC is a non political and non-profit association. It was granted consultative status, category II, to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in 1970. The official languages of PIARC are French and English. There are several categories of members Governments, regional authorities, public bodies, collective members and individual members. As of 1 January 1994, PIARC has 72 member Governments and 2,100 members in 100 countries. PIARC has strong links with several regional organisations and is m favour of networking between countries dealing with similar questions. PIARC may help to create and/or develop such networks. PIARC Committees and Working Groups are composed of engineers and experts appointed by member countries. They act on a continuous basis between each Congress and participate in international meetings dealing with subjects within their competence. On average they hold two plenary meetings a year. As of 1 January 1994, Committees and Working Groups gather approximately 700 engineers and experts from 40 countries. Thirteen Committees and four Working Groups are active (period 1991-1995).COMMITTEESC 1 - Technical Committee on Surface Characteristics C3- Committee on Technological Exchanges and Development C4- Committee on Interurban Roads C5- Committee on Road Tunnels C6- Committee on Road Management C7- Technical Committee on Concrete Roads C8- Technical Committee on Flexible Roads C9- Economic and Finance Committee C 10 - Committee on Urban Areas C 11 - Committee on Road Bridges C 12 - Technical Committee on Earthworks, Drainage, Subgrade C 13 - Committee on Road SafetyC 14 - Committee on the EnvironmentWORKING GROUPSG 1 - PIARC Winter Road Congress G2- Natural Disaster Reduction G3- Modern Traffic Control and ManagementG4- Heavy Freight Vehicle IssuesmPIARC PUBLICATIONS - Committees and Working Groups publish synthetic documents, recommendations and state of the art. These documents, intended for decision makers, design and field engineers and researchers, are based on wide international consensusI I - 320 CONGRESS DOCUMENTS - The documents published on the occasion of World Road Congresses are an invaluable source of information and experts agree on the fact that they are most interesting and unique. PERIODICAL BULLETIN "Routes/Roads" - The Association Bulletin was issued for the first time in 1911. It features comprehensive files on road matters in various countries, articles written by members of Committees and Working Groups and news of interest to the world road community. Its issues of a hundred pages are published three to fourtimes a year.TECHNICAL DICTIONARY OF ROAD TERMS AND LEXICON -The first edition of the DICTIONARYwas issued m 1931. The sixth edition (French/English) was published m 1990. The Dictionary is published with the financial support of UNESCO and is translated into eighteen languages: Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Slovak The Lexicon contains over 12,000 expressions m English and French and is alsoavailable on computer diskAll these documents are published in French and English. PIARC publications catalogue is free of charge and can be ordered through:ANRTP32, rue du March commun Centre de Gros - Case postale 1220 44082 NANTES Codex 03 (FRANCE) Fax: +33 40 50 13 64 WHERE TO ORDER THE HANDBOOK The English version of Volume I:Maintenance of Roadside Areas and Drainage Maintenance of Unpaved Roads Maintenance of Paved Roads Maintenance of Structures and TrafficControl Devicesmay be ordered from: Transport Research Laboratory Crowthorne, Berkshire RG11 6AU United Kingdom Volume II: Volume III: Volume IV: The Road Maintenance Handbook is also being published in French, Spanish and Portuguese. Other languages are under consideration. For more details, please contact PIARC Central Office - 27 Rue Guenegaud, 75006, PARIS, France. Fax: +33 (1) 46 3384 60.Printed by:- Borough Press (Wiltshire) Ltd, SN2 6YW, UKII - 322