High Volume Transport

Vital transport research to ensure accessible, affordable and climate friendly transport for all.

What LICs want to know about managing transport during the COVID-19 pandemic

Public transport hygiene and supporting the mobility of vulnerable groups top the needs for information amongst stakeholders from Low-Income Countries during the COVID pandemic, according to a recent survey. Other topics of interest are financial stimulus packages, road safety and emissions, food supply chains and supporting informal transport operators.

The HVT programme consulted 74 stakeholders involved in transport systems from 22 countries in late April 2020. 24 people said they wanted more information on public transport hygiene, whilst 20 reported a need for more information on supporting vulnerable groups – be they those with disabilities or the elderly. Please see here for more details.

Perhaps not unsurprisingly during widespread lockdown, respondents wanted to receive information through a variety of digital formats such as websites, social media and webinars.
The HVT programme will focus on the topics of interest through its active webinar programme in partnership with organisations such as the World Road Association (PIARC), Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative (TUMI) and SuM4All.